*This page is written by IGPAS students what they learned after their coming to Japan. [#ld4bdfc2]
This page is written by IGPAS students what they learned after their coming to Japan.

Please add your name for each articles.


** What should you do first? [#hfc12e8b]

First of all, congratulation that you have passed the IGPAS entrance examination and completed initial registration. But your "real" life actually has just begun. You may face many problems that you probably didn't predict before. This is the main purpose behind the making of this page, i.e., to help you adapt smoothly with Japan "atmosphere" of life and education. Assuming that you were in the period of ONE WEEK before your coming to Japan, and you also maintain a good communication with our professor, or tutor (one former student member), or DIRECT (direct@mail.sci.tohoku.ac.jp), then you are ready to read any information contained in this page.

Let's start...

-Convince yourself that you have prepared all stuff you need to bring from your country to Japan. Check these out:
(1) Passport/Visa, airplane ticket, and necessary certificates
(graduation, scholarship, etc)
(2) Several photos, in different size: 
40 mm x 30 mm, 45 mm x 35 mm, 45 mm x 45 mm. 
Please prepare at least 5 photos for each size.
(3) Enough money and food for a couple of days after your arrival in Japan.
We recommend you to bring cash of 150,000 - 200,000 yen before you can
receive scholarship at the end of the month. It is very important, otherwise
you have to manage your finance so tightly for the first month.

- In Japan, everything might be confusing if you have no experience in Japanese language. To overcome this problem, it is better to contact your tutor (by e-mail/telephone) before your travel to Japan so that you can make an appointment to pick you up in the station/airport you arrive.

- For the first time in Japan, you may stay for a moment at your friend's apartment, at hotel, or any places (as long as it is allowed).

- Then, one of the most important thing in your academic life is the first meeting with our professor. You are welcome to meet with professor at working time. Please arrange the schedule for it since you were in your hometown.

- In the student room, you will be given some goods for your convenience, such as a desk, bookshelf personal computer, etc. Please keep and use them carefully for research work and education purposes.
- In the student room, you will be given some goods for your convenience, such as a desk, bookshelf personal computer, etc. Please keep and use them carefully for research work and education purpose.

(by Nugraha, 2008.10.15)

** What is tutor and who is he/she? [#n313b1ef]

Tutor is a student who will assist international students new to Japan to get accustomed to their new surroundings as smoothly as possible. Usually the tutor will be chosen by faculty member or our professor, but some students can also propose themselves to be a tutor. Tutors will give assistance in various matters such as study and daily life. Students eligible to be the tutors are graduate students or research students within one year of their admission in our group. We will get some information about our tutor before coming to Japan, so it is helpful if we contact he/she first.

(by Nugraha, 2008.10.19)

** Dormitory [#c7011adb]

When you arrive at the domitory, you must ask the certificate of 
living the domitory, which you will use many places such as Ward Office, bank account, post office, and DIRECT. (by Nugraha)
living in the dormitory, which you will use in many places such as Ward Office, bank account, post office, and DIRECT.

At your dormitory you may find some arrangements (bed sets) those are not free to use that is you have to pay some rental cost. I recommend you to purchase the new bed sets from the beginning of your stay and it will cost around 10000 yen at the Ararmaki Shop Center. 
Another important thing that is you must check the whole status (window glasses are not broken, bulbs, basin accessories are OK etc.)of your room in the presence of dormitory authority or on the other hand you may report immediately whenever you find any faults in your room arrangements.
At your dormitory you may find some arrangements (bed sets) those are not free to use, i.e you have to pay some rental cost. We recommend you to purchase the new bed sets from the beginning of your stay and it will cost around 10000 yen at the Aramaki Shop Center. 

Another important thing, you must check the whole status (window glasses are not broken, bulbs, basin accessories are OK, etc.) of your room in the presence of dormitory authority or on the other hand you may report immediately whenever you find any faults in your room arrangements.

(by Mahbub, 2008.10.18)

** Administration and possible troubles [#k66888ce]
After your arrival in Sendai you will be sent at some places mentioned in the above section in order to make your alien registration card and health insurance card, Bank account, and  Post account etc. in where the respective authority will register your name in Katakana (Japanese characters). In order to prevent troubles you should write-up your name correctly in Katakana by a Japanese person who is a good English speaker. You may find him/her at your departmental administration office or at DIRECT. Otherwise your name would be registered in different accent & spelling at different places. 

After your arrival in Sendai you will be sent at some places mentioned in the above section in order to make your alien registration card and health insurance card, Bank account, Postal account, etc. in where the respective authority will register your name in Katakana (Japanese characters). In order to prevent troubles you should write-up your name correctly in Katakana by a Japanese person who is a good English speaker. You may find him/her at your departmental administration office or at DIRECT. Otherwise your name would be registered in different accent and spelled at different places.

(by Mahbub, 2008.10.18)

** Food, Supermarket, Water [#u0e936b9]

** Public Transpotation, Bus, Japan Railway, Subway [#l8d10d68]

** 100 yen Shop [#rd582cab]

** Isramic Center, Location, Access [#nae5c106]
** Islamic Center, Location, Access [#nae5c106]

** How to select Lecture [#ie789436]

** Registration of Lectures [#g3bbb5de]

** Who is the tutor and What is the tutor? [#n313b1ef]

** Host Family project [#ia0bf9f5]

** How to select Lecture [#ie789436]

** Computer account [#p111ce68]

** Network [#oe6b1946]

** Computer environment [#f3d34425]

** Local Meeting [#k039bf69]

** Group Meeting [#za197018]

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