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Scrolling the Calendar through Time

The calendar display scrolls automatically through time when you move out of the visible portion. You can also scroll it manually. Imagine that the calendar window contains a long strip of paper with the months on it. Scrolling it means moving the strip so that new months become visible in the window.

C-x <
Scroll calendar display one month forward (scroll-calendar-left).
C-x >
Scroll calendar display one month backward (scroll-calendar-right).
Scroll calendar display three months forward (scroll-calendar-left-three-months).
Scroll calendar display three months backward (scroll-calendar-right-three-months).
Prompt for month and year and scroll calendar to that month (calendar-other-month).

The most basic calendar scroll commands scroll by one month at a time. This means that there are two months of overlap between the display before the command and the display after. C-x < scrolls the calendar contents one month to the left; that is, it moves the display forward in time. C-x > scrolls the contents to the right, which moves backwards in time.

The commands C-v and M-v scroll the calendar by an entire "screenful"---three months--in analogy with the usual meaning of these commands. C-v makes later dates visible and M-v makes earlier dates visible. These commands also take a numeric argument as a repeat count; in particular, since C-u (universal-argument) multiplies the next command by four, typing C-u C-v scrolls the calendar forward by a year and typing C-u M-v scrolls the calendar backward by a year.

Any of the special Calendar mode commands will scroll the calendar automatically as necessary to ensure that the date you have moved to is visible.

You can scroll to an absolute date with o (calendar-other-month). This command prompts for a month and year, and centers the three-month around that month. You must enter the year in its entirety; that is, type `1990', not `90'.

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