Here is a daily log for Haihao Liu from 2016.6.5 to 2016.8.7 in Saito Lab in Tohoku Univ.


*Daily schedule (tentative) [#schedule]

- 09:30-10:00 Finishing/continuing any work from previous day
- 10:00-12:00 Discussion with Shoufie-san
- 12:00-13:00 Lunch
- 13:00-14:30 Discussion with Shoufie-san
- 14:30-15:00 Prepare daily report presentation
- 15:00-15:30 Meeting with Saito-sensei
- 15:30-17:30 Continuing work/updating Pukiwiki

*Goal of the project [#goal]

- To enhance electric field at graphene surface by changing the possible patterns of dielectric thin layers through deep learning algorithms.
- Keywords: graphene, transfer matrix, deep learning.

*Questions and Answers [#QA]

This section is for posting questions from Haihao-san and answers from other group members.

- Please list here with some simple reasons or details.
- For every problem, give a tag double asterisks (**) in the code so that it will appear in the table of contents.
- For the answer, give a tag triple asterisks (***) in the code below the problem in order to make a proper alignment.
- List from new to old.

**Q: (Placeholder) [#Q1]
***A: (Placeholder) [#A1]

*Report [#report]

This part is basically written by Haihao-san. Any other people can add this. Here the information should be from new to old so that we do not need to scroll.

**June 20 [#june20]

- Found hole/security flaw in SquirrelMail webmail
- Wrote abstract for Zao meeting
- Researched GPUs for deep learning
- Deployed catnet on Matlab, initial tests were big success
- Figured out MNIST wasn?t working because of simple division/rescaling of input, not sure if working
- Learned how to use Matlab read/write to file, played with different formatting for saving data

To do:
- Create database of transmission spectra and E field plots
- Compile training data using random 100-layer sequences?
- Try to train with catnet (imagine)
- Talk to CS friend about how to implement, what type of neural network

**June 18 [#june18]

- Sendai castle adventure
- Performance group

**June 17 [#june17]

- Finally got MatCaffe working, MNIST does not seem to be working
- Installed Caffe (/liu/caffe) on tube61 (Ubuntu 15.04) with ATLAS, CPU-only, ran catnet, still slow, maybe even slower than Mac! (~6 min/20 iterations)
- Moved cat images to flex, continued training
- Installed OpenBLAS on tube61 to try to rebuild Caffe with OpenBLAS
- Installed Intel MKL (commercial, got free student license) on tube60, installed caffe (/liu/research/caffe) on tube 60 (Ubuntu 12.04) with MKL, CPU-only, not yet tested catnet

To do:
- Rebuild with OpenBLAS
- Finish training catnet
- Look into OpenMP for parallel processing support, OpenMP+MKL gives performance comparable to GPU

**June 16 [#june16]

- Downloaded 7000+ cat and dog images
- Training catnet is slow! 5 min/20 iter (1000 in total)
- Downloaded MNIST dataset, trained in about ~10 mins
- Python wrapper installed properly, MATLAB not working, so can?t yet deploy

To do:
- Test MNIST by deploying on either Matlab or Python
- Look into GPUs, Saito-sensei might buy one to install on lab server

**June 15 [#june15]

- Talked with Shoufie-san about basics of neural networks, showed him the power of genetic algorithms, discussed ideas on how to use networks to find/generate good sequences
- Continued troubleshooting constant errors, build Caffe, but make runtest failing
- Found that laptop?s GPU is too old, not powerful enough, built in CPU-only, finally passed all tests

To do:
- Learn how to use Caffe, run example programs MNIST and catnet
- Install MATLAB and Python wrappers/interface

**June 14 [#june14]

- Installed Homebrew, Miniconda (lightweight Anaconda Python distro)
- Installed CUDA, other libraries Caffe has as dependencies
- Saito-sensei invited me to join Zao NanoCarbon Meeting, gladly accepted!

To do:
- Install Caffe

**June 13 [#june13]

- Found that integral based error function never gave good score, max ~30 on linear conversion scale for 10 layer system
- Experimented with designing evaluation function based on Q factor for transmission, enhancement and position for E field
- Watching some videos online to learn the basics of how deep learning is implemented, as well as see more examples.

To do:
- File read/write to avoid recalculating every time
- Install Caffe

**June 10 [#june10]

- Adapted MATLAB programs calculate transfer matrix and plot transmission and enhancement for any arbitrary sequence
- Wrote error function
- Lab party!

To do:
- Evaluate scaling functions (0-100)

**June 9 [#june9]

- Wrote MATLAB program to plot intensity of E field in Fibonacci lattice as function of position (z), looked at positions of enhancement

To do:
- Adapt code to calculate transfer matrix and plot transmission and enhancement for any arbitrary sequence
- Design error function (0-100 scale) to measure how close a given transmission or enhancement spectrum is to a target spectrum
- Look into Caffe machine learning

**June 8 [#june8]

- Wrote MATLAB program to construct transfer matrix for n-th Fibonacci lattice
- Plotted transmission probability as a function of frequency, 10th gen made a nice looking fractal

To do:
- Clean up MATLAB code
- Plot E field in Fibonacci lattice as function of distance (z), see points of most enhancement

**June 7 [#june7]

- Walked to campus, took around 30 mins
- Found explicit formula for n-th Fibonacci number, and wrote Python program to generate n-th iteration of the Fibonacci fractal
- Had lunch with Hasdeo-san, bought lunch by weight from cafeteria (entrees 1.4 yen/g, rice .43 yen/g)
- Derived matching (boundary) and propagation matrices in transfer matrix method, used to calculate R and T probabilities for comparison
- Derived E and H relations from Maxwell's equations (Ampere's)
- Introduced myself at group meeting, shared some omiyage from China
- Set up printer over LAN, had to install driver manually

To do:
- Check that theory agrees with Snell's Law
- Construct transfer matrix for n-th Fibonacci lattice

**June 6 [#june6]
- Shoufie-san picked me up from Urban Castle Kawauchi, took me to campus by subway (International Center -> Aobayama, 200 yen ~20 mins total)
- Nugraha-sensei helped me set up lab server access, mail client, etc.
- Bento lunch from Espace Ouvert restaurant (next to 7-11 on bottom floor of new building), ate with Saito-sensei who played his ukulele
- Learned how to derive boundary conditions for EM wave passing from one dielectric media to another, using Maxwell's equations (Faraday's and Ampere's)
- Solved for reflection and transmission probabilities at boundary for normal incident wave

To do:

- Test SHH from dorm room
- Read pages on reflection and transmission of EM waves at boundary, and derive probabilities for both TE and TM both of oblique incident waves

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