2022 Tian's visit to Rice University (Open)
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* Tian Yuan's visit to Rice University [#y6c45cbd]
** Address of Tian at Houston [#ka0a632e]
7315 Brompton St, Apt 342, Houston, TX 77025
** Internship at Kono lab [Last update by Tian April 18th...
+ An update on June 8th,
--- For SHG project, Rui did measurements at 1800 nm agai...
--- For (11,10) CNT project, I am making the sample for t...
+ An update on June 1st,
-- If the project is to be finished it will be SHG of ena...
--- For SHG project, Rui did a measurement at 1800 nm but...
--- For the Aharonov-Bohm effect, we can help modify the ...
--- We will also need to prepare the sample for the measu...
+ May 15th,
-- I discussed with Kono-sensei and following is the curr...
--- Aharonov-Bohm effect will cause the subband of SWCNT ...
--- For SHG project, Kono-sensei is more interested in: i...
+ April 27th, a windup of SHG calculation.
-- We will make the assumption that we already had the co...
--- We will need to convert QE output file to Yambo input...
--- In QE calculation file, go to /tmp/*.save (* is the n...
--- For simplicity, go to the main folder of the QE, crea...
--- In the SAVE folder, use the command home/students/ngu...
--- Edit the setup.in file, used the command home/studen...
--- Use command home/students/nguyen/opt/yambo-5.0.4/bin/...
--- edit ypp.in file, change the electric field as need, ...
+ April 24th, Discuss with Nguyen-san on how to make the ...
-- Error encountered with the following error message,
--- [ERROR] STOP signal received while in[04] Dipoles // ...
-- Solution: find the following line in the setup.in file...
--- MaxGvecs= *** RL # [INI] Max number of G-vectors plan...
+ April 18th, making the plan for SHG measurement.
-- Kono-sensei urge me to make the plan for the measureme...
--- Measure the SHG signal with linear incident light tha...
--- Measure the SHG signal, with linear incident light, a...
--- Measure the SHG signal, for a fixed incident light wa...
--- Measure the SHG signal, for a fixed incident light wa...
+ April 14th, discussion with Nguyen-san:
--- Tian was trying to run p2y with Tian's account, but Y...
--- To solve this problem, one solution is to use the fo...
--- The QE calculation use simplified calculation to gene...
--- in CONTROL part, change wf_collect = .true. set verbo...
+ April 6th
--- Discussion with Hanyu-sensei and Kono-sensei about SHG:
--- Kono-sensei is concerned about whether the energy of ...
--- Hanyu-sensei and Kono-sensei are interested in discus...
--- Hanyu-sensei asked me to put out the framework of the...
+ April 1st
--- Monthly group meeting
--- Safety presentation on the basic rules in Kono lab.
--- Presentation of the theoretical discussion on SHG of ...
--- Question about the effect of the diameter(length?) of...
+ March 23rd
--- Discussion with Kono
--- Intersubband plasmon and interband plasmons, effect o...
--- Under a
--- https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-018-03381-y.pdf
--- Questions on the (11,10) CNTs
--- Discussion with Jacques and Andrey
+ March 21st
--- Discussion with Andrey, we have the following issues ...
--- 1. The measurement is to be conducted by peoples from...
--- 2. Andrey suggested this project because he thought i...
- Saito: Ok. Please go ahead the paper of SHG. I would li...
+ March 14th
--- Reading paper on SHG.
--- Doing calculation on E field, result will be sent lat...
--- The referee's opinion to our edge plasmon/spin curren...
+ March 13th
--- The loglog plot of SHG datas provided by Andrey - Det...
+ March 11th
--- Short discussion with Andrey, his opinion is as follo...
--- The (11,-5) SWCNT sample was synthesized in Kono-grou...
--- &color(#008000){Thank you. Probably there is no (11,-...
--- &color(#FF0000){Additional Response:}; Kono-sensei sp...
+ March 10th, Short analysis of three papers sent by Andr...
--- &color(#0000FF){Guo, G. Y., et al. Physical Review B...
--- &color(#0000FF){Su, Hui Min, et al. Physical Review B...
--- &color(#0000FF){Huttunen, M. J., et al. New Journal o...
--- Some Questions: How does SHG imaging function? SHG si...
--- &color(#008000){The answer is No. When B is parallel ...
+ March 9th,
--- Read the paper on SHG and magneto-plasmon. Question: ...
--- &color(#008000){The answer is No. When B is parallel ...
--- &color(#FF0000){Additional Questions:}; Does this mea...
+ March 7th,
--- Calculated detailed results and angle dependent resul...
--- Reading papers on the SHG.
+ March 5th,
--- Project starts on the SHG, Andrey send in paper and r...
--- &color(#008000){Let us discuss on Tuesday 6:30pm, rea...
+ March 4th,
++ Discussed with Kono-sensei, Andrey and Manu, i can pic...
+++ Second/higher order harmonic generation of molecule-i...
--- &color(#008000){What is your contribution on this pap...
--- "You will write the paper"-Said Andrey. I don't recal...
+++ (11,10) intersubband plasmon, intersubband magneto-pl...
--- Did you explain your calculation?
--- They know that we have calculation results but I didn...
+++ CD in aligned (11,-5) film
--- We have the calculated data of (6,5) and (11,-5), Do ...
--- They didn't metioned it. I faintly recall them talkin...
+++ Detection of spin current via terahetz excitation. Th...
--- If you can start to set up, it won't take too much ti...
--- Andrey stongly discourage me to do this research as h...
+ March 3rd,
++ Procedures to get the ID card, Join the Kono workgroup...
+ March 2nd,
++ Morning, visiting banks try to open bank account and o...
++In the afternoon visit Rice U and the physcis building,...
+ Tian arrived at March 1st, 4 pm and spend the rest of t...
** Internship at Mizukami lab [#d87e7601]
+The experiment with Iihama-sensei on 2/8:
++ By using the kretschmann configuration, we try to use ...
+ Fourth day's discussion with Iihama-sensei:
++ Second measurement of Py-Pt layer
++ Explain an calculate the Inverse Faraday effect with I...
+ Third day's discussion with Iihama-sensei:
++ By using the magneto Kerr effect, we are measuring the...
++ Explaining what is surface plasmon and the ways to exc...
+ Second day's discussion with Iihama-sensei:
++ Introduction of the experiment layout,
++ The detection of Spin Current by Inverse Kerr Effect.
++ Experiment starts tomorrow.
+ First day's discussion with Iihama-sensei:
++ Methods to excite edge plasmon,
++ Inverse Faraday Effect,
++ Interaction of circularly polarized light with materia...
** Flight Information [#u4ecb233]
*** UA6, departing Narita 5:10 pm Mar 1st 2022, arriving ...
*** UA7, departing IA.Houston 11:10 am Aug 30st 2022, arr...
** Real Estate company in Japan [#a71b1478]
*** Name プランドホーム Telephone number 022-211-9321, co...
** Apartment in Rice [#ea1508c4]
*** Address, information [#wfed0fa9]
++ Applying for Ventana at Midtown, waiting for reply.
++ Address 4001 Fannin St, Houston, TX 77004. Waiting for...
** Iihama-sensei's project [#p31359f0]
*** Apply for key of AIMR [#f7edf38f]
*** Video watch and test taken, Waiting reply from AIMR. ...
++ Mail sent to AIMR-Safty, waiting for reply.
*** Download Paper on Ilhama-sensei's work and make repor...
*** Phone number of Iihama-sensei to stay in contact: 022...
*** [Done] 2022.1.24 Report on the zoom meeting [#pb29838b]
*** [Done] 2022.1.24 1:30pm Zoom meeting for discussion [...
*** 2021.1.31 2pm at North gate [#db49ab71]
*** 2022.1.31-2.12 Lab visit and experiment [#f13e9cbd]
** Date: 2022.3.1-2022.8.30 [#daa2f3c0]
** Junichiro Kono' Lab at Rice University, Texas, USA [#x...
This page is for Tian-san to visit Rice University from M...
In order to check each step correctly, we will report her...
*** OwlId is R-C2708984. NetID is yt51. [#d8f5356b]
*** OwlId is R-C2708984. NetID is yt51. [#x0252ecd]
** What Tian-san should do (from new to the past) [#d4e20...
*** Updated by Tian on Jan. 26th 20:03 [#sfcb6eaf]
+ Flight to Houston: UA6, departing Narita 5:10 pm Mar 1s...
+ Flight back Tokyo: UA7, departing IA.Houston 11:10 am A...
+ Test the portable WIFI.
+ [Done] Register the eduroam, (Registered, test connecti...
+ Health insurance https://oiss.rice.edu/scholarhealthins...
++ Email sent to OISS Rice university, Three possible out...
++ Futai Kaigaku not possible, Apply for cheaper plan in ...
+ Find the apartment in Texas and report.
++ No room at Rice graduate school or Rice village apartm...
+ [DONE at 1/26]Enroll insurance for 7month (58,760JPY)(T...
++ Kaigaku need joining the Kakenhi, Tian will pay the Ka...
++ Kakenhi was paid on 24th Jan. Document of Kaigaku subm...
+ [DONE]Report the flight information to JTB and Takahasi...
++ Flight was decided: 1st Mar. UA6 and 30th Aug UA7. Sai...
+ Set bank transer for the payment of apartment (not yet)
++ Bank auto transfer will be set on 27th Jan.
+ Stop gas and water during the visit. but Do not stop el...
+ Covid certificate when Tian goes to Narita (informed by...
+ [Done] Using the document, get visa of USA (done on 202...
+ [Done] Ask a document of visit to Rice University (done...
+ Contact to Prof. Kono (done on 2021.11 by R. Saito) Done
* Tian Yuan's visit to Rice University [#y6c45cbd]
** Address of Tian at Houston [#ka0a632e]
7315 Brompton St, Apt 342, Houston, TX 77025
** Internship at Kono lab [Last update by Tian April 18th...
+ An update on June 8th,
--- For SHG project, Rui did measurements at 1800 nm agai...
--- For (11,10) CNT project, I am making the sample for t...
+ An update on June 1st,
-- If the project is to be finished it will be SHG of ena...
--- For SHG project, Rui did a measurement at 1800 nm but...
--- For the Aharonov-Bohm effect, we can help modify the ...
--- We will also need to prepare the sample for the measu...
+ May 15th,
-- I discussed with Kono-sensei and following is the curr...
--- Aharonov-Bohm effect will cause the subband of SWCNT ...
--- For SHG project, Kono-sensei is more interested in: i...
+ April 27th, a windup of SHG calculation.
-- We will make the assumption that we already had the co...
--- We will need to convert QE output file to Yambo input...
--- In QE calculation file, go to /tmp/*.save (* is the n...
--- For simplicity, go to the main folder of the QE, crea...
--- In the SAVE folder, use the command home/students/ngu...
--- Edit the setup.in file, used the command home/studen...
--- Use command home/students/nguyen/opt/yambo-5.0.4/bin/...
--- edit ypp.in file, change the electric field as need, ...
+ April 24th, Discuss with Nguyen-san on how to make the ...
-- Error encountered with the following error message,
--- [ERROR] STOP signal received while in[04] Dipoles // ...
-- Solution: find the following line in the setup.in file...
--- MaxGvecs= *** RL # [INI] Max number of G-vectors plan...
+ April 18th, making the plan for SHG measurement.
-- Kono-sensei urge me to make the plan for the measureme...
--- Measure the SHG signal with linear incident light tha...
--- Measure the SHG signal, with linear incident light, a...
--- Measure the SHG signal, for a fixed incident light wa...
--- Measure the SHG signal, for a fixed incident light wa...
+ April 14th, discussion with Nguyen-san:
--- Tian was trying to run p2y with Tian's account, but Y...
--- To solve this problem, one solution is to use the fo...
--- The QE calculation use simplified calculation to gene...
--- in CONTROL part, change wf_collect = .true. set verbo...
+ April 6th
--- Discussion with Hanyu-sensei and Kono-sensei about SHG:
--- Kono-sensei is concerned about whether the energy of ...
--- Hanyu-sensei and Kono-sensei are interested in discus...
--- Hanyu-sensei asked me to put out the framework of the...
+ April 1st
--- Monthly group meeting
--- Safety presentation on the basic rules in Kono lab.
--- Presentation of the theoretical discussion on SHG of ...
--- Question about the effect of the diameter(length?) of...
+ March 23rd
--- Discussion with Kono
--- Intersubband plasmon and interband plasmons, effect o...
--- Under a
--- https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-018-03381-y.pdf
--- Questions on the (11,10) CNTs
--- Discussion with Jacques and Andrey
+ March 21st
--- Discussion with Andrey, we have the following issues ...
--- 1. The measurement is to be conducted by peoples from...
--- 2. Andrey suggested this project because he thought i...
- Saito: Ok. Please go ahead the paper of SHG. I would li...
+ March 14th
--- Reading paper on SHG.
--- Doing calculation on E field, result will be sent lat...
--- The referee's opinion to our edge plasmon/spin curren...
+ March 13th
--- The loglog plot of SHG datas provided by Andrey - Det...
+ March 11th
--- Short discussion with Andrey, his opinion is as follo...
--- The (11,-5) SWCNT sample was synthesized in Kono-grou...
--- &color(#008000){Thank you. Probably there is no (11,-...
--- &color(#FF0000){Additional Response:}; Kono-sensei sp...
+ March 10th, Short analysis of three papers sent by Andr...
--- &color(#0000FF){Guo, G. Y., et al. Physical Review B...
--- &color(#0000FF){Su, Hui Min, et al. Physical Review B...
--- &color(#0000FF){Huttunen, M. J., et al. New Journal o...
--- Some Questions: How does SHG imaging function? SHG si...
--- &color(#008000){The answer is No. When B is parallel ...
+ March 9th,
--- Read the paper on SHG and magneto-plasmon. Question: ...
--- &color(#008000){The answer is No. When B is parallel ...
--- &color(#FF0000){Additional Questions:}; Does this mea...
+ March 7th,
--- Calculated detailed results and angle dependent resul...
--- Reading papers on the SHG.
+ March 5th,
--- Project starts on the SHG, Andrey send in paper and r...
--- &color(#008000){Let us discuss on Tuesday 6:30pm, rea...
+ March 4th,
++ Discussed with Kono-sensei, Andrey and Manu, i can pic...
+++ Second/higher order harmonic generation of molecule-i...
--- &color(#008000){What is your contribution on this pap...
--- "You will write the paper"-Said Andrey. I don't recal...
+++ (11,10) intersubband plasmon, intersubband magneto-pl...
--- Did you explain your calculation?
--- They know that we have calculation results but I didn...
+++ CD in aligned (11,-5) film
--- We have the calculated data of (6,5) and (11,-5), Do ...
--- They didn't metioned it. I faintly recall them talkin...
+++ Detection of spin current via terahetz excitation. Th...
--- If you can start to set up, it won't take too much ti...
--- Andrey stongly discourage me to do this research as h...
+ March 3rd,
++ Procedures to get the ID card, Join the Kono workgroup...
+ March 2nd,
++ Morning, visiting banks try to open bank account and o...
++In the afternoon visit Rice U and the physcis building,...
+ Tian arrived at March 1st, 4 pm and spend the rest of t...
** Internship at Mizukami lab [#d87e7601]
+The experiment with Iihama-sensei on 2/8:
++ By using the kretschmann configuration, we try to use ...
+ Fourth day's discussion with Iihama-sensei:
++ Second measurement of Py-Pt layer
++ Explain an calculate the Inverse Faraday effect with I...
+ Third day's discussion with Iihama-sensei:
++ By using the magneto Kerr effect, we are measuring the...
++ Explaining what is surface plasmon and the ways to exc...
+ Second day's discussion with Iihama-sensei:
++ Introduction of the experiment layout,
++ The detection of Spin Current by Inverse Kerr Effect.
++ Experiment starts tomorrow.
+ First day's discussion with Iihama-sensei:
++ Methods to excite edge plasmon,
++ Inverse Faraday Effect,
++ Interaction of circularly polarized light with materia...
** Flight Information [#u4ecb233]
*** UA6, departing Narita 5:10 pm Mar 1st 2022, arriving ...
*** UA7, departing IA.Houston 11:10 am Aug 30st 2022, arr...
** Real Estate company in Japan [#a71b1478]
*** Name プランドホーム Telephone number 022-211-9321, co...
** Apartment in Rice [#ea1508c4]
*** Address, information [#wfed0fa9]
++ Applying for Ventana at Midtown, waiting for reply.
++ Address 4001 Fannin St, Houston, TX 77004. Waiting for...
** Iihama-sensei's project [#p31359f0]
*** Apply for key of AIMR [#f7edf38f]
*** Video watch and test taken, Waiting reply from AIMR. ...
++ Mail sent to AIMR-Safty, waiting for reply.
*** Download Paper on Ilhama-sensei's work and make repor...
*** Phone number of Iihama-sensei to stay in contact: 022...
*** [Done] 2022.1.24 Report on the zoom meeting [#pb29838b]
*** [Done] 2022.1.24 1:30pm Zoom meeting for discussion [...
*** 2021.1.31 2pm at North gate [#db49ab71]
*** 2022.1.31-2.12 Lab visit and experiment [#f13e9cbd]
** Date: 2022.3.1-2022.8.30 [#daa2f3c0]
** Junichiro Kono' Lab at Rice University, Texas, USA [#x...
This page is for Tian-san to visit Rice University from M...
In order to check each step correctly, we will report her...
*** OwlId is R-C2708984. NetID is yt51. [#d8f5356b]
*** OwlId is R-C2708984. NetID is yt51. [#x0252ecd]
** What Tian-san should do (from new to the past) [#d4e20...
*** Updated by Tian on Jan. 26th 20:03 [#sfcb6eaf]
+ Flight to Houston: UA6, departing Narita 5:10 pm Mar 1s...
+ Flight back Tokyo: UA7, departing IA.Houston 11:10 am A...
+ Test the portable WIFI.
+ [Done] Register the eduroam, (Registered, test connecti...
+ Health insurance https://oiss.rice.edu/scholarhealthins...
++ Email sent to OISS Rice university, Three possible out...
++ Futai Kaigaku not possible, Apply for cheaper plan in ...
+ Find the apartment in Texas and report.
++ No room at Rice graduate school or Rice village apartm...
+ [DONE at 1/26]Enroll insurance for 7month (58,760JPY)(T...
++ Kaigaku need joining the Kakenhi, Tian will pay the Ka...
++ Kakenhi was paid on 24th Jan. Document of Kaigaku subm...
+ [DONE]Report the flight information to JTB and Takahasi...
++ Flight was decided: 1st Mar. UA6 and 30th Aug UA7. Sai...
+ Set bank transer for the payment of apartment (not yet)
++ Bank auto transfer will be set on 27th Jan.
+ Stop gas and water during the visit. but Do not stop el...
+ Covid certificate when Tian goes to Narita (informed by...
+ [Done] Using the document, get visa of USA (done on 202...
+ [Done] Ask a document of visit to Rice University (done...
+ Contact to Prof. Kono (done on 2021.11 by R. Saito) Done