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`*mail*'バッファで使用される主モードはMailモードです.これは, C-c接頭辞のついたいろいろな特別コマンドが用意されているという点を 除けば,Textモードとよく似ています.これらのコマンドはすべて,メッセージ の編集や送信用です.

C-c C-s
メッセージを送ります.`*mail*'バッファは選択されたままに残します (mail-send).
C-c C-c
C-c C-f C-t
`To'ヘッダフィールドへ移動します.なければ作成します (mail-to).
C-c C-f C-s
`Subject'フィールドへ移動します.なければ作成します (mail-subject).
C-c C-f C-c
`CC'ヘッダフィールドへ移動します.なければ作成します (mail-cc).
C-c C-w
メッセージテキストの最後にファイル`~/.signature'の内容を挿入します (mail-signature).
C-c C-y
Rmailで選択されたメッセージをヤンクします(mail-yank-original).メッ セージの送信を始めるコマンドがRmailから使われたものでなければ,このコマ ンドは何もしません.
C-c C-q
Fill all paragraphs of yanked old messages, each individually (mail-fill-yanked-message).

There are two ways to send the message. C-c C-s (mail-send) sends the message and marks the `*mail*' buffer unmodified, but leaves that buffer selected so that you can modify the message (perhaps with new recipients) and send it again. C-c C-c (mail-send-and-exit) sends and then deletes the window (if there is another window) or switches to another buffer. It puts the `*mail*' buffer at the lowest priority for automatic reselection, since you are finished with using it. This is the usual way to send the message.

Mail mode provides some other special commands that are useful for editing the headers and text of the message before you send it. There are three commands defined to move point to particular header fields, all based on the prefix C-c C-f (`C-f' is for "field"). They are C-c C-f C-t (mail-to) to move to the `To' field, C-c C-f C-s (mail-subject) for the `Subject' field, and C-c C-f C-c (mail-cc) for the `CC' field. These fields have special motion commands because they are the most common fields for the user to want to edit.

C-c C-w (mail-signature) adds a standard piece text at the end of the message to say more about who you are. The text comes from the file `.signature' in your home directory.

When mail sending is invoked from the Rmail mail reader using an Rmail command, C-c C-y can be used inside the `*mail*' buffer to insert the text of the message you are replying to. Normally it indents each line of that message four spaces and eliminates most header fields. A numeric argument specifies the number of spaces to indent. An argument of just C-u says not to indent at all and not to eliminate anything. C-c C-y always uses the current message from the `RMAIL' buffer, so you can insert several old messages by selecting one in `RMAIL', switching to `*mail*' and yanking it, then switching back to `RMAIL' to select another.

After using C-c C-y, the command C-c C-q (mail-fill-yanked-message) can be used to fill the paragraphs of the yanked old message or messages. One use of C-c C-q fills all such paragraphs, each one separately.

Turning on Mail mode (which C-x m does automatically) calls the value of text-mode-hook, if it is not void or nil, and then calls the value of mail-mode-hook if that is not void or nil.

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