sswap, dswap, cswap, zswap 


  {S,D,C,Z}SWAP (n, x, incx, y, incy)


  n                   integer*4
                      On entry, the number of elements in the vector x.
                      On exit, n is unchanged.

  x                   real*4 | real*8 | complex*8 | complex*16
                      On entry, a one-dimensional array X of length at least
                      (1+(n-1)*|incx|), containing the elements of the vector
                      On exit, if n<=0, x is unchanged.  If n > 0, x is
                      overwritten; the elements in the array X that are the
                      vector x are overwritten by the vector y.

  incx                integer*4
                      On entry, the increment for the array X.
                      If incx >= 0, vector x is stored forward in the array,
                      so that x(i) is stored in location X(1+(i-1)*incx).
                      If incx < 0, vector x is stored backward in the array,
                      so that x(i) is stored in location X(1+(n-i)*|incx|).
                      On exit, incx is unchanged.

  y                   real*4 | real*8 | complex*8 | complex*16
                      On entry, a one-dimensional array Y of length at least
                      On exit, if n<=0, y is unchanged.  If n > 0, y is
                      overwritten; the elements in the array Y that are the
                      vector y are overwritten by the vector x.

  incy                integer*4
                      On entry, the increment for the array Y.
                      If incy >= 0, vector y is stored forward in the array,
                      so that y(i) is stored in location Y(1+(i-1)*incy).
                      If incy < 0, vector y is stored backward in the array,
                      so that y(i) is stored in location Y(1+(n-i)*|incy|).
                      On exit, incy is unchanged.


  These subroutines swap n elements of the vector x with n elements of vector
  y: x<=>y

  If any element of x shares a memory location with an element of y, the
  results are unpredictable.

  If n<=0, x and y are unchanged.

  You can use these subroutines to invert the storage of elements of a vector
  within itself. If incx > 0, each element x(i) is moved from location
  X(1+(i-1)*incx) to location X(1+(n-i)*incx).  The following code fragment
  inverts the storage of elements of a vector within itself:

  NN = N/2


  REAL*4 X(20), Y(20)
  INCX = 1
  INCY = 1
  N = 20

  The preceding FORTRAN code swaps the contents of vectors x and y.

  INCX = 1
  INCY = -1
  N = 50

  The preceding FORTRAN code inverts the order of storage of the elements of
  x within itself; that is, it moves x(1),...,x(100) to x(100),...,x(1).

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