sgthrs, dgthrs, cgthrs, zgthrs 


  {S,D,C,Z}GTHRS ( nz, alpha, y, x, indx )


  nz                  integer*4
                      On entry, the number of elements to be gathered into
                      the compressed form.
                      On exit, nz is unchanged.

  alpha               real*4 | real*8 | complex*8 | complex*16
                      On entry, the scalar multiplier for the elements of
                      vector y.
                      On exit, alpha is unchanged.

  y                   real*4 | real*8 | complex*8 | complex*16
                      On entry, an array of the elements of vector y stored
                      in full form.
                      On exit, y is unchanged.  Only the elements in the
                      vector y corresponding to the indices in the INDX array
                      are accessed.

  x                   real*4 | real*8 | complex*8 | complex*16
                      On entry, an array that receives the specified elements
                      of vector y after scaling.
                      On exit, if nz <= 0, x is unchanged. If nz > 0,  the
                      array X contains the specified elements of vector y
                      after scaling by the scalar, alpha.

  indx                integer*4
                      On entry, an array containing the indices of the values
                      to be gathered into compressed form.
                      On exit, indx is unchanged.


  The _GTHRS subprograms gather specified elements of vector y in full form,
  multiply the elements by alpha, and store the result as elements of a
  sparse vector x in compressed form.

  For i=1,..., nz:

  x(i)  =  alpha * y(indx(i))

  If nz <= 0, x is unchanged.

  SGTHRS and DGTHRS gather the elements from a real vector in full storage
  and scale them into a real vector in compressed storage.  CGTHRS and ZGTHRS
  gather the specified elements from a complex vector in full storage and
  scale them into a complex vector in compressed storage.

  The _GTHRS subprograms are not part of the original set of Sparse BLAS
  Level 1 subprograms.


  REAL*8 Y(40), X(10), ALPHA
  NZ = 10
  ALPHA = 1.5D0

  This FORTRAN code shows how the nz  elements  of  the  vector y,
  corresponding to the indices in  the INDX array, are scaled by the scalar
  alpha and gathered in a compressed form into the vector x.

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