Job Setup Preferences

The Job Setup preferences dialog allows you to examine and customize how Gaussian and its utilities are launched from within GaussView. It is illustrated in Figure 75.

The Application field selects which type of external job the settings apply to, and the Priority field specifies the relative priority level at which such jobs will run.

For each job type, there are three launch choices:

Figure 75. Job Setup Preferences
These settings are used to specify how various external jobs get initiated by GaussView.

GaussView Scripts

GaussView provides the following scripts in its bin subdirectory

Job Type Unix Script Windows Script
Gaussian 03 gauss.csh gaussian.bat
cubegen cubegen.csh cubegen.bat
formchk formchk.csh formchk.bat
freqchk freqchk.csh freqchk.bat
mm mm.csh mm.bat
ghelp ghelp.csh ghelp.bat
Text Editor editor.csh wordpad.bat
  editor_mac.csh (for Mac OS X)  

Each script's usage is documented in comments at the beginning of the file. Prudence dictates making a backup copy of any script before modifying it in any way.

Specifying Custom Command Lines

You can also specify a custom command line for external jobs using the third choice in the Job Setup preferences dialog.Successfully using this features depends on a clear understanding of the command line invocation of Gaussian 03 and its utilities under the current operating system. Consult the Gaussian 03 User's Reference for details.

The following GaussView internal variables can be used within commands (note that they are not operating system environment variables, despite their resemblance to them).

Parameter Meaning
$GEXE Path to the Gaussian 03 executable (Unix).
$GEXE_WIN Path to Gaussian 03W executable (Windows).
$CUBEGEN Path to the cubegen executable.
$FORMCHK Path to the formchk executable.
$FREQCHK Path to the freqchk executable.
$MM Path the Gaussian 03 mm executable.
$WORDPAD Path to Wordpad (Windows).
$NEDIT Path to Unix editor.
$GHELP Path to the ghelp executable.
$something_SCRIPT Path to the script for the specified utility.
$INFILE Gaussian input file.
$OUTFILE Gaussian or utility output file.
$KIND Type of cube for cubegen.
$NPTS Cube density for cubegen.
$HEADER cubegen header flag.


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