Date : 2009 Sep 02 N.B. The status mentioned below is valid for the period until the next update of this page.
Flex and Tube (old tube) are in stable condition
(1)Tube21 is Standalone (2)Tube30 is PXE Server
(3)Tube22 :
- ether-wake command works - but final message is "Operating System Not Found - Green power lead does not work
(4) Tube23 : Same as Tube22
(5)Tube24 :
- ether-wake command works - log on OK - host name is tube30 - Green power lead works
(6)Tube31 :
- ether-wake does not work - log on OK - host name is tube30 - Green power lead works
(7)Tube32 : Same as tube31
(8)Tube33 : It took long time but finally no message, Green power lead works