Introduction to Computor (by R. Saito) Electronics Eng.
UEC Education System

球面調和関数 Y_lm(θ,φ)


# # Spherical Harmonics Y_lm (t,p) t=\theta p=\varphi # # Usage Y(l,m,t,p); By R. Saito 95-6-28 # # # # P(n,x) nth Legendre polynomial. # with(orthopoly): # # Pa(n,m,x) original associated Legendre polynomial. # pa:=proc(n,m,x) local a,z: if m=0 then P(n,x): else a:=(1 - z^2 )^(m/2) * diff(P(n,z),z$m): z:=x: eval(a): fi: end: # # Pa(n,m,x) associated Legendre polynomial only for Ylm. # pa1:=proc(n,m,x) local a,z: if m=0 then P(n,cos(x)): else a:= sin(x)^m * diff(P(n,z),z$m): z:=cos(x): # # Note: eval is necessary in the folloing expression. # eval(a): fi: end: # # Ylm # Y:=proc(l,m,t,p) sqrt( (2*l+1)/(4*Pi) * (l-abs(m))!/(l+abs(m))! ) * pa1(l,abs(m),t) * exp(I*m*p): end:
この file を read で読んで、Y(l, m, t, p); で実行です。