This is a page of "How to" solve some computer problems that may happen.
P = problem;
S = solution
P: ssh to flex is not allowed (2009.6.1). The error message is†
ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host
S: Because of some errors, /etc/hosts.allow is automatically changed?†
since I can not login to flex. I can not check this.
P: PEX (network boot) is now installing 2009.5.1†
P: NIS (network information services) will be moved from tube to flex 2009.5.1†
The following problems are solved.
P: Flex was in a trouble today (2009.06.01). Problem was, we were failed to log-in to the flex. NIS is not running. Finally we solved it. See solution†
S: We found the graphics card is very unstable on Tube machine ( May be accidentally we pull the card out and tube machine was failed to boot properly. As Flex uses NIS from Tube that is why we were unable to log on to Flex.†
P: linux emacs ispell error (no language "eu") 2009.4.24†
S: solved. "M-x ispell-change-dictionary" and select english†
S: solved. Edit .emacs to add (setq ispell-dictionary "english")†
P: How to update the files of remote to the files of local†
S: solved. "rsync -avc -e ssh saito@remote:/home/saito/book09/ /rsaito/book09"†