[[Xmgrace Tips]]
[[Saito Group (Open)]]
* What is xmgrace ? [#pa96197f]
--XMGRACE is a powerful tool used to plot 2D graph. In our Lab. almost all of us are using this software in order to graphical presentation of our calculation.
* Some useful tips. [#ged68b66]
Here are some useful tips, which would be helpful for plotting graph.
-- How to run xmgrace ?
--- XMGRACE is installed on Flex machine. Do the following:
- Log on to flex using ssh -Y user@flex.phys.tohoku.ac.jp
- Enter to the directory where the .dat file is located
- run "xmgrace filename.dat"
-- How to Edit axes properties ?
- Menu bar - Plot - Axis properties
- Edit - select X axis - set start and stop values
- scale - select any one from Linear / Logarithmic / Reciprocal / Logit according to your necessity
- click invert - click on Apply button to see the effect.
- select Main tab - Label string - write here axis label for X-axis