* How to plot contour using GNU Plot [#gbf763ac]
Contour plot can be make for the case z=f(x,y)
For example, Electronic dispersion of a two dimensional graphite plane ( graphene) can be  a good example of a contour plot. for details please read the book 'Physical Properties of Carbon Nanotube' by R. Saito, G Dresselhaus, M S Dresselhaus (Imperial Press).

Gnuplot can make figure from dat ( example: graphene.dat) format file.
following are the script to make a contour plot of Electronic dispersion of graphene

-gnuplot> set contour 
-gnuplot> set dgrid3d 50,50,40 
-gnuplot>set cntrparam levels 20 
-gnuplot>unset surface 
-gnuplot>unset key
-gnuplot>set xlabel 'kx' 
-gnuplot>set ylabel 'ky' 
-gnuplot>set xrange [-8:8] 
-gnuplot>set yrange [-8:8] 
-gnuplot>splot 'graphene.dat' with lines 

 please set your own x,y range and x,y label

to make the surface square

-gnuplot>set size 0.721,1 

How to save the gnuplot figure

1. To save the figure in png format

-gnuplot>set term png
-gnuplot>set output 'graphene.png'

2. To save the figure in eps format

-gnuplot>set term postscript
-gnuplot>set output 'graphene.ps'

3. To save as pdf format

-Exit from the gnuplot terminal
-Go to the user terminal (example : chowdury@flex>)
-then   chowdury@flex>epstopdf 'graphene.eps'


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