srotg, drotg, crotg, zrotg 


  {S,D,C.Z}ROTG (a, b, c, s)


  a                   real*4 | real*8 | complex*8 | complex*16
                      On entry, the first element of the input vector.
                      On exit, a is overwritten with the rotated element r.

  b                   real*4 | real*8 | complex*8 | complex*16
                      On entry, the second element of the input vector.  On
                      exit, for SROTG and DROTG, b is overwritten with the
                      reconstruction element z.  For CROTG and ZROTG, b is

  c                   real*4 | real*8
                      On entry, an unspecified variable.
                      On exit, c is overwritten with the first rotation
                      element, that is, the cosine of the angle of rotation.

  s                   real*4 | real*8 | complex*8 | complex*16
                      On entry, an unspecified variable.
                      On exit, s is overwritten with the second rotation
                      element, that is, the sine of the angle of rotation.


  The _ROTG subroutines construct a Givens plane rotation that eliminates the
  second element of a two-element vector and can be used to introduce zeros
  selectively into a matrix.

  Using a and b to represent elements of an input real vector, the SROTG and
  DROTG functions calculate the elements c and s of  an orthogonal matrix
  such that:

   c*a + s*b = r
  -s*a + c*b = 0

  Using a and b to represent elements of an input complex vector, the CROTG
  and ZROTG functions calculate the elements real c and complex s of an
  orthogonal matrix such that:

              c*a + s*b = r
  -conjugate(s)*a + c*b = 0

  A real Givens plane rotation is constructed for values a and b by computing
  values for r, c, s, and z, as follows:

  r=p * (a**(2)+b**(2))**(1/2)

  p = SIGN(a)  if  |a| > |b|
  p = SIGN(b)  if  |a|<=|b|

  c = a/r if r is not equal to 0
  c = 1 if r = 0

  s = b/r if r is not equal to 0
  s = 0 if r = 0

  z = s if |a| > |b|
  z = 1/c if |a|<=|b|, c is not equal to 0, and r is not equal to 0.
  z = 1 if |a|<=|b|, c = 0, and r is not equal to 0.
  z = 0 if r = 0

  SROTG and DROTG can use the reconstruction element z to store the rotation
  elements for future use. The quantities c and s are reconstructed from z as

  For |z| = 1, c = 0.0  and  s = 1.0

  For |z| < 1, c = (1-z**(2))**(1/2) and s = z

  For |z| > 1, c = 1/z and s = (1-c**(2))**(1/2)

  A complex Givens plane rotation is constructed for values a and b by
  computing values for real c, complex s and complex r, as follows:


  q = a/|a|

  r = qp  if  |a| is not equal to 0.
  r = b  if  |a| is equal to 0.

  c = |a|/p if |a| is not equal to 0
  c = 0 if |a| is equal to 0

  s = q*conjugate(b)/p if |a| is not equal to 0
  s = (1.0,0.0) if |a| is equal to 0

  The absolute value used in the above definitions corresponds to the strict
  definition of the absolute value of a complex number.

  The arguments c and s are passed to the _ROT subroutines.


  REAL*4 A, B, C, S

  This FORTRAN code shows how to generate the rotation elements for a vector
  of elements a and b.

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