

  SFILTER_INIT_NONREC (n, flow, fhigh, wiggles, nterms, temp_array, [status])


  n                   INTEGER*4
                      On entry, the number of values to be filtered; n > 2
                      and n<SP>>=<SP>2(nterms+1).
                      On exit, n is unchanged.

  flow                REAL*4

                      On entry,  the lower frequency of the filter, given as
                      a fraction of the Nyquist sampling frequency
                      1/(2delta_t); 0.0<SP><=<SP>flow<SP><=<SP>1.0.
                      On exit, flow is unchanged.

  fhigh               REAL*4
                      On entry,  the upper frequency of the filter, given as
                      a fraction of the Nyquist sampling frequency
                      1/(2delta_t); 0.0<SP><=<SP>fhigh<SP><=<SP>1.0.
                      On exit, fhigh is unchanged.

  wiggles             REAL*4
                      On entry, a number in -dB units which is proportional
                      to the oscillation from the Gibbs phenomenon;
                      On exit, wiggles is unchanged.

  nterms              INTEGER*4
                      On entry, the order of the filter, that is, the number
                      of filter coefficients in the filter equation;
                      2<SP><=<SP>nterms<SP><=<SP>500 and
                      On exit, nterms is unchanged.

  temp_array          REAL*4
                      On entry, a temporary array of length 510 used for
                      temporary storage.
                      On exit, temp_array is overwritten and  contains the
                      internally-generated filter coefficients.

  status              INTEGER*4
                      On entry, an optional variable with an unspecified
                      On exit, status is overwritten.  When the subroutine is
                      called, status is defined and its integer value
                      describes the status of the operation. The following
                      table shows the status function names, their associated
                      integer values, and the status description associated
                      with each integer.

  Status Function       Value      Description

 DXML_SUCCESS()        0          Succesful execution

 DXML_MAND_ARG()       1          Mandatory argument is missing

 DXML_ILL_WIGGLES()    5          wigglels is out of range

 DXML_ILL_FLOW()       6          flow is equal to fhigh

 DXML_ILL_F_RANGE()    7          Flow or fhigh is out of range

 DXML_ILL_N_RANGE()    8          n is out of range

 DXML_ILL_N_NONREC()   9          n is less than (2*nterms+1)

 DXML_ILL_NTERMS()     10         nterms is out of range


  The SFILTER_INIT_NONREC subroutine computes a working array that is used by
  the SFILTER_APPLY_NONREC subroutine.
   See the CXML Reference Guide  for information on controlling the filter
  type with the flow and fhigh arguments.

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