When you write a paper (open)
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[started by R. Saito, 2019.4.27]
* Checklist for the draft of the paper [#q0385eff]
It is not easy to write a paper within an international s...
When I edit the draft of the paper written by new student...
** The goal of the paper is explicitly written. [#p7cc4f06]
- Goal of the paper is what you want to explain in this p...
- The goal of the paper is explicitly shown in Introduction
** "However," is generally expected in Introduction. [#kc...
- We usually find the word "However," in Introduction for...
- The sentences before "However," is called "background".
- "background" should be related to the "However" sentenc...
- Do not include to general sentence in the background wh...
- We should define the special words that are used in the...
(Bad) Two dimensional materials have been widely investi...
(Good) Valley polarization is defined by ..
** Organization of the paper is important for the reader ...
- By showing the organization, the reader can be patient ...
Organization of the paper is as follows. In Section 2, w...
** Do not use the past tense for the present results. [#h...
- Although you calculated or measured in the past, do not...
- The past tense means "We measured this (But we do not m...
- We can use "present perfect tense" for finishing events...
- The reader might ask why the authors need to stress the...
(Bad1) We measured optical absorption spectra (But we do...
(Bad2) We are measuring ... (Why do you submit the paper...
(Good) We measure the optical absorption of A.
(Acceptable) We have measured the optical absorption of ...
** Be careful for "a", and "the" [#f8fbe8f6]
- Check if the noun is countable or not by the Web dictio...
- If the noun is countable, please check if this noun alr...
- If the countable noun already appears first, "the" shou...
- Please avoid "this" or "that" for "the" since the reade...
(Bad) We show method of calculation.
(Good1) We show a method of the calculation. (method doe...
(Good2) We show a method of calculation (we did not ment...
(Good3) We show a method of calculating A. (avoid to use...
(Bad) This result means that ....
(Good) The present (calculated) result means that
** You can try to convert from a noun to a verb. [#z648b8...
- In the most sentences, we can change a noun to a verb b...
(Bad) We can obtain the formation of the material.
(Good) We can form the material.
(Bad) Energy band calculation is performed for bi-layer...
(Good) We calculate energy band of bi-layer graphene.
** Do not use "Different materials give different results...
- It is trivial that different A gives different B. No in...
(Bad) We have different samples which gives different sp...
(Good) The spectra changes by changing A for samples.
** Avoid too long subject or too long sentences. [#bba2f2...
- Too long subject can be an object of the sentence.
- Too long sentences that might have two messages can be ...
(Bad) Temperature dependence of Raman spectroscopy for m...
(Good) We discuss temperature dependence of Raman spectr...
** Do not use any subjective words [#d645f3c9]
- Using "large" "small" "high" "low" without any comparis...
- Using "great" "novel" and "significant" is subjective a...
(Bad) We will show a novel result of calculation (Crazy!)
(Good) We think that this result have a significant mean...
(Bad) The results are very small and thus ...
(Good1) Since the results are much smaller than A, ....
(Good2) The results are small compared with B and thus ...
** Do not use three consecutive nouns. [#m690d5f6]
- Three consecutive nouns such as "state density calculat...
(Bad) state density calculation
(Good) calculated the density of states
** If you want to compare the two results, Use the same a...
- If you want to compare the two results, put both data i...
- If you want to compare the two graphs, put in the same ...
** Axis labels of a figure should be large and up to 5. [...
- If we can not see the labels from 1m back, it means the...
- A good size of font is 15% of the height of the graph.
- Thus you can not put more than 5 labels in the axis.
** In many times, the reason should be before the stateme...
- For clearly written paper, the reason should exists bef...
(Bad) The result means C. It is because that A is B.
(Good) Since A is B, the results mean C.
** Do not use "Fig.1 shows ... " or "Fig. 1 dipicts ..." ...
- Although such expressions are frequently used in the pa...
- You might notice that such expression never appear in a...
- The reason that the expression does not specify the sub...
(Bad) Fig. 1 shows A and B.
(Good) (new paragraph) In Fig. 1, we plot (illustrate, s...
** Do not use Legend of the graph [#rf8ef1d6]
- For more than two graph in a figure, Legend or explanat...
- Put the labels in the graph and explain the symbols in ...
** Bad examples and fixed examples [#t5962ee3]
In the following, I ask students edited examples. Can you...
(Bad) An electron energy dispersion with a narrow band w...
(Good) We are interested in a "flat" energy dispersion o...
An interesting physics of two-dimensional materials may ...
[started by R. Saito, 2019.4.27]
* Checklist for the draft of the paper [#q0385eff]
It is not easy to write a paper within an international s...
When I edit the draft of the paper written by new student...
** The goal of the paper is explicitly written. [#p7cc4f06]
- Goal of the paper is what you want to explain in this p...
- The goal of the paper is explicitly shown in Introduction
** "However," is generally expected in Introduction. [#kc...
- We usually find the word "However," in Introduction for...
- The sentences before "However," is called "background".
- "background" should be related to the "However" sentenc...
- Do not include to general sentence in the background wh...
- We should define the special words that are used in the...
(Bad) Two dimensional materials have been widely investi...
(Good) Valley polarization is defined by ..
** Organization of the paper is important for the reader ...
- By showing the organization, the reader can be patient ...
Organization of the paper is as follows. In Section 2, w...
** Do not use the past tense for the present results. [#h...
- Although you calculated or measured in the past, do not...
- The past tense means "We measured this (But we do not m...
- We can use "present perfect tense" for finishing events...
- The reader might ask why the authors need to stress the...
(Bad1) We measured optical absorption spectra (But we do...
(Bad2) We are measuring ... (Why do you submit the paper...
(Good) We measure the optical absorption of A.
(Acceptable) We have measured the optical absorption of ...
** Be careful for "a", and "the" [#f8fbe8f6]
- Check if the noun is countable or not by the Web dictio...
- If the noun is countable, please check if this noun alr...
- If the countable noun already appears first, "the" shou...
- Please avoid "this" or "that" for "the" since the reade...
(Bad) We show method of calculation.
(Good1) We show a method of the calculation. (method doe...
(Good2) We show a method of calculation (we did not ment...
(Good3) We show a method of calculating A. (avoid to use...
(Bad) This result means that ....
(Good) The present (calculated) result means that
** You can try to convert from a noun to a verb. [#z648b8...
- In the most sentences, we can change a noun to a verb b...
(Bad) We can obtain the formation of the material.
(Good) We can form the material.
(Bad) Energy band calculation is performed for bi-layer...
(Good) We calculate energy band of bi-layer graphene.
** Do not use "Different materials give different results...
- It is trivial that different A gives different B. No in...
(Bad) We have different samples which gives different sp...
(Good) The spectra changes by changing A for samples.
** Avoid too long subject or too long sentences. [#bba2f2...
- Too long subject can be an object of the sentence.
- Too long sentences that might have two messages can be ...
(Bad) Temperature dependence of Raman spectroscopy for m...
(Good) We discuss temperature dependence of Raman spectr...
** Do not use any subjective words [#d645f3c9]
- Using "large" "small" "high" "low" without any comparis...
- Using "great" "novel" and "significant" is subjective a...
(Bad) We will show a novel result of calculation (Crazy!)
(Good) We think that this result have a significant mean...
(Bad) The results are very small and thus ...
(Good1) Since the results are much smaller than A, ....
(Good2) The results are small compared with B and thus ...
** Do not use three consecutive nouns. [#m690d5f6]
- Three consecutive nouns such as "state density calculat...
(Bad) state density calculation
(Good) calculated the density of states
** If you want to compare the two results, Use the same a...
- If you want to compare the two results, put both data i...
- If you want to compare the two graphs, put in the same ...
** Axis labels of a figure should be large and up to 5. [...
- If we can not see the labels from 1m back, it means the...
- A good size of font is 15% of the height of the graph.
- Thus you can not put more than 5 labels in the axis.
** In many times, the reason should be before the stateme...
- For clearly written paper, the reason should exists bef...
(Bad) The result means C. It is because that A is B.
(Good) Since A is B, the results mean C.
** Do not use "Fig.1 shows ... " or "Fig. 1 dipicts ..." ...
- Although such expressions are frequently used in the pa...
- You might notice that such expression never appear in a...
- The reason that the expression does not specify the sub...
(Bad) Fig. 1 shows A and B.
(Good) (new paragraph) In Fig. 1, we plot (illustrate, s...
** Do not use Legend of the graph [#rf8ef1d6]
- For more than two graph in a figure, Legend or explanat...
- Put the labels in the graph and explain the symbols in ...
** Bad examples and fixed examples [#t5962ee3]
In the following, I ask students edited examples. Can you...
(Bad) An electron energy dispersion with a narrow band w...
(Good) We are interested in a "flat" energy dispersion o...
An interesting physics of two-dimensional materials may ...