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Installation of AUC TeX

Before you do anything else, make sure that you have the latest version of TeXinfo installed. It is available by ftp from `prep.ai.mit.edu'. You need at least version 2.16.

First, you should consult the file `tex-site.el' and edit it to fit your local site. Be sure to get the following two variables right, or you will not be able to complete the installation procedure:

User Option: TeX-lisp-directory

The directory where you want to install the AUC TeX lisp files.

User Option: TeX-macro-global

Directories containing the sites TeX style files.

You probably also need to change TeX-command-list to make sure that the commands used for starting TeX, printing, etc. works on your system.

Finally, edit TeX-printer-list to contain the printers available at your site.

Next, edit the file `Makefile' in the AUC TeX directory to set up paths for installation of the files. Be sure that

Is set to the directory where you want the LaCheck binary to be installed.
Is set to the directory where you want the AUC TeX "info" documentation to be installed.
Is set to the directory where you want the lisp files for AUC TeX to be installed. This must be the same directory as you specified for TeX-lisp-directory in `tex-site.el'. If you unpacked AUC TeX in that directory (TeX-lisp-directory), you should set aucdir to `.' in order to avoid copying the byte compiled lisp files. If you already have an old version of AUC TeX in that directory, you must delete it before installing the new version. Otherwise the wrong version of the files may be loaded during the byte compilation.
Is set to the directory where you want to install the (unformatted) man page for LaCheck.
Is set to the directory where the lisp files from the standard Emacs distribution is found.
Is the compiler you want to use for compiling the LaCheck program. Is set to `gcc' by default. Change this is `cc' or whatever your system compiler is called if you do not have GCC installed.

Then type make all, and the whole thing will be `made'. If this succeeds, type make install, and it will be installed.

To extract information from your sites TeX macros, type make install-auto. This will only work if you have set TeX-macro-global correctly in `tex-site.el'.

Tell the users on your site to insert

        (load-file "/path/for/auctex/tex-site.elc")

in their `.emacs' file in order to use AUC TeX.

Users who know the older keybindings from version 6.1 may also want to insert

        (load "auc-tex")

in their `.emacs'

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