Haihao-san's paper is selected as the Journal Highlights of 2017 of JCPE

2016年、Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter (JPCM) に発表したレビュー論文

“Raman spectroscopy of transition metal dichalcogenides”

by R. Saito(齋藤理一郎), Y. Tatsumi (辰巳由樹, D3), S. Huang, X. Ling and M. S. Dresselhaus
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 28, (2016) 353002 (16pp)
が、the journal Highlights of 2016 の一つに選ばれました。

のページの Nanostructures and nanoelectronics の項にあります。

Highlight に選ばれたことで、2017年1年間は、ライセンスなしで自由に
Pdf file がダウンロードできます。MIT M. S. Dresselhaus教授との共同研究として、

The published paper in Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter (JPCM)

“Raman spectroscopy of transition metal dichalcogenides”

by R. Saito, Y. Tatsumi, S. Huang, X. Ling and M. S. Dresselhaus
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 28, (2016) 353002 (16pp)
has been selected as one of the journal Highlights of 2016.
The papers in this collection were chosen based on a number of criteria,
including presentation of outstanding research,
popularity with our online readership and high praise from referees.

(at Nanostructures and nanoelectronics)

You can download freely up to the end of 2017.
This work was collaborated by Prof. Mildred S. Dresselhaus group in MIT.
