Alex-san's daughter "Hana-chan" is born!

Hana Gruneis was born on Oct. 15th, 2009.

Congratulation! On Oct. 15th, 2009, our former student, Dr. Alexander Gruneis, who is now in University of Vienna, has got his first daughter, whose name is Hana-chan (波奈ちゃん).

According to Alex-san, Alex-san considered the name which can be used both for Austria and Japan, since his wife is a Japanese (Shina 志奈さん).

We are very happy that he is very active in graphene field with keeping the happy family.

研究室の卒業で、2004.09 に博士を取得し、現在ウイーン大学で 活躍している、アレックスさんに 2009.10.15 に女の子が生まれました。 おめでとうございます。奥様(志奈さん)は日本の方で、オーストリア と日本の両方で意味のある、波奈ちゃんというお名前を付けられたそうです。 ますますの活躍と、健やかな家庭をきづかれることをお祈り致します。

by R. Saito 2009.10.24

Last modified: Wed Oct 28 18:43:10 JST 2009