* PXE Server Configuration [#v0c99d93]
- Would you like to configure a PXE Server? Then please see the instructions on "PXE Server for New Tube (Open)" or click the link
-- http://flex.phys.tohoku.ac.jp/english/pukiwiki-e/index.php?PXE%20Server%20for%20New%20Tube%20%28Open%29
* PXE Client Configuration [#a2bc3294]
- In order to configure a PXE client stay on  here and read the instruction below carefully:
 # Turn on the computer (Client)
 # press Del or (F2) for to access BIOS
 # Advanced -> PCI configuration ->
 # Onboard GLAN1/Onboard GLAN2 (Gigabit- LAN) OPROM (Set them Enable)
 # The above configuration allows the system to boot from the GLAN1 connection or the GLAN 2 connection
 # BIOS -> BOOT -> Network booting
 # Save and Exit
 # Press Pause/Break key to pause booting in order to take the MAC address of your Linux Machine
** Do the following in Server machine [#k6b6a01b]
 # mkdir /nfsboot/root
 # rsync -v -a \
 --exclude='/proc/*' --exclude='/sys/*' --exclude='/dev/*'\
 --exclude='/media/*'   --exclude='/tmp/*' --exclude='/misc/*'\
 --exclude='/nfsboot/*' / /nfsboot/root
 (the above command will copy all system files and all application software installed into /nfsboot/root directory).
 # mkdir /nfsboot/snapshot
 # system-config-netboot or GNOME System - Administration - Network Booting Service
 # Click Diskless button for the first time 
 # Diskless identifier windows starts 
 # Give any name of your system (say Fedora64)
 # Write relevant description
 # Click Next button (forward button)
 # Click on NEW button of this window
 # Give an IP address of client (say
 # Select OS name as Fedora64 from drop-down menu
 # Click OK
 # emacs /etc/hosts
 # Add a line to give the host name of your Client
 #  tube31  sys31 (any of the names will be used as host name)
 # Save and quite
 # emacs /etc/dhcp.config b(add the para in this file
 # host tube31 {                                 hostname                              
              hardware ethernet 00:30:48:d4:a9:7c; # MAC address of NIC of client        
              fixed-address; # corresponding IP address            
 # host tube31 or sys31 {                                             
              hardware ethernet 00:30:48:d4:a9:7c; (this is MAC address of Client)
              fixed-address; (Client's IP address)            
              filename "/linux-install/pxelinux.0";

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