21COE 物質階層融合科学 セミナー

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∞∞∞∞∞∞ 21COE 物質階層融合科学 セミナー  ∞∞∞∞∞
            物性コロキュウム ご案内
∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ 東北大学 理学部 物理教室 ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞

日時:12月24日(金)  15:00−16:30 (時間変更) 
場所:理学部 総合研究棟 745号室 (大学院講義室I)
講師:R.B. Weisman (Department of Chemistry, Rice University, USA)
題目:Optical Spectroscopy of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes

Abstract:  Recent major advances have made optical spectroscopy a 
powerful tool for basic and applied research on single-walled carbon 
nanotubes (SWNT).  Theory suggested that the diversity of nanotube 
diameters and chiral angles in SWNT samples should give a complex 
superposition of optical transitions extending from the near-
infrared through the near-ultraviolet.  However, experimental 
spectra remained disappointingly diffuse until samples were 
physically processed to give individual nanotubes in aqueous 
surfactant suspensions.  Such samples showed structured absorption 
spectra and, most importantly, near-infrared photoluminescence 
emission.  Spectrofluorimetric studies revealed resolved electronic 
absorption and emission transitions for more than thirty different 
structural species of semiconducting nanotubes.  Careful data 
analysis then allowed each optical transition to be assigned to a 
specific SWNT structure.  The results form a precise experimental 
foundation for expanding theoretical understanding of nanotube 
electronic structure and excitations.  In addition, photoluminescence
provides a valuable new analytical method for determining the 
compositions and environments of mixed SWNT samples.  Optical 
spectroscopy also allows the efficient investigation of physical 
and chemical processes that depend on nanotube structure.

Bruce Weisman 氏は、ナノチューブをSDS(硫化ドデシルナトリウム)という
に成功しました [Science 297(2002)593-596]。この研究でナノチューブ

連絡先:齋藤 理一郎 (217-7754)

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世話人   高橋  隆 (217-6417)、 松井 広志 (217-6604)、
     内田 就也 (217-7756)、 中島 龍也 (217-6441)