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How do I tell Emacs to iconify itself?

You need to modify C source and recompile. Either that or get Epoch or Lucid Emacs instead. Patches have been written by Robert Forsman <thoth@reef.cis.ufl.edu> and Johan Vromans <jv@mh.nl> to allow Emacs to iconify itself and by Matt Wette <mwette@mr-ed.jpl.nasa.gov> and Manavendra K. Thakur <thakur@zerkalo.harvard.edu> (for 18.57, plus icon geometry) to allow Emacs to start up iconified. I don't know which of these patches work together.

Anonymous FTP:

  /csi.jpl.nasa.gov:pub/emacs.patch1  (Matt Wette)
  /ftp.eu.net:gnu/emacs/FP-Xfun.Z  (Johan Vromans)
  /ftp.urc.tue.nl:pub/tex/emacs/FP-Xfun  (Johan Vromans)

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