Wang Sake-san, Shoufie-san
went back to home country!!

(photo: from left: Pratama, Shoufie, Sake, Nguyen, Tian, Saito)

Dr. Wang Sake-san, who was visiting us since 2019.10, returned to China on 2021.8.28. On Sept. 24th, 2021, he becomes an associated professor of Jinling Institute of Technology. Congraltulations.

Prof. Muhammad Shoufie Uktary, who was in Tohoku University (M, D, PD, Assistant professor) for 8 years since 2013.10, returned to Indonesia on 2021.9.26. He already becomes a reseacher of Indonesian Instutite of Physics, LIPI.

We hope that they will be active in the home position and that we will keep collaboration.

Last modified: Mon Sep 27 12:20:43 JST 2021