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This is a page of "How to" solve some computer problems t...
P = problem;
S = solution
** P: (2018.08.07) New Windows 10 cannot access Samba ser...
*** S: Check this answer: [#dd29725f]
** P: (2016.03.10) A new FLEX user cannot receive e-mail....
*** S: Don't forget to restart dovecot and postfix after ...
$ sudo service dovecot restart
$ sudo service postfix restart
** P: (2015.08.06) Sometimes CPU RAM disc is occupied by ...
*** S: We can free up by following command. [#l5bf5994]
We can check our current memory usage using this command:
$ watch -n 1 free -m
$ watch -n 1 cat /proc/meminfo
We can free up unused memory under Ubuntu/Linux Mint usin...
$ sudo sysctl -w vm.drop_caches=3
$ sudo sync && echo 3 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
Please check this site, too:
** P: (2014.10.17) SSH Error with GSSAPI unsupported opti...
When we login to TUBE systems, the following message appe...
/etc/ssh/ssh_config line 53: Unsupported option "gssapia...
/etc/ssh/ssh_config line 54: Unsupported option "gssapid...
*** S: Modify /etc/ssh/ssh_config of FLEX [#aa42db8a]
Give comment sign to the following lines (or remove them ...
# GSSAPIAuthentication yes
# GSSAPIDelegateCredentials no
Try again to login to TUBE systems.
** P: (2014.10.14) HTML helper mode by emacs does not wor...
*** S: The hhmts code should be in one line and with a pr...
<!-- hhmts start --> Last modified: Tue Oct 14 16:58:36 ...
is a CORRECT syntax.
<!-- hhmts start -->
Last modified: Tue Oct 14 16:58:36 JST 2014
<!-- hhmts end -->
is a FALSE syntax.
** P: (2014.8.22) DVI file does not show figures after co...
*** S: Do not use any additional option in graphicx packa...
- In the past, people usually add:
- In the current latex system, excluding any options is s...
** P: (2014.8.20) Thunderbird connection to flex does not...
*** S: Edit /etc/dovecot/conf.d/20-imap.conf [#ve3be4db]
mail_max_userip_connections = 10
and then
sudo service dovecot restart
** P: (2014.8.19) NFS in new FLEX Ubuntu 14.04 is very sl...
*** S: This is a known bug for the latest ubuntu. We shou...
- In /etc/default/nfs-common:
should be modified to be
- In /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf add the following line
# Blacklist rpcsec_gss_krb5 kernel module; needed for qu...
blacklist rpcsec_gss_krb5
- Restart nfs daemon:
$ sudo service nfs-kernel-server restart
Check also this reference:
** P: (2014.8.18) Samba sever cannot be accessed in the n...
*** S: We found that the location of passdb.tdb should be...
- In old FLEX, passdb.tdb is put under
- In new FLEX, passdb.tdb should instead be put under
- After putting passdb.tdb in the correct location, don't...
# sudo service smbd restart
# sudo service nmbd restart
** P: (2014.8.14) E-mail sent through aliasing system (al...
*** S: Check the routing policy is correct [#n8662d9c]
- Check /etc/hosts is set correctly
- Execute again /root/ on old FLEX and /root/...
- If the problem still exists, restart both old FLEX and ...
- Make sure other computers do not share the same hostname.
** P: (2014.8.13) Evince does not work well on Ubuntu 14....
*** S: Do the following way[#y4f17e9c]
sudo ln -s /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.evince /etc/apparmor....
sudo /etc/init.d/apparmor restart
and add
export NO_AT_BRIDGE=1
to /etc/environment
** P: (2014.8.13) How to change mouse focusing policy. [#...
*** S: System --> Preferences --> Window then find a pane...
** P: (2014.8.13) How to change desktop language [#je602a...
*** S: - for all users: edit /etc/default/locale and add:...
LANG = "ja_JP.UTF-8"
I've done this for new FLEX - for a particular user (corr...
(If we want English, just change above line by
** P: How to zip-file in win8.1 with password which is co...
*** S: Download and install 7-zip[#w6e3f853]
1. Download the 7-zip installer for your computer from ...
2. Choosing your files.
3. Right-click on items and choosing 7-Zip, then Add to...
4. choose your format from Archive format `zip`.
5. Enter password.
6. Finally, OK to create the compressed archive.
** P: (2014.08.04) FLEX can be accessed from Xlaunch (loc...
*** S: If you have such a symptom, probably iptable was a...
- Run the following script:
$ sudo /root/
** P: (2014.07.24) Xming is no longer good for Windows 8....
*** S: Install Vcxsrv, which is a clone of Xming, and rem...
- Download Vcxsrv from the following: http://sourceforge....
- After installation, do these steps:
-- Open Xlaunch.
-- Choose "One large window" and press Next.
-- Select "Open sesson via xdmcp" and press Next.
-- Connect to host: and press Next.
-- Give the following additional parameters for Vcxsrv:
-from <your_working_ip_address>
for example (please change the address, the following is ...
-- Push Next button, Save Configuration, and Finish.
** P: (2014.01.17) NIS in tube 60 does not work, although...
*** S: Activate ypbind with the following command [#ud863...
# sysv-rc-conf ypbind on
# reboot
** P: (2013.10.24) X-windows does not work, cannot connec...
*** S: restart X-windows service in Flex [#lbe3cf63]
#sudo service lightdm restart
** P:(2013.08.26) E-mail does not work after shutting dow...
*** S: restart dovecot and postfix [#ecca53b8]
#service dovecot start
#service dovecot stop
#service dovecot restart
#sudo /etc/init.d/postfix restart
** P:(2013.06.05) how to customize GDM login screen [#h77...
*** S: using ubuntu-tweak [#ha11b2d2]
Install ubuntu-tweak
#sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tualatrix/ppa
#sudo apt-get update
#sudo apt-get install ubuntu-tweak
Launch ubuntu-tweak from terminal and customize the login...
** P: (2013.06.03) xdvi doesn't put period and comma corr...
*** S: Check a tutorial created by other people [#p867b0fd]
Install xdvi-ja
# apt-get install xdvik-ja
Font map file:
Do the following:
# cd /etc/texmf/vfontmap.d/
# mv
# mv
# mv
Next, check the fc-list the name of the Japanese font to ...
$ fc-list | grep Takao
Takao P??,TakaoPMincho:style=Regular
Takao P????,TakaoPGothic:style=Regular
Add the following lines to a file (create new i...
rml JIS-H % ASCII pTeX
rmlv JIS-V % ASCII pTeX
dm JIS-H % NTT jTeX
rml-jis JIS-H % ptex-jisfonts
gbm JIS-H % ASCII pTeX
gbmv JIS-V % ASCII pTeX
dg JIS-H % NTT jTeX
gbm-jis JIS-H % ptex-jisfonts
Finally, update the registration information of the font
# update-vfontmap
** P: (2012.10.02) How to remove Ubuntu welcome notes [#m...
Welcome to Ubuntu 11.10 (GNU/Linux 3.0.0-25-generic x86_64)
* Documentation:
New release '12.04 LTS' available.
Run 'do-release-upgrade' to upgrade to it.
*** System restart required ***
*** S: Please check /etc/update-motd.d/ folder [#l0d990ed]
Then change the permission
sudo chmod 600 *
** P: (2012.09.26) Warning: File `Makefile' has modificat...
warning: Clock skew detected. Your build may be incompl...
***S: TUBE50 clock is not synchronized to
- [[Download ntp:
- Configure ntp by folowing [[this step:http://flex.phys....
** P: (2012.09.25)"yes" command appears every time we res...
*** S: check file /etc/default/nfs-common [#s20120925]
- before:
- after:
important to note: <space> has meaning to separate the va...
** P: (2012.08.29) Changing default text editor [#vf206db3]
*** S: run this command: [#p639256c]
sudo update-alternatives --config editor
** P: (2012.03.29) Segmentation fault when login tube [#j...
*** S: run this command /rsaito/bin/no-passwd [#d2e289e1]
Then press Enter anytime the statement appears
** P: (2010.04.29) set-pathname-coding-system function do...
** P: (2010.01.19) Managing ntp [#p100119]
*** S: ntp and ntpdate package have to be configured in s...
- ntp.conf file
[root@tube40 ~]# emacs /etc/ntp.conf
The /etc/ntp.conf file is the main configuration file for...
server # A stratum 1 server at toho...
#server # A stratum 2 server at redh...
We have to restart the NTP process every time we make a c...
- To get NTP configured to start at boot, use the line:
[root@tube40 ~]# chkconfig ntpd on
- To start, stop and restart NTP after booting, follow th...
[root@tube40 ~]# /etc/init.d/ntpd start
[root@tube40 ~]# /etc/init.d/ntpd stop
[root@tube40 ~]# /etc/init.d/ntpd restart
- For the synchronization, ntpd should be stopped and ntp...
[root@tube40 ~]# /etc/init.d/ntpd stop
Shutting down ntpd: ...
[root@tube40 ~]# /usr/sbin/ntpdate -u
19 Jan 16:11:08 ntpdate[23079]: adjust time server 130.3...
[root@tube40 ~]# /usr/sbin/ntpdate -u
19 Jan 16:11:09 ntpdate[23080]: adjust time server 130.3...
[root@tube40 ~]# /usr/sbin/ntpdate -u
19 Jan 16:11:13 ntpdate[23081]: adjust time server 130.3...
[root@tube40 ~]# /etc/init.d/ntpd start
Starting ntpd: ...
** P: (2010.01.13) The problem of 2010.1.6 is solved but ...
*** S: The problem is due to the fact that /etc/mtab is o...
Since we do not know what is the process of mount the file.
we can not change mtab to snapshot.
For a moment, we force mount /home1 and /rsaito on /tmp/h...
/etc/rc5.d/S28autofs stop
mkdir /tmp/home1
mkdir /tmp/rsaito
mount -n /tmp/home1
mount -n /tmp/rsaito
** P: (2010.1.6) /rsaito is not automountd on PXE client....
*** S: edit and add flexS:/rsaito information on [#q5d593...
** P: (2009.10.10) Gnorm logout is slow for Xming etc. [#...
This is a firewall problem of windows.
*** S: Open port 16001 tcp [#c4bf3cc3]
control panel -> firewall -> add new port ->
Name Esound
Port 16001
** P: (2009.07.17) Load average of FLEX is very high. [#b...
This is due to mounting problem again (mount NFS). After ...
*** S: Re-mount (turn on) the harddisk, and do some safet...
- check mount status:
# mount
- umount once (assuming mount point is /mnt/backup):
# umount -f /mnt/backup
- synchronize several times:
# sync
# sync
# sync
- check df or mount status again
- if the harddisk has been nicely unmounted, then it is s...
** P: (2009.07.02) Flex is unstable for logining or e-mai...
*** S: mount to tube:/home1-old was not allowed any more....
comment out one line in /etc/auto.misc
# home1
./S28autofs forcerestart
I also delete in /etc/exports
the requests from (nuguraha) (...
and (furu).
exportfs -a
we also need to restart nfs
/etc/rc5.d/S60nfs restart
** P: (2009.06.03) Today we were failed to run ether-wake...
*** S: We manually turn those on and off. After that ethe...
** P: PXE (network boot) is now installing 2009.5.1 [#e8f...
*** S: finished. status [[PXE Server (Open)]] [#p74ace39]
** P: We move /etc/passwd then we can not be root. No mor...
*** S: cntl-alt-del and reboot. Then when OS selection, p...
Then many selection of OS appears. Select one of OS, and ...
Then select kernel and press E again. Then you can edit t...
Even if we used NIS, we should not delete /etc/passwd /et...
** P: linux emacs ispell error (no language "eu") 2009.4....
*** S: solved. "M-x ispell-change-dictionary" and select ...
*** S: solved. Edit .emacs to add (setq ispell-dictionary...
** P: How to update the files of remote to the files of l...
*** S: solved. "rsync -avc -e ssh saito@remote:/home/sait...
This is a page of "How to" solve some computer problems t...
P = problem;
S = solution
** P: (2018.08.07) New Windows 10 cannot access Samba ser...
*** S: Check this answer: [#dd29725f]
** P: (2016.03.10) A new FLEX user cannot receive e-mail....
*** S: Don't forget to restart dovecot and postfix after ...
$ sudo service dovecot restart
$ sudo service postfix restart
** P: (2015.08.06) Sometimes CPU RAM disc is occupied by ...
*** S: We can free up by following command. [#l5bf5994]
We can check our current memory usage using this command:
$ watch -n 1 free -m
$ watch -n 1 cat /proc/meminfo
We can free up unused memory under Ubuntu/Linux Mint usin...
$ sudo sysctl -w vm.drop_caches=3
$ sudo sync && echo 3 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
Please check this site, too:
** P: (2014.10.17) SSH Error with GSSAPI unsupported opti...
When we login to TUBE systems, the following message appe...
/etc/ssh/ssh_config line 53: Unsupported option "gssapia...
/etc/ssh/ssh_config line 54: Unsupported option "gssapid...
*** S: Modify /etc/ssh/ssh_config of FLEX [#aa42db8a]
Give comment sign to the following lines (or remove them ...
# GSSAPIAuthentication yes
# GSSAPIDelegateCredentials no
Try again to login to TUBE systems.
** P: (2014.10.14) HTML helper mode by emacs does not wor...
*** S: The hhmts code should be in one line and with a pr...
<!-- hhmts start --> Last modified: Tue Oct 14 16:58:36 ...
is a CORRECT syntax.
<!-- hhmts start -->
Last modified: Tue Oct 14 16:58:36 JST 2014
<!-- hhmts end -->
is a FALSE syntax.
** P: (2014.8.22) DVI file does not show figures after co...
*** S: Do not use any additional option in graphicx packa...
- In the past, people usually add:
- In the current latex system, excluding any options is s...
** P: (2014.8.20) Thunderbird connection to flex does not...
*** S: Edit /etc/dovecot/conf.d/20-imap.conf [#ve3be4db]
mail_max_userip_connections = 10
and then
sudo service dovecot restart
** P: (2014.8.19) NFS in new FLEX Ubuntu 14.04 is very sl...
*** S: This is a known bug for the latest ubuntu. We shou...
- In /etc/default/nfs-common:
should be modified to be
- In /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf add the following line
# Blacklist rpcsec_gss_krb5 kernel module; needed for qu...
blacklist rpcsec_gss_krb5
- Restart nfs daemon:
$ sudo service nfs-kernel-server restart
Check also this reference:
** P: (2014.8.18) Samba sever cannot be accessed in the n...
*** S: We found that the location of passdb.tdb should be...
- In old FLEX, passdb.tdb is put under
- In new FLEX, passdb.tdb should instead be put under
- After putting passdb.tdb in the correct location, don't...
# sudo service smbd restart
# sudo service nmbd restart
** P: (2014.8.14) E-mail sent through aliasing system (al...
*** S: Check the routing policy is correct [#n8662d9c]
- Check /etc/hosts is set correctly
- Execute again /root/ on old FLEX and /root/...
- If the problem still exists, restart both old FLEX and ...
- Make sure other computers do not share the same hostname.
** P: (2014.8.13) Evince does not work well on Ubuntu 14....
*** S: Do the following way[#y4f17e9c]
sudo ln -s /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.evince /etc/apparmor....
sudo /etc/init.d/apparmor restart
and add
export NO_AT_BRIDGE=1
to /etc/environment
** P: (2014.8.13) How to change mouse focusing policy. [#...
*** S: System --> Preferences --> Window then find a pane...
** P: (2014.8.13) How to change desktop language [#je602a...
*** S: - for all users: edit /etc/default/locale and add:...
LANG = "ja_JP.UTF-8"
I've done this for new FLEX - for a particular user (corr...
(If we want English, just change above line by
** P: How to zip-file in win8.1 with password which is co...
*** S: Download and install 7-zip[#w6e3f853]
1. Download the 7-zip installer for your computer from ...
2. Choosing your files.
3. Right-click on items and choosing 7-Zip, then Add to...
4. choose your format from Archive format `zip`.
5. Enter password.
6. Finally, OK to create the compressed archive.
** P: (2014.08.04) FLEX can be accessed from Xlaunch (loc...
*** S: If you have such a symptom, probably iptable was a...
- Run the following script:
$ sudo /root/
** P: (2014.07.24) Xming is no longer good for Windows 8....
*** S: Install Vcxsrv, which is a clone of Xming, and rem...
- Download Vcxsrv from the following: http://sourceforge....
- After installation, do these steps:
-- Open Xlaunch.
-- Choose "One large window" and press Next.
-- Select "Open sesson via xdmcp" and press Next.
-- Connect to host: and press Next.
-- Give the following additional parameters for Vcxsrv:
-from <your_working_ip_address>
for example (please change the address, the following is ...
-- Push Next button, Save Configuration, and Finish.
** P: (2014.01.17) NIS in tube 60 does not work, although...
*** S: Activate ypbind with the following command [#ud863...
# sysv-rc-conf ypbind on
# reboot
** P: (2013.10.24) X-windows does not work, cannot connec...
*** S: restart X-windows service in Flex [#lbe3cf63]
#sudo service lightdm restart
** P:(2013.08.26) E-mail does not work after shutting dow...
*** S: restart dovecot and postfix [#ecca53b8]
#service dovecot start
#service dovecot stop
#service dovecot restart
#sudo /etc/init.d/postfix restart
** P:(2013.06.05) how to customize GDM login screen [#h77...
*** S: using ubuntu-tweak [#ha11b2d2]
Install ubuntu-tweak
#sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tualatrix/ppa
#sudo apt-get update
#sudo apt-get install ubuntu-tweak
Launch ubuntu-tweak from terminal and customize the login...
** P: (2013.06.03) xdvi doesn't put period and comma corr...
*** S: Check a tutorial created by other people [#p867b0fd]
Install xdvi-ja
# apt-get install xdvik-ja
Font map file:
Do the following:
# cd /etc/texmf/vfontmap.d/
# mv
# mv
# mv
Next, check the fc-list the name of the Japanese font to ...
$ fc-list | grep Takao
Takao P??,TakaoPMincho:style=Regular
Takao P????,TakaoPGothic:style=Regular
Add the following lines to a file (create new i...
rml JIS-H % ASCII pTeX
rmlv JIS-V % ASCII pTeX
dm JIS-H % NTT jTeX
rml-jis JIS-H % ptex-jisfonts
gbm JIS-H % ASCII pTeX
gbmv JIS-V % ASCII pTeX
dg JIS-H % NTT jTeX
gbm-jis JIS-H % ptex-jisfonts
Finally, update the registration information of the font
# update-vfontmap
** P: (2012.10.02) How to remove Ubuntu welcome notes [#m...
Welcome to Ubuntu 11.10 (GNU/Linux 3.0.0-25-generic x86_64)
* Documentation:
New release '12.04 LTS' available.
Run 'do-release-upgrade' to upgrade to it.
*** System restart required ***
*** S: Please check /etc/update-motd.d/ folder [#l0d990ed]
Then change the permission
sudo chmod 600 *
** P: (2012.09.26) Warning: File `Makefile' has modificat...
warning: Clock skew detected. Your build may be incompl...
***S: TUBE50 clock is not synchronized to
- [[Download ntp:
- Configure ntp by folowing [[this step:http://flex.phys....
** P: (2012.09.25)"yes" command appears every time we res...
*** S: check file /etc/default/nfs-common [#s20120925]
- before:
- after:
important to note: <space> has meaning to separate the va...
** P: (2012.08.29) Changing default text editor [#vf206db3]
*** S: run this command: [#p639256c]
sudo update-alternatives --config editor
** P: (2012.03.29) Segmentation fault when login tube [#j...
*** S: run this command /rsaito/bin/no-passwd [#d2e289e1]
Then press Enter anytime the statement appears
** P: (2010.04.29) set-pathname-coding-system function do...
** P: (2010.01.19) Managing ntp [#p100119]
*** S: ntp and ntpdate package have to be configured in s...
- ntp.conf file
[root@tube40 ~]# emacs /etc/ntp.conf
The /etc/ntp.conf file is the main configuration file for...
server # A stratum 1 server at toho...
#server # A stratum 2 server at redh...
We have to restart the NTP process every time we make a c...
- To get NTP configured to start at boot, use the line:
[root@tube40 ~]# chkconfig ntpd on
- To start, stop and restart NTP after booting, follow th...
[root@tube40 ~]# /etc/init.d/ntpd start
[root@tube40 ~]# /etc/init.d/ntpd stop
[root@tube40 ~]# /etc/init.d/ntpd restart
- For the synchronization, ntpd should be stopped and ntp...
[root@tube40 ~]# /etc/init.d/ntpd stop
Shutting down ntpd: ...
[root@tube40 ~]# /usr/sbin/ntpdate -u
19 Jan 16:11:08 ntpdate[23079]: adjust time server 130.3...
[root@tube40 ~]# /usr/sbin/ntpdate -u
19 Jan 16:11:09 ntpdate[23080]: adjust time server 130.3...
[root@tube40 ~]# /usr/sbin/ntpdate -u
19 Jan 16:11:13 ntpdate[23081]: adjust time server 130.3...
[root@tube40 ~]# /etc/init.d/ntpd start
Starting ntpd: ...
** P: (2010.01.13) The problem of 2010.1.6 is solved but ...
*** S: The problem is due to the fact that /etc/mtab is o...
Since we do not know what is the process of mount the file.
we can not change mtab to snapshot.
For a moment, we force mount /home1 and /rsaito on /tmp/h...
/etc/rc5.d/S28autofs stop
mkdir /tmp/home1
mkdir /tmp/rsaito
mount -n /tmp/home1
mount -n /tmp/rsaito
** P: (2010.1.6) /rsaito is not automountd on PXE client....
*** S: edit and add flexS:/rsaito information on [#q5d593...
** P: (2009.10.10) Gnorm logout is slow for Xming etc. [#...
This is a firewall problem of windows.
*** S: Open port 16001 tcp [#c4bf3cc3]
control panel -> firewall -> add new port ->
Name Esound
Port 16001
** P: (2009.07.17) Load average of FLEX is very high. [#b...
This is due to mounting problem again (mount NFS). After ...
*** S: Re-mount (turn on) the harddisk, and do some safet...
- check mount status:
# mount
- umount once (assuming mount point is /mnt/backup):
# umount -f /mnt/backup
- synchronize several times:
# sync
# sync
# sync
- check df or mount status again
- if the harddisk has been nicely unmounted, then it is s...
** P: (2009.07.02) Flex is unstable for logining or e-mai...
*** S: mount to tube:/home1-old was not allowed any more....
comment out one line in /etc/auto.misc
# home1
./S28autofs forcerestart
I also delete in /etc/exports
the requests from (nuguraha) (...
and (furu).
exportfs -a
we also need to restart nfs
/etc/rc5.d/S60nfs restart
** P: (2009.06.03) Today we were failed to run ether-wake...
*** S: We manually turn those on and off. After that ethe...
** P: PXE (network boot) is now installing 2009.5.1 [#e8f...
*** S: finished. status [[PXE Server (Open)]] [#p74ace39]
** P: We move /etc/passwd then we can not be root. No mor...
*** S: cntl-alt-del and reboot. Then when OS selection, p...
Then many selection of OS appears. Select one of OS, and ...
Then select kernel and press E again. Then you can edit t...
Even if we used NIS, we should not delete /etc/passwd /et...
** P: linux emacs ispell error (no language "eu") 2009.4....
*** S: solved. "M-x ispell-change-dictionary" and select ...
*** S: solved. Edit .emacs to add (setq ispell-dictionary...
** P: How to update the files of remote to the files of l...
*** S: solved. "rsync -avc -e ssh saito@remote:/home/sait...