
2022.3.10 第18回江崎玲於奈賞式 左より、丸山清明先生、齋藤理一郎、関正樹社長)

2022年3月10日、つくば国際会議場において第18回江崎玲於奈賞式があり、齋藤理一郎が同賞 を受賞いたしました。


『カーボンナノチューブの電子状態と共鳴ラマン分光の理論』 でございます。

江崎玲於奈賞は、ナノテクノロジー分野において顕著な研究業績を挙げた者を顕彰する賞 でございます。


齋藤 理一郎


R. Saito won the 18th Leo Esaki Prize

March 10th, 2022, Epochal Tsukuba, From left, Dr. K. Maruyama, R. Saito, Mr. M. Seki (President of Sekisho Co))

On Mar. 10th, 2022, Riichiro Saito has recieved the 18th Leo Esaki Prize at Epochal Tsukuba,

for his theoretical contribution to Physical properties and resonance Raman spectropy of Carbon Nanotubes.

The Leo Esaki Prize is the prize that recognizes those who have made
outstanding research achievements in the field of nanotechnology.
Winners will be awarded a prize of 10 million yen.

Saito sincerely acknowledges Tohoku University that recommended him to the prize.
Saito acknowledges, too, The Science and Technology Promotion Foundation of Ibaraki
for organizing the prize and Sekisho Corporation as the sponsor for 18 years.
Saito deeply thanks the FNTG society, Advanced Technology Institute (ATI), NT conferences
for giving him many opportunity of discussion.

Thank you all!. Riichiro Saito

Last modified: Fri Mar 11 13:50:36 JST 2022