UNIX 版 MaxplusII のインストール記録

 ご注意! MaxplusII は 有償の software です。
authorization code が hostid に 対応していませんと、使えませ
にふれます。この記録は、authorization code を購入した人のために

Nguyen Duc Minh

#cd /local2
#mkdir maxplus2
#cd /a/cone/cdrom

CD-ROM directory:               /a/cone/cdrom
Install system files:           yes
MAX+PLUS II system directory:   /local2/maxplus2
Platforms to install:           solaris
Install Help:                   yes
Install/modify license file:    yes
Install sample/tutorial files:  yes
MAX+PLUS II working directory:  /local2/max2work
Install third-party interfaces: yes
Third-party interface platform: solaris

必要なディスクスペース : 161,188 kbytes

Enter the number of license servers: (1/3) 1

Enter the hostname for the license server: xxxxxxxxxx
Enter the hostid for rope.ee.uec.ac.jp: xxxxxxxxx

Which feature is being installed? Choose one:

  1. maxplus2        (MAX+PLUS II Base System)
  2. maxplus2vhdl    (VHDL Synthesis)

  Q. Quit

(choose 1, 2, or Q): 2

Enter the software expiration date [01-jan-2000]: 30-Nov-1999

Enter the maximum number of users [1]: 1

Enter the authorization code: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Is the information correct? (y/n/q) y

Which feature is being installed? Choose one:

  1. maxplus2        (MAX+PLUS II Base System)
  2. maxplus2vhdl    (VHDL Synthesis)

  Q. Quit

(choose 1, 2, or Q): 1

Enter the software expiration date [30-Nov-1999]: 

Enter the maximum number of users [1]: 

Enter the authorization code: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Is the information correct? (y/n/q) y

  1. maxplus2        (MAX+PLUS II Base System)
  2. maxplus2vhdl    (VHDL Synthesis)

  Q. Quit

(choose 1, 2, or Q): 

Which feature is being installed? Choose one:
Third-Party Interfaces Installation:

  1.  Cadence-Composer    30.0 Mbytes
  2.  Cadence-Concept     70.0 Mbytes
  3.  Mentor Graphics     50.0 Mbytes
  4.  Synopsys            35.0 Mbytes
  5.  Viewlogic            3.0 Mbytes
  6.  All
  7.  Quit

Enter one or more numbers: 
6  <--- ここで失敗した 6ではなく7を入れるべきだった

Would you like to install the Composer edif netlister?(y/n) 

Type the full pathname to the Cadence hierarchy:

Cannot find the Cadence installation path.
Composer edif netlister is not installed.
caetools/caeinst.cd: test: argument expected

以下をホームディレクトリの .cshrc に追加

set path=($path /local2/maxplus2/bin)
setenv LM_LICENSE_FILE /local2/maxplus2/adm/license.dat

%cp /local2/maxplus2/maxplus2.ini ~/


#/local2/maxplus2/adm/max2protd /local2/maxplus2

 MAX+plus II License Daemon Startup 
 Copyright (c) 1993 Altera Corporation

 Filename not specified, using license.dat

 Logfile filename not specified, using /usr/tmp/license.altera.log

 Errors and output from lmgrd and alterad will be written to
 the file /usr/tmp/license.altera.log and can be used to determine any problems
 that may arise with the Altera License Daemons.

 Starting Altera License Daemons ...



#cd /etc/rc2.d
#touch Smaxplus2
#cat >Smaxplus2

#if [-f /local2/maxplus2/adm/max2protd]; then /local2/maxplus2/adm/max2protd /local2/maxplus2; echo -n 'max2protd'
authorization code いりの file は 齋藤の disk 上にある。