
Kimura-Saito Lab.(Room 217)
  Computer Room-Duty of Cleaning

Please do not use vacum or broom to do the cleaning work in the computer room. Please use only water to wipe the table and to mop the floor. Take out all private thing from the room and arrange the books in the shelf.E-mail to the next person who are supposed on the duty.Lastly, please make your record on this page. (/www/japanese/lab/cleaning/motd.html)

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++ Chech Point:
++ Z: Wipe the table
++ G: Clean the dustbin
++ Y: Mop the floor
++ M: Wash the used cloths and the mop 
++ F: Do not throw any food to the dustbin in the computer room
++ P: Take out all the private things from the computer room
++ B: Arrange the bookshelf
++ R: Put the backet outside the computer room 
++ N: Put the names who are on next duty after yours
++ H: Wipe the computer rack

++ You must send e-mail to the next person who are on duty. Without e-mail, nobody will do his duty
++ You have to pay the penalty for not sending e-mail to the next group
++ If you do the job by yourself only, put XX on the record
++ The group of Riron are responsible on this administration
++ Please make sure there are always 4 groups for cleaning work
++ If your duty'day is on holiday, please do it on next day
++ Anyone who got penalty X3, he has to do the job triple
++Please refer to record of Souji 2000(Japanese only)