srotmg, drotmg 


  {S,D}ROTMG (d1, d2, x1, y1, param)


  d1                  real*4 | real*8
                      On entry, the first scale factor for the modified
                      Givens transform.
                      On exit, d1 is updated.

  d2                  real*4 | real*8
                      On entry, the second scale factor for the modified
                      Givens transform.
                      On exit, d2 is updated.

  x1                  real*4 | real*8
                      On entry, the first element x(1) of the input vector.
                      On exit, x1 is overwritten with the rotated element.

  y1                  real*4 | real*8
                      On entry, the second element y(1) of the input vector.
                      On exit, y1 is unchanged.

  param               real*4 | real*8
                      On entry, param is unspecified.
                      On exit, param contains an array defining the type of
                      transform matrix H constructed:

                      PARAM(1) specifies the flag characteristic: -1.0, 0.0,
                      1.0, -2.0

                      PARAM(2) specifies H(11) value

                      PARAM(3) specifies H(21) value

                      PARAM(4) specifies H(12) value

                      PARAM(5) specifies H(22) value


  The _ROTMG subroutines construct a modified Givens transform that
  eliminates the second element of a two-element vector and can be used to
  introduce zeros selectively into a matrix.  These routine use the
  modification due to Gentleman of the Givens plane rotations. This
  modification eliminates the square root from the construction of the plane
  rotation and reduces the operation count when the modified Givens rotation,
  rather than the standard Givens rotations are applied.  In most
  applications, the  scale factors d1 and d2 are initially set to 1 and then
  modified by _ROTMG as necessary.

  Given real a and b in factored form:

       a = sqrt(d1) * x(1)
       b = sqrt(d2) * y(1)

  SROTMG and DROTMG construct the modified Givens plane rotation, d1', d2'
  and  H as

                H(11)  H(12)
                H(21)  H(22)

  such that

         |-                 -|        |-    -|          |-   -|    |-   -|
         |sqrt(d1')    0     |        | x(1) |          |  a  |    |  r  |
         |                   | * H *  |      |   =  G * |     | =  |     |
         |  0      sqrt(d2') |        | y(1) |          |  b  |    |  0  |
         |_                 _|        |_    _|          |_   _|    |_   _|

  where G is a 2 by 2 Givens plane rotation matrix which annihilates b, and
  where H is chosen for numerical stability and computational efficiency.

  The routine _ROTM  applies the matrix H, as constructed by _ROTMG, to a
  pair of real vectors, x and y, each with n elements, as follows:

                   |-    -|         |-    -|
                   | x(i) |         | x(i) |
                   |      |   = H * |      |
                   | y(i) |         | y(i) |
                   |_    _|         |_    _|

  These vectors may be either rows or columns of matrices and the indexing of
  the vectors may be either forwards or backwards.

  Depending on the value of IPARAM(1), the matrix H is defined as follows:

    PARAM(1)= -1.0
         H(11)  H(12)
         H(21)  H(22)

    PARAM(1)= 0.0
           1.0  H(12)
         H(21)    1.0

    PARAM(1)= 1.0
         H(11)    1.0
          -1.0  H(22)

    PARAM(1)= -2.0
           1.0    0.0
           0.0    1.0

  The routines _ROTMG and _ROTM perform similar tasks to the routines _ROTG
  and _ROT, which construct and apply the standard Givens plane rotations.
  The modified Givens rotations reduce the operation count of constructing
  and applying the rotations at the cost of increased storage to represent
  the rotations.


       See the example for SROTM.

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