Frango com Quiabo (Chiken with ocura) - 4 servings

Wash the chiken. Cut it into pieces (do not cut the bonnes, but the junctions). Put boiling water in the chicken pieces and let it there about 15 minutes. Take out the water. Put the salt. In a pan, put the oil and heat it. Put the chiken and fry it just a little bit. Take the chiken out of the pan and take out the excess of oil. Put the urucum, the garlic, the cominho and the basil, mixing very well. Put the chiken, mix all the ingredients and add water. You should add water gradually, mixing, to keep a the source in a good consistency. Teast it, if necessary put more sault. Let the can covered to cook the chiken well. Meanwhile, prepare the quiabo. Wash and dry the quiabos. Cut the tops and the bottons and trash it. Cut the quiabo body into pieces. When the chiken is ready put the quiabo and let it cook (Keep the can covered). Do not shake the quiabos! When the quiabos get soft it is ready! Turn off the fire. It is just eat now!

The information is given by Patricia-san's mother and Prof. A. Jorio. (2005.4.3)