ChemSymphony Lite © Anatoli Krassavine1995-1997

All rights in this product are reserved and exclusive distribution and marketing licenses have been granted to Cherwell Scientific Publishing Limited ('the Publisher').

ChemSymphony Lite is a 'lite' version of ChemSymphony. This end­user license agreement describes the rights and warranty granted to its users by the Publisher. By using ChemSymphony Lite you the user are agreeing to be bound by all the terms of this agreement.

  1. The Publisher grants the user and the user accepts a non­exclusive, and non­transferable license to use and install the ChemSymphony Lite software ('software') on any single computer. The user may move the installed software from one computer to another provided that the software is installed on only one computer at a time.
  2. The software includes functionality which allows the user to display chemical information in HTML documents so that it can be viewed and displayed by third parties. This view and display functionality is available without restriction to third parties over the Internet.
  3. This software is a 'lite' version of the Publisher's ChemSymphony product, it is made available free of charge for purposes of evaluation and for the presentation of chemistry on the world-wide-web. The user may include the software free of charge within HTML documents available to all through the world wide web. The user may not limit access or charge for access to the HTML documents. The user may not install the software so that its use is limited to networks smaller than the world-wide-web or redistribute the software in any form without the prior permission in writing of the Publisher.
  4. The user may not without the prior permission in writing of the Publisher redistribute the software for installation by third parties, but the user is encouraged to direct any party to the Publisher's site where the software is available for download.
  5. The Publisher reserves the right at any time to alter specifications, features, licensing terms, general availability or any other characteristics of the software.
  6. Users who wish to install the software on an intranet, or to provide a paid for service through the internet, or to implement ChemSymphony Lite behind a 'firewall' will be required to purchase the necessary number of seats or a site license to ChemSymphony.
  7. The user agrees to secure and protect the software and copies thereof from copying (except as permitted above) from modification or from reverse engineering and shall ensure that its employees or consultants do not copy, modify or reverse engineer the software. As 'lite' software this version of ChemSymphony lacks the functionality of the full version. The user may not attempt to fully enable or work-around the functionality limitations.
  8. The Publisher is unable to provide any directed or personalized support to users of the software who have been supplied with a free product. Users who require support should purchase full licences to ChemSymphony.
  9. The Publisher represents that it has the right to grant the licenses herein granted.
  10. Limited Warranty: Whilst all reasonable efforts have been made to test the software prior to first publication, the authors and Publisher welcome corrections being brought to their attention. The Publisher provides the software free and on an 'as is' basis. If as a result of his use of the software the user purchases some products or services from the Publisher the Publisher's liability shall be limited to a refund of the sums paid for the products or services acquired. The Publisher (or the authors or copyright­holders) shall have no liability including without limitation in respect of damage to other property or in respect of any economic or consequential loss of whatever nature arising out of or in connection with the software or any part thereof or its use or application. The user accepts this free software on an 'as is' basis.
  11. The user may terminate this license at any time by destroying all installed and/or backup copies of the software.

Should you have any questions concerning this license or this limited warranty or if you want to contact Cherwell Scientific Publishing for any reason, please send e-mail to :

or write to:

Cherwell Scientific Publishing Limited, The Oxford Science Park, Oxford OX4 4GA