Copied by Thomas from Hasdeo .2013.09.18 (Far from complete) #contents * Daily schedule [#daily] - 09:00-10:00 Discussion (1) - 12:00-13:30 Lunch - 13:30-14:30 Discussion (2) - 16:30-17:30 e-mail report and problems * Goal of the project. [#goal] - To help the new students get used to the lab and the facilities close by that can make their lives easier while studying here in Physics Department. * Schedule for discussion [#discussion] |Time and Day|Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri| |09:00-10:00|Hasdeo|Mizuno|Thomas|Nugraha| |13:30-14:30|Thomas|Mizuno|[gr. meeting]|Hasdeo| * Division of tutors [#v0d44b28] |Name|Lesson to teach|Misc| |Hasdeo|Phonon in Nanotubes| How to make a presentation, and Japanese class| |?|Nanotubes| Printer and Copy machine| |Thomas|Physical Mathematics| Library| |Mizuno|Physical Computation| Computer in Lab| |Nugraha|Phonon in Nanotubes| | - Tutorial takes place ??