Started by Hasdeo.2013.05.31 This is Moya's logbook for Nano Japan project from 2012.6.2-2012.7.31.

Daily schedule

Goal of the project.

Schedule for discussion

Time and DayMonTueWedThuFri
13:30-14:30ThomasMizunoTatsumi[group meeting]Hasdeo

Division of tutors

NameLesson to teachMisc
HasdeoPhonon in NanotubesHow to make a presentation, and Japanese class
TatsumiNanotubesPrinter and Copy machine
ThomasPhysical MathematicsLibrary
MizunoPhysical ComputationComputer in Lab
NugrahaPhonon in Nanotubes

Questions and Answers


June 3:

Today, Hasdeo-san picked me up from Urban Castle Kawauchi (UCK) with Thomas-san. I learned how to get to the lab by campus bus and have been introduced to the lab, Saito-sensei and the secretaries. Hadeo-san taught me about coupled oscillators, where I learned how to solve for the motion of two masses connected by springs. The goal is to model heat in CNT's as atoms vibrating with springs. Thomas-san also lectured me and taught me some math. He taught me how to solve the 2-dimensional Laplacian using separation of variables. He also provided some insight on the applications solving the laplacian. So far, everyone seems very nice and I am very excited to start working on thermal conductivity, which was a surprise.

June 4:

Today, I walked from Urban Castle Kawauchi to the lab and managed to find my way, but I might have strayed a bit! I came early to skype my family back home, but began my lessons with Tatsumi-san at 9:00. He taught me about the graphene and carbon nanotube lattice and how vectors compose the unit lattice to form the Chiral Vector and Translational Vector. He also showed me formulas which describe the nanotube lattice. For homework, I was assigned to build a carbon nanotube out of paper and I have already drawn the Chiral Vector, but have not finished the job as I need to borrow scissors and tape. I also spoke with Saito-sensei and discussed the oscillator between two walls. I have a much better understanding of this situation and Saito-sensei assigned me to work on a similar model including a drag force. I believe I understand this problem, but am not to sure about the graphs which show resonance.

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