display - Interactively Display and Edit an Image































Function XAnnotateEditImage annotates the image with text.

The format of the XAnnotateEditImage routine is:


A description of each parameter follows:

o display:
Specifies a connection to an X server; returned from XOpenDisplay.

o resource_info:
Specifies a pointer to a X11 XResourceInfo structure.

o windows:
Specifies a pointer to a XWindows structure.

o image:
Specifies a pointer to a Image structure; returned from ReadImage.


Function XBackgroundImage displays the image in the background of a window.

The format of the XBackgroundImage routine is:


A description of each parameter follows:

o status:
Function XBackgroundImage return True if the image is printed. False is returned is there is a memory shortage or if the image fails to print.

o display:
Specifies a connection to an X server; returned from XOpenDisplay.

o resource_info:
Specifies a pointer to a X11 XResourceInfo structure.

o windows:
Specifies a pointer to a XWindows structure.

o image:
Specifies a pointer to a Image structure; returned from ReadImage.


Function XChopImage chops the X image.

The format of the XChopImage routine is:


A description of each parameter follows:

o status:
Function XChopImage return True if the image is cut. False is returned is there is a memory shortage or if the image fails to cut.

o display:
Specifies a connection to an X server; returned from XOpenDisplay.

o resource_info:
Specifies a pointer to a X11 XResourceInfo structure.

o windows:
Specifies a pointer to a XWindows structure.

o image:
Specifies a pointer to a Image structure; returned from ReadImage.


Function XColorEditImage allows the user to interactively change the color of one pixel for a DirectColor image or one colormap entry for a PseudoClass image.

The format of the XColorEditImage routine is:


A description of each parameter follows:

o display:
Specifies a connection to an X server; returned from XOpenDisplay.

o resource_info:
Specifies a pointer to a X11 XResourceInfo structure.

o windows:
Specifies a pointer to a XWindows structure.

o image:
Specifies a pointer to a Image structure; returned from ReadImage.


Function XCompositeImage requests an image name from the user, reads the image and composites it with the X window image at a location the user chooses with the pointer.

The format of the XCompositeImage routine is:


A description of each parameter follows:

o status:
Function XCompositeImage returns True if the image is composited. False is returned is there is a memory shortage or if the image fails to be composited.

o display:
Specifies a connection to an X server; returned from XOpenDisplay.

o resource_info:
Specifies a pointer to a X11 XResourceInfo structure.

o windows:
Specifies a pointer to a XWindows structure.

o image:
Specifies a pointer to a Image structure; returned from ReadImage.


Function XConfigureImage creates a new X image. It also notifies the window manager of the new image size and configures the transient widows.

The format of the XConfigureImage routine is:


A description of each parameter follows:

o status:
Function XConfigureImage returns True if the window is resized. False is returned is there is a memory shortage or if the window fails to resize.

o display:
Specifies a connection to an X server; returned from XOpenDisplay.

o resource_info:
Specifies a pointer to a X11 XResourceInfo structure.

o windows:
Specifies a pointer to a XWindows structure.

o image:
Specifies a pointer to a Image structure; returned from ReadImage.


Function XCropImage allows the user to select a region of the image and crop, copy, or cut it. For copy or cut, the image can subsequently be composited onto the image with XPasteImage.

The format of the XCropImage routine is:


A description of each parameter follows:

o status:
Function XCropImage returns True if the image is copyped. False is returned is there is a memory shortage or if the image fails to be copyped.

o display:
Specifies a connection to an X server; returned from XOpenDisplay.

o resource_info:
Specifies a pointer to a X11 XResourceInfo structure.

o windows:
Specifies a pointer to a XWindows structure.

o image:
Specifies a pointer to a Image structure; returned from ReadImage.

o mode:
This unsigned value specified whether the image should be cropped, copied, or cut.


Function XDrawEditImage draws a graphic primitive (point, line, rectangle, etc.) on the image.

The format of the XDrawEditImage routine is:


A description of each parameter follows:

o status:
Function XDrawEditImage return True if the image is drawn upon. False is returned is there is a memory shortage or if the image cannot be drawn on.

o display:
Specifies a connection to an X server; returned from XOpenDisplay.

o resource_info:
Specifies a pointer to a X11 XResourceInfo structure.

o windows:
Specifies a pointer to a XWindows structure.

o image:
Specifies a pointer to a Image structure; returned from ReadImage.


Function XDrawPanRectangle draws a rectangle in the pan window. The pan window displays a zoomed image and the rectangle shows which portion of the image is displayed in the Image window.

The format of the XDrawPanRectangle routine is:


A description of each parameter follows:

o display:
Specifies a connection to an X server; returned from XOpenDisplay.

o windows:
Specifies a pointer to a XWindows structure.


Function XImageWindowCommand makes a transform to the image or Image window as specified by a user menu button or keyboard command.

The format of the XMagickCommand routine is:



A description of each parameter follows:

o loaded_image:
Function XImageWindowCommand returns an image when the user chooses 'Open Image' from the command menu. Otherwise a null image is returned.

o display:
Specifies a connection to an X server; returned from XOpenDisplay.

o resource_info:
Specifies a pointer to a X11 XResourceInfo structure.

o windows:
Specifies a pointer to a XWindows structure.

o state:
key mask.

o key_symbol:
Specifies a command to perform.

o image:
Specifies a pointer to a Image structure; XImageWIndowCommand may transform the image and return a new image pointer.


Function XMagickCommand makes a transform to the image or Image window as specified by a user menu button or keyboard command.

The format of the XMagickCommand routine is:


A description of each parameter follows:

o loaded_image:
Function XMagickCommand returns an image when the user chooses 'Load Image' from the command menu. Otherwise a null image is returned.

o display:
Specifies a connection to an X server; returned from XOpenDisplay.

o resource_info:
Specifies a pointer to a X11 XResourceInfo structure.

o windows:
Specifies a pointer to a XWindows structure.

o command:
Specifies a command to perform.

o image:
Specifies a pointer to a Image structure; XMagickCommand may transform the image and return a new image pointer.


Function XMagnifyImage magnifies portions of the image as indicated by the pointer. The magnified portion is displayed in a separate window.

The format of the XMagnifyImage routine is:


A description of each parameter follows:

o display:
Specifies a connection to an X server; returned from XOpenDisplay.

o windows:
Specifies a pointer to a XWindows structure.

o event:
Specifies a pointer to a XEvent structure. If it is NULL, the entire image is refreshed.


Function XMagnifyWindowCommand moves the image within an Magnify window by one pixel as specified by the key symbol.

The format of the XMagnifyWindowCommand routine is:


A description of each parameter follows:

o display:
Specifies a connection to an X server; returned from XOpenDisplay.

o windows:
Specifies a pointer to a XWindows structure.

o state:
key mask.

o key_symbol:
Specifies a KeySym which indicates which side of the image to trim.


Function XMakePanImage creates a thumbnail of the image and displays it in the Pan icon window.

The format of the XMakePanImage routine is:


A description of each parameter follows:

o display:
Specifies a connection to an X server; returned from XOpenDisplay.

o resource_info:
Specifies a pointer to a X11 XResourceInfo structure.

o windows:
Specifies a pointer to a XWindows structure.

o image:
Specifies a pointer to a Image structure; returned from ReadImage.


Function XMatteEditImage allows the user to interactively change the Matte channel of an image. If the image is PseudoClass it is promoted to DirectClass before the matte information is stored.

The format of the XMatteEditImage routine is:


A description of each parameter follows:

o display:
Specifies a connection to an X server; returned from XOpenDisplay.

o resource_info:
Specifies a pointer to a X11 XResourceInfo structure.

o windows:
Specifies a pointer to a XWindows structure.

o image:
Specifies a pointer to a Image structure; returned from ReadImage.


Function XOpenImage loads an image from a file.

The format of the XOpenImage routine is:


A description of each parameter follows:

o loaded_image:
Function XOpenImage returns an image if can be loaded successfully. Otherwise a null image is returned.

o display:
Specifies a connection to an X server; returned from XOpenDisplay.

o resource_info:
Specifies a pointer to a X11 XResourceInfo structure.

o windows:
Specifies a pointer to a XWindows structure.

o command:
A value other than zero indicates that the file is selected from the command line argument list.


Function XPanImage pans the image until the mouse button is released.

The format of the XPanImage routine is:


A description of each parameter follows:

o display:
Specifies a connection to an X server; returned from XOpenDisplay.

o windows:
Specifies a pointer to a XWindows structure.

o event:
Specifies a pointer to a XEvent structure. If it is NULL, the entire image is refreshed.


Function XPasteImage pastes an image previously saved with XCropImage in the X window image at a location the user chooses with the pointer.

The format of the XPasteImage routine is:


A description of each parameter follows:

o status:
Function XPasteImage returns True if the image is pasted. False is returned is there is a memory shortage or if the image fails to be pasted.

o display:
Specifies a connection to an X server; returned from XOpenDisplay.

o resource_info:
Specifies a pointer to a X11 XResourceInfo structure.

o windows:
Specifies a pointer to a XWindows structure.

o image:
Specifies a pointer to a Image structure; returned from ReadImage.


Function XPrintImage prints an image to a Postscript printer.

The format of the XPrintImage routine is:


A description of each parameter follows:

o status:
Function XPrintImage return True if the image is printed. False is returned is there is a memory shortage or if the image fails to print.

o display:
Specifies a connection to an X server; returned from XOpenDisplay.

o resource_info:
Specifies a pointer to a X11 XResourceInfo structure.

o windows:
Specifies a pointer to a XWindows structure.

o image:
Specifies a pointer to a Image structure; returned from ReadImage.


Function XROIImage applies an image processing technique to a region of interest.

The format of the XROIImage routine is:


A description of each parameter follows:

o status:
Function XROIImage returns True if the image is cropped. False is returned is there is a memory shortage or if the image fails to be cropped.

o display:
Specifies a connection to an X server; returned from XOpenDisplay.

o resource_info:
Specifies a pointer to a X11 XResourceInfo structure.

o windows:
Specifies a pointer to a XWindows structure.

o image:
Specifies a pointer to a Image structure; returned from ReadImage.


Function XRotateImage rotates the X image. If the degrees parameter if zero, the rotation angle is computed from the slope of a line drawn by the user.

The format of the XRotateImage routine is:


A description of each parameter follows:

o status:
Function XRotateImage return True if the image is rotated. False is returned is there is a memory shortage or if the image fails to rotate.

o display:
Specifies a connection to an X server; returned from XOpenDisplay.

o resource_info:
Specifies a pointer to a X11 XResourceInfo structure.

o windows:
Specifies a pointer to a XWindows structure.

o degrees:
Specifies the number of degrees to rotate the image.

o image:
Specifies a pointer to a Image structure; returned from ReadImage.


Function XSaveImage saves an image to a file.

The format of the XSaveImage routine is:


A description of each parameter follows:

o status:
Function XSaveImage return True if the image is written. False is returned is there is a memory shortage or if the image fails to write.

o display:
Specifies a connection to an X server; returned from XOpenDisplay.

o resource_info:
Specifies a pointer to a X11 XResourceInfo structure.

o windows:
Specifies a pointer to a XWindows structure.

o image:
Specifies a pointer to a Image structure; returned from ReadImage.


Function XScreenEvent handles global events associated with the Pan and Magnify windows.

The format of the XScreenEvent function is:


A description of each parameter follows:

o display:
Specifies a pointer to the Display structure; returned from XOpenDisplay.

o windows:
Specifies a pointer to a XWindows structure.

o event:
Specifies a pointer to a X11 XEvent structure.


Function XSetCropGeometry accepts a cropping geometry relative to the Image window and translates it to a cropping geometry relative to the image.

The format of the XSetCropGeometry routine is:


A description of each parameter follows:

o display:
Specifies a connection to an X server; returned from XOpenDisplay.

o windows:
Specifies a pointer to a XWindows structure.

o crop_info:
A pointer to a RectangleInfo that defines a region of the Image window to crop.

o image:
Specifies a pointer to a Image structure.


Function XTileImage loads or deletes a selected tile from a visual image directory. The load or delete command is choosen from a menu.

The format of the XTileImage routine is:


A description of each parameter follows:

o tiled_image:
XTileImage reads or deletes the tiled image and returns it. A null image is returned if an error occurs.

o display:
Specifies a connection to an X server; returned from XOpenDisplay.

o resource_info:
Specifies a pointer to a X11 XResourceInfo structure.

o windows:
Specifies a pointer to a XWindows structure.

o image:
Specifies a pointer to a Image structure; returned from ReadImage.

o event:
Specifies a pointer to a XEvent structure. If it is NULL, the entire image is refreshed.


Function XTranslateImage translates the image within an Image window by one pixel as specified by the key symbol. If the image has a `montage' string the translation is respect to the width and height contained within the string.

The format of the XTranslateImage routine is:


A description of each parameter follows:

o display:
Specifies a connection to an X server; returned from XOpenDisplay.

o windows:
Specifies a pointer to a XWindows structure.

o image:
Specifies a pointer to a Image structure; returned from ReadImage.

o key_symbol:
Specifies a KeySym which indicates which side of the image to trim.


Function XTrimImage trims the edges from the Image window.

The format of the XTrimImage routine is:


A description of each parameter follows:

o status:
Function XTrimImage returns True if the image is cropped. False is returned is there is a memory shortage or if the image fails to be cropped.

o display:
Specifies a connection to an X server; returned from XOpenDisplay.

o resource_info:
Specifies a pointer to a X11 XResourceInfo structure.

o windows:
Specifies a pointer to a XWindows structure. o windows: Specifies a pointer to a XWindows structure.

o image:
Specifies a pointer to a Image structure.


Function XVisualDirectoryImage creates a Visual Image Directory.

The format of the XVisualDirectoryImage routine is:


A description of each parameter follows:

o loaded_image:
Function XVisualDirectoryImage returns a visual image directory if it can be created successfully. Otherwise a null image is returned.

o display:
Specifies a connection to an X server; returned from XOpenDisplay.

o resource_info:
Specifies a pointer to a X11 XResourceInfo structure.

o windows:
Specifies a pointer to a XWindows structure.


Function XDisplayBackgroundImage displays an image in the background of a window.

The format of the XDisplayBackgroundImage routine is:


A description of each parameter follows:

o status:
Function XDisplayBackgroundImage returns True if the designated window is the root window.

o display:
Specifies a connection to an X server; returned from XOpenDisplay.

o resource_info:
Specifies a pointer to a X11 XResourceInfo structure.

o image:
Specifies a pointer to a Image structure; returned from ReadImage.


Function XDisplayImage displays an image via X11. A new image is created and returned if the user interactively transforms the displayed image.

The format of the XDisplayImage routine is:


A description of each parameter follows:

o loaded_image:
Function XDisplayImage returns an image when the user chooses 'Open Image' from the command menu or picks a tile from the image directory. Otherwise a null image is returned.

o display:
Specifies a connection to an X server; returned from XOpenDisplay.

o resource_info:
Specifies a pointer to a X11 XResourceInfo structure.

o argv:
Specifies the application's argument list.

o argc:
Specifies the number of arguments.

o image:
Specifies an address to an address of an Image structure; returned from ReadImage.