sfst_init, dfst_init 


  status = {S,D}FST_INIT (n, fst_struct, type, stride_1_flag)


  n                   integer*4
                      Specifies the size of the transform. n must be even and

  fst_struct          record /dxml_s_fst_structure/ for single-precision
                      record /dxml_d_fst_structure/ for double-precision

  type                integer*4
                      Specifies the type of Sine transform desired.
                      Currently only type-1 and type-2 transforms are

  stride_1_flag       logical
                      Specifies the allowed distance between consecutive
                      elements in the input and output arrays:

     TRUE: Stride must be 1.

     FALSE: Stride is at least 1.


  The _FST_INIT functions build internal data structures needed to compute
  fast Sine transforms of one-dimensional data. These functions are the first
  step in a three-step procedure.  They create the internal data structures,
  using attributes defined in the file CXMLDEF.FOR.

  Use the initialization function that is appropriate for the data format.
  Then use the corresponding application and exit functions to complete the
  transform.  For example, use SFST_INIT for the internal data structures
  used by SFST_APPLY and end with the SFST_EXIT function.

Return Values

  0                  DXML_SUCCESS()

  4                  DXML_ILL_N_IS_ODD()

  8                  DXML_ILL_N_RANGE()

  12                 DXML_INS_RES()

  17                 DXML_OPTION_NOT_SUPPORTED()

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