MPI Fortan (OPEN)
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* MPI programming (Parallel computing) by Fortran [#id851...
** made by R. Saito 2009.11.11 ver. 1.0 [#g81e8bb3]
*** mpif90 or mpif77 is compiler [#n68ec2c6]
*** mpirun -np 4 ./a.out is a running command. [#fb9e1f3d]
+ If it does not work, it means that setting for mpich is...
In the default setting, it should work.
+ We will put examples for calculating mpi code for Do lo...
*** Scalapack is MPI Lapack subroutime. The examples shou...
** Links [#db4fa53d]
*** [[mpi FORTRAN90 Examples:
* MPI programming (Parallel computing) by Fortran [#id851...
** made by R. Saito 2009.11.11 ver. 1.0 [#g81e8bb3]
*** mpif90 or mpif77 is compiler [#n68ec2c6]
*** mpirun -np 4 ./a.out is a running command. [#fb9e1f3d]
+ If it does not work, it means that setting for mpich is...
In the default setting, it should work.
+ We will put examples for calculating mpi code for Do lo...
*** Scalapack is MPI Lapack subroutime. The examples shou...
** Links [#db4fa53d]
*** [[mpi FORTRAN90 Examples: