Congratulations Nugraha-san's 2nd Baby

(photo) Yoshi Ayman Nugraha born on 2016.1.5 at Tohoku University Hospital in Sendai.

Congratulations!! Nugraha-san has the 2nd son on Jan. 5th, 2016 at Tohoku University Hospital.

The name of the 2nd son is

Yoshi Ayman Nugraha

According to Nugraha-san, the meaning of the name are

◆ Yoshi → taken from this Kanji: 義 (righteous, hopefully)
◆ Ayman → from Al-Ayman, in Islam it is the name of one of the heaven doors.
◆ Nugraha → just to consider it as a family name, actually it also means "a gift"
We all hope that Nugraha-san will make a happy and prosperous family.

ヌグラハさんが2人目の赤ちゃんが生まれました。2人目も男の子です(齋藤G の伝説(女の子ばかり)はついになくなりました。母子とも健康です。ますますの ご活躍と、健やかな家族を築いてくださいませ。(文責:齋藤)

Last modified: Wed Jan 6 19:53:00 JST 2016