祝 佐藤さん原田研究奨励賞受賞(2015.7.1)

Congratulations! On July 1st, 2016, Prof. Kentaro Sato (Assistant Professor, Sendai National College of Technology, former Tohoku University) got the Harada research Award for his reseach on

"Theoretical study of Raman spectroscopy of graphene"

Prof. K. Sato was in Tohoku University as a graduate student and an assistant professor and he is now a visiting reseacher of Tohoku University for keeping the collaboration with Saito group.



です。この研究は、シンガポール南洋工科大学、東北大学の齋藤グループとの共同研究 です。今後佐藤さんの益々のご活躍をお祈り致します。

文責: 齋藤理一郎

Last modified: Sat Jul 9 10:25:35 JST 2016