Daria-diary (Open)
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Here is a daily log for Daria Satco from 2018.9.4 to 2018...
*Daily schedule (tentative) [#j707648f]
- 09:00-11:00 Finishing/continuing any work from previous...
- 11:00-12:00 Discussion with Nugraha-san
- 12:00-13:00 Lunch
- 13:00-15:00 Prepare for daily report presentation
- 15:00-16:00 Meeting with Saito-sensei
- 16:00-17:30 Start working on work for tomorrow's presen...
*Goal of the project [#adbe3b51]
- To explain the origin of new peak in doped CNT optical ...
*Questions and Answers [#k8467fec]
This section is for posting questions from Daria-san and ...
- Please list here with some simple reasons or details.
- For every problem, give a tag double asterisks (**) in ...
- For the answer, give a tag triple asterisks (***) in th...
- List from new to old.
**Q: (Placeholder) [#h7180d5b]
***A: (Placeholder) [#h8e5e579]
*Report [#ud6b560a]
This part is basically written by Daria-san. Any other pe...
Here the information should be from new to old so that we...
**November 6 [#p6587163]
- Checked the plasmon position for CNTs from Senga-san's ...
To do:
- Write a paper, at least 1 page per day.
**November 5 [#p6587163]
- Read experimental papers with plasmon observed.
To do:
- Write a paper.
**November 3-4 [#p6587163]
WEEKEND. Visited Tokyo.
**November 2 [#p6587163]
- Implemented the calculation of charge density.
- Made plots of plasmon frequency as a function of charge...
To do:
- Fit plasmon frequency as a function of charge density w...
**November 1 [#p6587163]
Visited Naruko-onsen.
**October 31 [#p6587163]
- Started to read papers on plasmons in CNT and choose th...
To do:
- Calculate charge density as a function of Fermi level.
**October 30 [#p6587163]
Visited Nikko.
**October 29 [#p6587163]
- Changed program to make use of virtual memory more savi...
To do:
- Process data after calculation finished.
To do:
- Apply linear fitting to Fermi energy dependence.
**October 27-28 [#p6587163]
**October 25-26 [#p6587163]
- Changed the approach of Drude conductivity calculation.
- Considered cos3t, Ef and diameter dependence of plasmon...
To do:
- Start writing a paper.
**October 24 [#p6587163]
- Tried to obtain Drude conductivity.
- Got Fermi energy dependence for (16,0) and (10,10) CNTs...
To do:
- Apply linear fitting to Fermi energy dependence.
**October 23 [#p6587163]
- Got the plasmon vs diameter dependence in leading order.
To do:
- Get the Fermi energy dependence and chiral angle depend...
- Choose plots that could be used in the paper.
**October 22 [#p6587163]
- Performed more accurate plasmon vs diameter data fitting.
To do:
- Add Fermi energy dependence to fitting.
**October 20-21 [#p6587163]
**October 19 [#p6587163]
- Performed plasmon vs diameter data fitting.
To do:
- Continue playing with fitting.
**October 18 [#p6587163]
- Checked STB result for plasmon.
- Checked negative values of Fermi energy.
To do:
- To fit plasmon vs diameter data.
To do:
- Assign points on plasmon plot with certain chiralities.
**October 17 [#p6587163]
- Made plasmon plot in different styles, added labels for...
To do:
- To approximate plasmon as a function of diameter and pl...
- To include Drude-conductivity to our calculation.
- To check how different are STB and 3rd nearest neighbor...
**October 16 [#p6587163]
- Calculated Eii which correspond to the model used in ou...
To do:
- Assign points on plasmon plot with certain chiralities.
**October 15 [#p6587163]
- Ran program for all chiralities for CNT with d = 0.5 .....
- Made plot for plasmons for different chiralities.
To do:
- Check the family pattern for Eii energies, which are ca...
**October 13-14 [#p6587163]
**October 12 [#p6587163]
- Examined the origin of plasmons in terms of possible in...
- Chose the best way to plot plasmons.
To do:
- Run the program for all chiralities for 0.5 - 2 nm CNTs.
**October 11 [#p6587163]
- Studied different main contributions to plasmons for (1...
- The results show that usually there are up to 3 main co...
- Made the plot where scatters point the plasmon position...
To do:
- To check why we have sometimes one branch and sometimes...
**October 10 [#p6587163]
- Added to the program the possibility to automatically l...
To do:
- To check the correctness of present plasmon-looking alg...
- To have a look at less intensive contributions.
- To separate intra- and interband contributions.
- To show somehow the magnitude of different plasmons on ...
**October 9 [#p6587163]
- Created the subroutine which matches all cutting lines ...
To do:
- To automate search of plasmon position and correspondin...
**October 6-8 [#p6587163]
**October 5 [#p6587163]
- It was concluded the the contributions from different c...
- Different chiralities which correspond to experimentall...
- The rule to assign the contributions to particular tran...
To do:
- Modify the code in such a way as to make possible to as...
To do:
- Continue analyzing contributions from different cutting...
**October 4 [#p6587163]
- Created the output for different cutting lines contribu...
- Changed the code structure to make it work faster.
To do:
- Continue analyzing contributions from different cutting...
**October 3 [#p6587163]
- Changed program to have possibility to estimate each cu...
- Changed the way of plotting absorption at different Fer...
- Got the contributions from some particular cutting line...
- Understood that there exist one more plasmon in absorpt...
To do:
- Separate contributions from different cutting lines to ...
**October 2 [#p6587163]
- The question about computational accuracy was closed.
To do:
- Separate contributions from different transitions to th...
**October 1 [#p6587163]
- Reproduced Fig.6 from Sasaki-san's paper.
To do:
- Calculate convergence function in another form (discuss...
- Separate contributions from different transitions to th...
**September 29-30 [#p6587163]
**September 28 [#p6587163]
- Checked the convergence of the calculations according w...
- Read the paper by Senga-san on EELS of SWCNT.
- Plotted the dielectric features in 0..6 eV energy range.
To do:
- Consider 2 nm CNT (particular chirality) and reproduce ...
- Reproduce Fig.6 from Sasaki-san's paper.
- Choose some chiralities according to Senga-san paper an...
**September 27 [#p6587163]
- Compared Iwasaki-san's matrix element with our dipole c...
- Changed the way number of k points is chosen in program...
To do:
- Check the convergence of the computational results with...
- Read the paper on EELS of single carbon nanotube.
- Check if pi-plasmon appears in our calculation.
- Try to run the program for CNTs from our experiment.
**September 26 [#p6587163]
- Rederived selection rules and dipole matrix element usi...
To do:
- Change the way number of k-points is defined inside the...
- Renormalize the result of matrix element calculation an...
**September 25 [#p6587163]
- Added one more approach to calculate dipole matrix elem...
- Compared the results for different approaches. The dire...
To do:
- Rederive the selection rules according to Satco-san's p...
**September 22-24 [#p6587163]
**September 21 [#p6587163]
- Tried to reproduce expressions from Popov's paper, usin...
To do:
- Rederive the dipole matrix element using Saito-sensei's...
**September 20 [#p6587163]
- Realized that the problem is in a way how matrix elemen...
To do:
- Obtain the correct expression for matrix element analyt...
**September 19 [#p6587163]
- Plotted different terms of under integral function as a...
- Found the problem in matrix element calculation, are di...
- Changed the type of polarization vector variable in cal...
- Checked the way how matrix elements are calculated. It ...
- Finally got zero for Im part of conductivity, the probl...
- Changed the input arguments of subroutines, now energie...
To do:
- Reproduce again plots from Sasaki-san's paper, after th...
- Include Georgii-san's energy bands calculation in Nugra...
**September 18 [#p6587163]
- Made plot of under integral function at w=0.
- Checked that Sasaki-san uses simple TB in his paper.
- Read again the paper about plasmons in double-walled CN...
To do:
- Plot separately square matrix element, Fermi distributi...
- Have a look at under integral function at different gam...
**September 15-17 [#p6587163]
**September 14 [#p6587163]
- Reproduced Figs. 2- 9 from Sasaki's paper.
- Sent the conductivity and permittivity data to Furuta-s...
- Checked the Samsonidze program for energy band structur...
- Established that there is some problem in the calculati...
- Discussed the way to check the mistake in calculation o...
To do:
- To plot the maximum-value integral function as a functi...
**September 11-13 [#p6587163]
FNTG days
**September 10 [#p6587163]
- Reproduced Fig. 5(a,b) and Fig.9 (a,b) from Sasaki's pa...
- Observed plasmon at approximately the same position, bu...
- Checked the definitions of permittivity, conductivity, ...
To do:
- To find the source of disagreement between calculations.
**September 8-9 [#p6587163]
**September 7 [#p6587163]
- Implemented the calculation of dynamical conductivity a...
- Don't have agreement between my results and Sasaki's re...
To do:
- Check where is the problem.
**September 6 [#p6587163]
- Solved the problem with oscillations in dielectric func...
- Added to the original code one more condition (energy d...
To do:
- Calculate absorption for parallel and perpendicular lig...
**September 5 [#p6587163]
- Checked how the dielectric function calculations works ...
- Checked what method is used for matrix element calculat...
- Managed to run job at tube60 in background mode, change...
- Discussed with Shoufie-san the way he calculated plasmo...
To do:
- Add verification of energy difference in dielectric fun...
- Read Sasaki's latest paper, prepare a review of the pap...
- Calculate joint density of states (jDOS).
**September 4 [#p6587163]
- Discussed with Prof. Saito and Nugraha-san, Shoufie-san...
- Created web-page for daily report.
- Added one more method for calculation of imaginary part...
To do:
- Check the dependence of dielectric function calculation...
- Read Sasaki's latest paper, study and compare our resul...
- Calculate joint density of states (jDOS).
- Study to run jobs on tube60.
Here is a daily log for Daria Satco from 2018.9.4 to 2018...
*Daily schedule (tentative) [#j707648f]
- 09:00-11:00 Finishing/continuing any work from previous...
- 11:00-12:00 Discussion with Nugraha-san
- 12:00-13:00 Lunch
- 13:00-15:00 Prepare for daily report presentation
- 15:00-16:00 Meeting with Saito-sensei
- 16:00-17:30 Start working on work for tomorrow's presen...
*Goal of the project [#adbe3b51]
- To explain the origin of new peak in doped CNT optical ...
*Questions and Answers [#k8467fec]
This section is for posting questions from Daria-san and ...
- Please list here with some simple reasons or details.
- For every problem, give a tag double asterisks (**) in ...
- For the answer, give a tag triple asterisks (***) in th...
- List from new to old.
**Q: (Placeholder) [#h7180d5b]
***A: (Placeholder) [#h8e5e579]
*Report [#ud6b560a]
This part is basically written by Daria-san. Any other pe...
Here the information should be from new to old so that we...
**November 6 [#p6587163]
- Checked the plasmon position for CNTs from Senga-san's ...
To do:
- Write a paper, at least 1 page per day.
**November 5 [#p6587163]
- Read experimental papers with plasmon observed.
To do:
- Write a paper.
**November 3-4 [#p6587163]
WEEKEND. Visited Tokyo.
**November 2 [#p6587163]
- Implemented the calculation of charge density.
- Made plots of plasmon frequency as a function of charge...
To do:
- Fit plasmon frequency as a function of charge density w...
**November 1 [#p6587163]
Visited Naruko-onsen.
**October 31 [#p6587163]
- Started to read papers on plasmons in CNT and choose th...
To do:
- Calculate charge density as a function of Fermi level.
**October 30 [#p6587163]
Visited Nikko.
**October 29 [#p6587163]
- Changed program to make use of virtual memory more savi...
To do:
- Process data after calculation finished.
To do:
- Apply linear fitting to Fermi energy dependence.
**October 27-28 [#p6587163]
**October 25-26 [#p6587163]
- Changed the approach of Drude conductivity calculation.
- Considered cos3t, Ef and diameter dependence of plasmon...
To do:
- Start writing a paper.
**October 24 [#p6587163]
- Tried to obtain Drude conductivity.
- Got Fermi energy dependence for (16,0) and (10,10) CNTs...
To do:
- Apply linear fitting to Fermi energy dependence.
**October 23 [#p6587163]
- Got the plasmon vs diameter dependence in leading order.
To do:
- Get the Fermi energy dependence and chiral angle depend...
- Choose plots that could be used in the paper.
**October 22 [#p6587163]
- Performed more accurate plasmon vs diameter data fitting.
To do:
- Add Fermi energy dependence to fitting.
**October 20-21 [#p6587163]
**October 19 [#p6587163]
- Performed plasmon vs diameter data fitting.
To do:
- Continue playing with fitting.
**October 18 [#p6587163]
- Checked STB result for plasmon.
- Checked negative values of Fermi energy.
To do:
- To fit plasmon vs diameter data.
To do:
- Assign points on plasmon plot with certain chiralities.
**October 17 [#p6587163]
- Made plasmon plot in different styles, added labels for...
To do:
- To approximate plasmon as a function of diameter and pl...
- To include Drude-conductivity to our calculation.
- To check how different are STB and 3rd nearest neighbor...
**October 16 [#p6587163]
- Calculated Eii which correspond to the model used in ou...
To do:
- Assign points on plasmon plot with certain chiralities.
**October 15 [#p6587163]
- Ran program for all chiralities for CNT with d = 0.5 .....
- Made plot for plasmons for different chiralities.
To do:
- Check the family pattern for Eii energies, which are ca...
**October 13-14 [#p6587163]
**October 12 [#p6587163]
- Examined the origin of plasmons in terms of possible in...
- Chose the best way to plot plasmons.
To do:
- Run the program for all chiralities for 0.5 - 2 nm CNTs.
**October 11 [#p6587163]
- Studied different main contributions to plasmons for (1...
- The results show that usually there are up to 3 main co...
- Made the plot where scatters point the plasmon position...
To do:
- To check why we have sometimes one branch and sometimes...
**October 10 [#p6587163]
- Added to the program the possibility to automatically l...
To do:
- To check the correctness of present plasmon-looking alg...
- To have a look at less intensive contributions.
- To separate intra- and interband contributions.
- To show somehow the magnitude of different plasmons on ...
**October 9 [#p6587163]
- Created the subroutine which matches all cutting lines ...
To do:
- To automate search of plasmon position and correspondin...
**October 6-8 [#p6587163]
**October 5 [#p6587163]
- It was concluded the the contributions from different c...
- Different chiralities which correspond to experimentall...
- The rule to assign the contributions to particular tran...
To do:
- Modify the code in such a way as to make possible to as...
To do:
- Continue analyzing contributions from different cutting...
**October 4 [#p6587163]
- Created the output for different cutting lines contribu...
- Changed the code structure to make it work faster.
To do:
- Continue analyzing contributions from different cutting...
**October 3 [#p6587163]
- Changed program to have possibility to estimate each cu...
- Changed the way of plotting absorption at different Fer...
- Got the contributions from some particular cutting line...
- Understood that there exist one more plasmon in absorpt...
To do:
- Separate contributions from different cutting lines to ...
**October 2 [#p6587163]
- The question about computational accuracy was closed.
To do:
- Separate contributions from different transitions to th...
**October 1 [#p6587163]
- Reproduced Fig.6 from Sasaki-san's paper.
To do:
- Calculate convergence function in another form (discuss...
- Separate contributions from different transitions to th...
**September 29-30 [#p6587163]
**September 28 [#p6587163]
- Checked the convergence of the calculations according w...
- Read the paper by Senga-san on EELS of SWCNT.
- Plotted the dielectric features in 0..6 eV energy range.
To do:
- Consider 2 nm CNT (particular chirality) and reproduce ...
- Reproduce Fig.6 from Sasaki-san's paper.
- Choose some chiralities according to Senga-san paper an...
**September 27 [#p6587163]
- Compared Iwasaki-san's matrix element with our dipole c...
- Changed the way number of k points is chosen in program...
To do:
- Check the convergence of the computational results with...
- Read the paper on EELS of single carbon nanotube.
- Check if pi-plasmon appears in our calculation.
- Try to run the program for CNTs from our experiment.
**September 26 [#p6587163]
- Rederived selection rules and dipole matrix element usi...
To do:
- Change the way number of k-points is defined inside the...
- Renormalize the result of matrix element calculation an...
**September 25 [#p6587163]
- Added one more approach to calculate dipole matrix elem...
- Compared the results for different approaches. The dire...
To do:
- Rederive the selection rules according to Satco-san's p...
**September 22-24 [#p6587163]
**September 21 [#p6587163]
- Tried to reproduce expressions from Popov's paper, usin...
To do:
- Rederive the dipole matrix element using Saito-sensei's...
**September 20 [#p6587163]
- Realized that the problem is in a way how matrix elemen...
To do:
- Obtain the correct expression for matrix element analyt...
**September 19 [#p6587163]
- Plotted different terms of under integral function as a...
- Found the problem in matrix element calculation, are di...
- Changed the type of polarization vector variable in cal...
- Checked the way how matrix elements are calculated. It ...
- Finally got zero for Im part of conductivity, the probl...
- Changed the input arguments of subroutines, now energie...
To do:
- Reproduce again plots from Sasaki-san's paper, after th...
- Include Georgii-san's energy bands calculation in Nugra...
**September 18 [#p6587163]
- Made plot of under integral function at w=0.
- Checked that Sasaki-san uses simple TB in his paper.
- Read again the paper about plasmons in double-walled CN...
To do:
- Plot separately square matrix element, Fermi distributi...
- Have a look at under integral function at different gam...
**September 15-17 [#p6587163]
**September 14 [#p6587163]
- Reproduced Figs. 2- 9 from Sasaki's paper.
- Sent the conductivity and permittivity data to Furuta-s...
- Checked the Samsonidze program for energy band structur...
- Established that there is some problem in the calculati...
- Discussed the way to check the mistake in calculation o...
To do:
- To plot the maximum-value integral function as a functi...
**September 11-13 [#p6587163]
FNTG days
**September 10 [#p6587163]
- Reproduced Fig. 5(a,b) and Fig.9 (a,b) from Sasaki's pa...
- Observed plasmon at approximately the same position, bu...
- Checked the definitions of permittivity, conductivity, ...
To do:
- To find the source of disagreement between calculations.
**September 8-9 [#p6587163]
**September 7 [#p6587163]
- Implemented the calculation of dynamical conductivity a...
- Don't have agreement between my results and Sasaki's re...
To do:
- Check where is the problem.
**September 6 [#p6587163]
- Solved the problem with oscillations in dielectric func...
- Added to the original code one more condition (energy d...
To do:
- Calculate absorption for parallel and perpendicular lig...
**September 5 [#p6587163]
- Checked how the dielectric function calculations works ...
- Checked what method is used for matrix element calculat...
- Managed to run job at tube60 in background mode, change...
- Discussed with Shoufie-san the way he calculated plasmo...
To do:
- Add verification of energy difference in dielectric fun...
- Read Sasaki's latest paper, prepare a review of the pap...
- Calculate joint density of states (jDOS).
**September 4 [#p6587163]
- Discussed with Prof. Saito and Nugraha-san, Shoufie-san...
- Created web-page for daily report.
- Added one more method for calculation of imaginary part...
To do:
- Check the dependence of dielectric function calculation...
- Read Sasaki's latest paper, study and compare our resul...
- Calculate joint density of states (jDOS).
- Study to run jobs on tube60.