
Set the dimensions of the drawing area. Presently, there is no connection between the hardcopy drivers and these settings. This means that the printer needs to be set to conform to the dimensions of the drawing area if WYSIWYG is required.

Allow the drawing area to be resized to fit the main ACE/gr window (no scrollbars will appear).
Set the drawing area dimensions to landscape, generally this will be larger than the window allocated for ACE/gr, and scroll bars will appear.
Set the drawing area dimensions to portrait, generally this will be larger than the window allocated for ACE/gr, and scroll bars will appear.
Set the drawing area dimensions to a specified number of pixels, if the drawing area is larger than the ACE/gr window, then scollbars will appear.
Open a popup that allows the dimensions of the drawing area to be set to a specified number of pixels in both directions, this only appies when the drawing area orientation is set to Fixed.