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This is Ben's logbook for Nano Japan project from 2014.6....
* Daily schedule [#daily]
- 09:00-10:00 Discussion (1)
- 10:00-12:00 Solve the problem and write the progress on...
- 12:00-13:30 Lunch
- 13:30-14:30 Discussion (2)
- 14:30-16:30 Solve the problem and write the progress on...
- 16:30-17:30 e-mail report and problems
* Goal of the project. [#goal]
- To describe the discrepancy between the value of the ca...
- Keywords: Surface plasmon, graphene, group velocity.
* Schedule for Discussion [#discussion]
|10|June|Tue|09:00-10:00|Shoufie|Mathematics : Differenti...
|10|June|Tue|13:00-14:00|Thomas|Dielectric Function of Fr...
|11|June|Wed|09:00-10:00|Shirakura&Inoue|Maxwell Equation...
|11|June|Wed|13:00-14:00|Hasdeo|Graphene Band Structure|
|12|June|Thu|09:00-10:00|Nugraha|Plot and Programming (ba...
|12|June|Thu|13:00-14:00|-|Group Meeting|
|13|June|Fri|09:00-10:00|Mizuno|Programming with mathemat...
|13|June|Fri|13:00-14:00|Pourya| Mathematics : ODE and PDE|
|16|June|Mon|09:00-10:00|Shoufie|Dielectric function in R...
|16|June|Mon|13:00-14:00|Siregar|The Wave Equation (Surfa...
|17|June|Tue|09:00-10:00|Shoufie|Surface Plasmon Polarito...
|17|June|Tue|13:00-14:00|Thomas|SPP in Multilayer System(...
|18|June|Wed|09:00-10:00|Shirakura&Inoue|Electrodynamics ...
|18|June|Wed|13:00-14:00|Hasdeo|Prism Coupling SPP(B)|
|19|June|Thu|09:00-10:00|Pedro|Finite element methods|
|19|June|Thu|13:00-14:00|-|Group Meeting|
|20|June|Fri|13:00-14:00|Shoufie|Plasmon Dispersion Multi...
|23|June|Mon|13:00-14:00|Shoufie|Coupling SPP using Total...
|24|June|Tue|09:00-10:00|Nugraha|Plotting |
|24|June|Tue|13:00-14:00|Thomas|Drude Model of Conductivi...
|25|June|Wed|09:00-10:00|Shirakura and Inoue|Reflection a...
|26|June|Thu|09:00-10:00|Shoufie|Coupling SPP using Total...
|27|June|Fri|13:30-14:30|Shoufie|Coupling SPP using Grati...
- Tutorial takes place in Coffee room, since visitor room...
-(B) means the topic is taken from book: Plasmonics Funda...
* Questions and Answers [#QA]
- This section is for posting questions from Ben-san and ...
- Please list here with some simple reasons or details.
- For every problem, give a tag double asterisks (**) in ...
- For the answer, give a tag triple asterisks (***) in th...
- List from new to old.
** Question: Equations on Pukiwiki [#Q-EQ]
Hello! I don`t need this information right away, but it m...
*** Answer: Equations on Pukiwiki [#A-EQ]
- For a basic guide on Latex, please read this: http://to...
You will also need Latex when writing the final report of...
- Now, for our purpose in this pukiwiki page, you can sim...
which will be shown as:
- Some practical examples:
$v = \frac{dx}{dt}$
$v = \frac{dx}{dt}$
--magnetic dipole:
$\nabla \times \vec{B} = 0$
$\nabla \times \vec{B} = 0$
$W = \int_{a}^{b} F \cdot d\vec{r}$
$W = \int_{a}^{b} F \cdot d\vec{r}$
* Report [#report]
**July 16 [#july16]
- Still sick, but came in to lab anyway.
- Started making a powerpoint for the derivation of the t...
**July 15 [#july15]
- Sick again.
**July 14 [#july14]
- Finished finding the dispersion relation for the two in...
- Started substituting terms to create the graphene-metal...
- Finding specific values for terms for silver.
**July 11 [#july11]
- Worked on 3D plotting capabilities with Mathematica wit...
- Added specific values of graphene for finding the dispe...
- Redid my work on the two interface system, this time wi...
- Presented the updated powerpoint to Saito-sensei. He as...
**July 10 [#july10]
- Still have a bit of a headache, but felt well enough to...
- Added the Drude Conductivity term derivation to the pow...
- Started the derivation for the two graphene interface s...
- Trying to add to the powerpoint the specific values of ...
**July 9 [#july9]
- Not feeling well, so I stayed in.
**July 8 [#july8]
- Back from Okinawa. We left the day before the category ...
- Spent the morning making a powerpoint detailing the der...
- Presented the powerpoint to Saito-sensei. He wants me t...
- Started on the case of a two interface system of graphe...
**July 2 [#july2]
- Feeling better today, so I came in to lab.
- Now that we are finished for the case of graphene at a ...
- In the afternoon, had discussion with Nugraha-san. We w...
- Met with Saito-sensei. He wants me to make a powerpoint...
- Tomorrow I will be leaving for the Okinawa midprogram m...
**July 1 [#july1]
- Sick day. Stayed in and rested after letting Shoufie-sa...
- Read some articles that Shoufie-san gave me.
**June 30 [#june30]
- Had both of the day's discussions with Shoufie-san.j
- In the morning, we summed up the previous lectures into...
- I continued looking at the dispersion relation, and use...
- After lunch, made plots of the dispersion relation and ...
- Had meeting with Saito-sensei. I talked about what I ha...
**June 27 [#june27]
- Had morning discussion with Muzino-san. I asked about h...
- Made a small sample of the 3D dipole plot.
- Had an afternoon discussion with Shoufie-san. We review...
- Made a short outline of what I would be discussing with...
- Met with Saito-sensei. Practiced my discussion for Kono...
- I updated the sign outside my door for when I will be i...
- Sarah-sensei, Packard-sensei, and Kono-sensei came to v...
**June 26 [#june26]
- Met Hasdeo-san on the way to lab in the morning. Learne...
- Had a morning discussion with Hasdeo-san. We went over ...
- Spent the rest of the morning reading part of the artic...
- Was going to see the group discussion where Shoufie-san...
**June 25 [#june25]
- The bus was full and had to walk to lab. Because Inoue-...
- Repeated the dipole calculation, but this time using a ...
- Had an incident where I discovered that I had not repli...
- Had an afternoon lecture with Nugraha-san. We looked at...
- Met with Saito-sensei. He let me know there are problem...
- Saito-sensei has also decided that tomorrow we will sto...
- With the help of Shoufie-san and Nugraha-san, I have my...
**June 24 [#june24]
- Had a morning lecture with Shoufie-san. We finished our...
- Finished making a vector plot of an electric dipole by ...
- Due to a scheduling conflict, there was no afternoon le...
- Saito-sensei told me he would not be here today, so the...
- Need to start on a presentation for Kono-sensei's visit.
**June 23 [#june23]
- Came in around 10.00 in the morning. No morning lecture.
- Finished setting up the math for programming the dipole...
- Had lunch in the coffee room and we finished the leftov...
- In the afternoon, had lecture with Shoufie-san on Prism...
- Had my meeting with Saito-sensei at 3. There was some c...
**June 20 [#june20]
- Had a lecture with Mizuno-san on how to program with Ma...
- At lunch there were donuts. Not sure if this happens ev...
- Had a lecture with Shoufie-san. We continued on the pre...
- Played ping pong with Yang-san.
**June 19 [#june19]
- Made the bus today and didn't have to walk.
- Had a lecture with Pedro-san on the Finite element meth...
- There was a misunderstanding and Nugraha-san thought he...
- Met with Saito-sensei. Homework is to map a 2d electric...
- Had a lab party and potluck dinner at night. Got to try...
**June 18 [#june18]
- Was a little late and rescheduled the lecture with Inou...
- Had lecture with Hasdeo-san on Graphene Energy Structur...
- Met with Saito-sensei and talked about my lecture with ...
- Had a lecture with Inoue-san and Shirakura-san on Elect...
**June 17 [#june17]
- Had a lecture with Shoufie-san on the dispersion relati...
- Had a lecture with Thomas-san on Fourier integrals. We ...
- Met with Saito-sensei and talked about what I have lear...
**June 16 [#june16]
- Had a lecture on the dielectric function in real metals...
- After lunch, had a lecture with Siregar-san on the Wave...
- At the meeting with Saito-sensei, I had a little troubl...
**June 13 [#june13]
- It's Friday!
- Had a lecture on using mathematica with Mizuno-san. Lea...
- Had a lecture on ordinary differential equations and pa...
- In meeting, Saito-sensei gave me recommendation of trav...
- Managed to fix gnuplot code with help of sensei and Nug...
- Saito-sensei gave me homework to solve Laplace's equati...
** June 12 [#june12]
- Arrived a little late after being mistaken about bus ti...
- Nugraha-san introduced me to gnuplot as well as the fle...
- No afternoon lecture, there was a group meeting which I...
- Had Nugraha-san help me learn to convert plots to .pdf ...
- Met with Saito-sensei, and discussed both this morning'...
- Played ping pong with the lab. I started off not so goo...
- Had tea and mochi with lab members. They want me to mak...
** June 11 [#june11]
- Managed to make it to lab on my own and on time (yay!).
- Shirakura-san and Inoue-san gave me a lecture on Maxwel...
- Hasdeo-san taught me about Graphene Band Structure. He ...
- No meeting with Saito-sensei, he had to go to a confere...
** June 10 [#june10]
- Hasdeo-san picked me up from Urban Castle and showed me...
- Shoufie-san gave me a lecture on differential operators...
- Met Sumino-san.
- Finished Shoufie-san`s homework before going to lunch. ...
- Had lecture on the dielectric function with Thomas-san....
- Had my discussion with Saito-sensei. He asked me to cal...
** June 9 [#june9]
- Thomas-san picked me up from Urban Castle Kawauchi (UCK...
- I was introduced to the other lab members, Saito-sensei...
- Saito-sensei, Hasdeo-san, and Thomas-san set up a compu...
- Hasdeo-san and Thomas-san helped me set up an account o...
- Looked up material regarding plasmons, plasma oscillati...
- Saito-sensei gave me homework of describing what is a p...
-- A plasmon comes from a plasma oscillation in a metal.
-- It is a quasi-particle that is the quanta of these osc...
-- To describe plasmons, we use the plasma model of free ...
-- The equation of motion of an electron in a plasma sea ...
--- mx`` + m(lambda)x` = -eE , where we assume E(t) = E0 ...
-- The particular solution is
--- x(t) = e / [m(w^2 + i(lambda)w)] * E(t)
-- will try to write these equations using LaTex code soon.
This is Ben's logbook for Nano Japan project from 2014.6....
* Daily schedule [#daily]
- 09:00-10:00 Discussion (1)
- 10:00-12:00 Solve the problem and write the progress on...
- 12:00-13:30 Lunch
- 13:30-14:30 Discussion (2)
- 14:30-16:30 Solve the problem and write the progress on...
- 16:30-17:30 e-mail report and problems
* Goal of the project. [#goal]
- To describe the discrepancy between the value of the ca...
- Keywords: Surface plasmon, graphene, group velocity.
* Schedule for Discussion [#discussion]
|10|June|Tue|09:00-10:00|Shoufie|Mathematics : Differenti...
|10|June|Tue|13:00-14:00|Thomas|Dielectric Function of Fr...
|11|June|Wed|09:00-10:00|Shirakura&Inoue|Maxwell Equation...
|11|June|Wed|13:00-14:00|Hasdeo|Graphene Band Structure|
|12|June|Thu|09:00-10:00|Nugraha|Plot and Programming (ba...
|12|June|Thu|13:00-14:00|-|Group Meeting|
|13|June|Fri|09:00-10:00|Mizuno|Programming with mathemat...
|13|June|Fri|13:00-14:00|Pourya| Mathematics : ODE and PDE|
|16|June|Mon|09:00-10:00|Shoufie|Dielectric function in R...
|16|June|Mon|13:00-14:00|Siregar|The Wave Equation (Surfa...
|17|June|Tue|09:00-10:00|Shoufie|Surface Plasmon Polarito...
|17|June|Tue|13:00-14:00|Thomas|SPP in Multilayer System(...
|18|June|Wed|09:00-10:00|Shirakura&Inoue|Electrodynamics ...
|18|June|Wed|13:00-14:00|Hasdeo|Prism Coupling SPP(B)|
|19|June|Thu|09:00-10:00|Pedro|Finite element methods|
|19|June|Thu|13:00-14:00|-|Group Meeting|
|20|June|Fri|13:00-14:00|Shoufie|Plasmon Dispersion Multi...
|23|June|Mon|13:00-14:00|Shoufie|Coupling SPP using Total...
|24|June|Tue|09:00-10:00|Nugraha|Plotting |
|24|June|Tue|13:00-14:00|Thomas|Drude Model of Conductivi...
|25|June|Wed|09:00-10:00|Shirakura and Inoue|Reflection a...
|26|June|Thu|09:00-10:00|Shoufie|Coupling SPP using Total...
|27|June|Fri|13:30-14:30|Shoufie|Coupling SPP using Grati...
- Tutorial takes place in Coffee room, since visitor room...
-(B) means the topic is taken from book: Plasmonics Funda...
* Questions and Answers [#QA]
- This section is for posting questions from Ben-san and ...
- Please list here with some simple reasons or details.
- For every problem, give a tag double asterisks (**) in ...
- For the answer, give a tag triple asterisks (***) in th...
- List from new to old.
** Question: Equations on Pukiwiki [#Q-EQ]
Hello! I don`t need this information right away, but it m...
*** Answer: Equations on Pukiwiki [#A-EQ]
- For a basic guide on Latex, please read this: http://to...
You will also need Latex when writing the final report of...
- Now, for our purpose in this pukiwiki page, you can sim...
which will be shown as:
- Some practical examples:
$v = \frac{dx}{dt}$
$v = \frac{dx}{dt}$
--magnetic dipole:
$\nabla \times \vec{B} = 0$
$\nabla \times \vec{B} = 0$
$W = \int_{a}^{b} F \cdot d\vec{r}$
$W = \int_{a}^{b} F \cdot d\vec{r}$
* Report [#report]
**July 16 [#july16]
- Still sick, but came in to lab anyway.
- Started making a powerpoint for the derivation of the t...
**July 15 [#july15]
- Sick again.
**July 14 [#july14]
- Finished finding the dispersion relation for the two in...
- Started substituting terms to create the graphene-metal...
- Finding specific values for terms for silver.
**July 11 [#july11]
- Worked on 3D plotting capabilities with Mathematica wit...
- Added specific values of graphene for finding the dispe...
- Redid my work on the two interface system, this time wi...
- Presented the updated powerpoint to Saito-sensei. He as...
**July 10 [#july10]
- Still have a bit of a headache, but felt well enough to...
- Added the Drude Conductivity term derivation to the pow...
- Started the derivation for the two graphene interface s...
- Trying to add to the powerpoint the specific values of ...
**July 9 [#july9]
- Not feeling well, so I stayed in.
**July 8 [#july8]
- Back from Okinawa. We left the day before the category ...
- Spent the morning making a powerpoint detailing the der...
- Presented the powerpoint to Saito-sensei. He wants me t...
- Started on the case of a two interface system of graphe...
**July 2 [#july2]
- Feeling better today, so I came in to lab.
- Now that we are finished for the case of graphene at a ...
- In the afternoon, had discussion with Nugraha-san. We w...
- Met with Saito-sensei. He wants me to make a powerpoint...
- Tomorrow I will be leaving for the Okinawa midprogram m...
**July 1 [#july1]
- Sick day. Stayed in and rested after letting Shoufie-sa...
- Read some articles that Shoufie-san gave me.
**June 30 [#june30]
- Had both of the day's discussions with Shoufie-san.j
- In the morning, we summed up the previous lectures into...
- I continued looking at the dispersion relation, and use...
- After lunch, made plots of the dispersion relation and ...
- Had meeting with Saito-sensei. I talked about what I ha...
**June 27 [#june27]
- Had morning discussion with Muzino-san. I asked about h...
- Made a small sample of the 3D dipole plot.
- Had an afternoon discussion with Shoufie-san. We review...
- Made a short outline of what I would be discussing with...
- Met with Saito-sensei. Practiced my discussion for Kono...
- I updated the sign outside my door for when I will be i...
- Sarah-sensei, Packard-sensei, and Kono-sensei came to v...
**June 26 [#june26]
- Met Hasdeo-san on the way to lab in the morning. Learne...
- Had a morning discussion with Hasdeo-san. We went over ...
- Spent the rest of the morning reading part of the artic...
- Was going to see the group discussion where Shoufie-san...
**June 25 [#june25]
- The bus was full and had to walk to lab. Because Inoue-...
- Repeated the dipole calculation, but this time using a ...
- Had an incident where I discovered that I had not repli...
- Had an afternoon lecture with Nugraha-san. We looked at...
- Met with Saito-sensei. He let me know there are problem...
- Saito-sensei has also decided that tomorrow we will sto...
- With the help of Shoufie-san and Nugraha-san, I have my...
**June 24 [#june24]
- Had a morning lecture with Shoufie-san. We finished our...
- Finished making a vector plot of an electric dipole by ...
- Due to a scheduling conflict, there was no afternoon le...
- Saito-sensei told me he would not be here today, so the...
- Need to start on a presentation for Kono-sensei's visit.
**June 23 [#june23]
- Came in around 10.00 in the morning. No morning lecture.
- Finished setting up the math for programming the dipole...
- Had lunch in the coffee room and we finished the leftov...
- In the afternoon, had lecture with Shoufie-san on Prism...
- Had my meeting with Saito-sensei at 3. There was some c...
**June 20 [#june20]
- Had a lecture with Mizuno-san on how to program with Ma...
- At lunch there were donuts. Not sure if this happens ev...
- Had a lecture with Shoufie-san. We continued on the pre...
- Played ping pong with Yang-san.
**June 19 [#june19]
- Made the bus today and didn't have to walk.
- Had a lecture with Pedro-san on the Finite element meth...
- There was a misunderstanding and Nugraha-san thought he...
- Met with Saito-sensei. Homework is to map a 2d electric...
- Had a lab party and potluck dinner at night. Got to try...
**June 18 [#june18]
- Was a little late and rescheduled the lecture with Inou...
- Had lecture with Hasdeo-san on Graphene Energy Structur...
- Met with Saito-sensei and talked about my lecture with ...
- Had a lecture with Inoue-san and Shirakura-san on Elect...
**June 17 [#june17]
- Had a lecture with Shoufie-san on the dispersion relati...
- Had a lecture with Thomas-san on Fourier integrals. We ...
- Met with Saito-sensei and talked about what I have lear...
**June 16 [#june16]
- Had a lecture on the dielectric function in real metals...
- After lunch, had a lecture with Siregar-san on the Wave...
- At the meeting with Saito-sensei, I had a little troubl...
**June 13 [#june13]
- It's Friday!
- Had a lecture on using mathematica with Mizuno-san. Lea...
- Had a lecture on ordinary differential equations and pa...
- In meeting, Saito-sensei gave me recommendation of trav...
- Managed to fix gnuplot code with help of sensei and Nug...
- Saito-sensei gave me homework to solve Laplace's equati...
** June 12 [#june12]
- Arrived a little late after being mistaken about bus ti...
- Nugraha-san introduced me to gnuplot as well as the fle...
- No afternoon lecture, there was a group meeting which I...
- Had Nugraha-san help me learn to convert plots to .pdf ...
- Met with Saito-sensei, and discussed both this morning'...
- Played ping pong with the lab. I started off not so goo...
- Had tea and mochi with lab members. They want me to mak...
** June 11 [#june11]
- Managed to make it to lab on my own and on time (yay!).
- Shirakura-san and Inoue-san gave me a lecture on Maxwel...
- Hasdeo-san taught me about Graphene Band Structure. He ...
- No meeting with Saito-sensei, he had to go to a confere...
** June 10 [#june10]
- Hasdeo-san picked me up from Urban Castle and showed me...
- Shoufie-san gave me a lecture on differential operators...
- Met Sumino-san.
- Finished Shoufie-san`s homework before going to lunch. ...
- Had lecture on the dielectric function with Thomas-san....
- Had my discussion with Saito-sensei. He asked me to cal...
** June 9 [#june9]
- Thomas-san picked me up from Urban Castle Kawauchi (UCK...
- I was introduced to the other lab members, Saito-sensei...
- Saito-sensei, Hasdeo-san, and Thomas-san set up a compu...
- Hasdeo-san and Thomas-san helped me set up an account o...
- Looked up material regarding plasmons, plasma oscillati...
- Saito-sensei gave me homework of describing what is a p...
-- A plasmon comes from a plasma oscillation in a metal.
-- It is a quasi-particle that is the quanta of these osc...
-- To describe plasmons, we use the plasma model of free ...
-- The equation of motion of an electron in a plasma sea ...
--- mx`` + m(lambda)x` = -eE , where we assume E(t) = E0 ...
-- The particular solution is
--- x(t) = e / [m(w^2 + i(lambda)w)] * E(t)
-- will try to write these equations using LaTex code soon.