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Where do I get Emacs that runs on VMS under DECwindows?

Hal R. Brand <BRAND@addvax.llnl.gov> is said to have a VMS save set with a ready-to-run VMS version of Emacs 18.55 for X Windows. It is available via anonymous FTP (addvax.llnl.gov). It is possible that the VMS versions of Emacs at other sites have X support compiled in. See etc/FTP for locations.

Johan Vromans <jv@mh.nl> writes:

  Getting Emacs to run on VMS with DECwindows requires a number of changes
  to the sources. Fortunately this has been done already.  Joshua Marantz
  <josh@viewlogic.com> did most of the work for Emacs 18.52, and the mods
  were ported to 18.55 by Johan Vromans <jv@mh.nl>. Also included is the
  handling of DEC's LK201 keyboard.  You need to apply the changes to a
  fresh Emacs 18.55 distribution on a Unix system, and then you can copy
  the sources to VMS to perform the compile/link/build.
  The set of changes have been posted a number of times three times the
  last 12 months, so they should be widely available.

Richard Levitte <levitte@e.kth.se> tells us that there are patches for Emacs 18.57 and 18.58 available via e-mail:

  To: fileserv@ttt.kth.se

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