Saito Group (Open)
Started by Thomas.2013.09.02
This is Thomas's logbook for September of 2013.
1st week†
- 09.02
- The Hamiltonian for the electron-photon interaction is given by &tex(): Error! The expression contains invalid characters.;, in this equation &tex(): Error! The expression contains invalid characters.; is the linear momentum, &tex(): Error! The expression contains invalid characters.; is the charge of the particle, &tex(): Error! The expression contains invalid characters.; is the vector potential, &tex(): Error! The expression contains invalid characters.; is the particle's mass, &tex(): Error! The expression contains invalid characters.; is the speed of light and &tex(): Error! The expression contains invalid characters.; is the scalar potential. It is possible to check this by using the canonical equations from Hamilton, &tex(): Error! The expression contains invalid characters.; and &tex(): Error! The expression contains invalid characters.;.
From those last equations together with the following identities &tex(): Error! The expression contains invalid characters.; and &tex(): Error! The expression contains invalid characters.;