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39. Sets

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39.1 Introduction to Sets

Maxima provides set functions, such as intersection and union, for finite sets that are defined by explicit enumeration. Maxima treats lists and sets as distinct objects. This feature makes it possible to work with sets that have members that are either lists or sets.

In addition to functions for finite sets, Maxima provides some functions related to combinatorics; these include the Stirling numbers of the first and second kind, the Bell numbers, multinomial coefficients, partitions of nonnegative integers, and a few others. Maxima also defines a Kronecker delta function.

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39.1.1 Usage

To construct a set with members a_1, ..., a_n, write set(a_1, ..., a_n) or {a_1, ..., a_n}; to construct the empty set, write set() or {}. In input, set (...) and { ... } are equivalent. Sets are always displayed with curly braces.

If a member is listed more than once, the simplification process eliminates the redundant member.

(%i1) set();
(%o1)                          {}
(%i2) set(a, b, a);
(%o2)                        {a, b}
(%i3) set(a, set(b));
(%o3)                       {a, {b}}
(%i4) set(a, [b]);
(%o4)                       {a, [b]}
(%i5) {};
(%o5)                          {}
(%i6) {a, b, a};
(%o6)                        {a, b}
(%i7) {a, {b}};
(%o7)                       {a, {b}}
(%i8) {a, [b]};
(%o8)                       {a, [b]}

Two would-be elements x and y are redundant (i.e., considered the same for the purposes of set construction) if and only if is (x = y) yields true. Note that is (equal (x, y)) can yield true while is (x = y) yields false; in that case the elements x and y are considered distinct.

(%i1) x: a/c + b/c;
                              b   a
(%o1)                         - + -
                              c   c
(%i2) y: a/c + b/c;
                              b   a
(%o2)                         - + -
                              c   c
(%i3) z: (a + b)/c;
                              b + a
(%o3)                         -----
(%i4) is (x = y);
(%o4)                         true
(%i5) is (y = z);
(%o5)                         false
(%i6) is (equal (y, z));
(%o6)                         true
(%i7) y - z;
                           b + a   b   a
(%o7)                    - ----- + - + -
                             c     c   c
(%i8) ratsimp (%);
(%o8)                           0
(%i9) set (x, y, z);
                          b + a  b   a
(%o9)                    {-----, - + -}
                            c    c   c

To construct a set from the elements of a list, use setify.

(%i1) setify([b, a]);
(%o1)                        {a, b}

Set members x and y are equal provided is(x = y) evaluates to true. Thus rat(x) and x are equal as set members; consequently,

(%i1) set(x, rat(x));
(%o1)                          {x}

Further, since is((x-1)*(x+1) = x^2 - 1) evaluates to false, (x-1)*(x+1) and x^2-1 are distinct set members; thus

(%i1) set((x - 1)*(x + 1), x^2 - 1);
(%o1)               {(x - 1) (x + 1), x  - 1}

To reduce this set to a singleton set, apply rat to each set member:

(%i1) set((x - 1)*(x + 1), x^2 - 1);
(%o1)               {(x - 1) (x + 1), x  - 1}
(%i2) map(rat, %);
(%o2)/R/                    {x  - 1}

To remove redundancies from other sets, you may need to use other simplification functions. Here is an example that uses trigsimp:

(%i1) set(1, cos(x)^2 + sin(x)^2);
                            2         2
(%o1)                {1, sin (x) + cos (x)}
(%i2) map(trigsimp, %);
(%o2)                          {1}

A set is simplified when its members are non-redundant and sorted. The current version of the set functions uses the Maxima function orderlessp to order sets; however, future versions of the set functions might use a different ordering function.

Some operations on sets, such as substitution, automatically force a re-simplification; for example,

(%i1) s: set (a, b, c)$
(%i2) subst (c=a, s);
(%o2)                        {a, b}
(%i3) subst ([a=x, b=x, c=x], s);
(%o3)                          {x}
(%i4) map (lambda ([x], x^2), set (-1, 0, 1));
(%o4)                        {0, 1}

Maxima treats lists and sets as distinct objects; functions such as union and intersection will signal an error if any argument is a list. If you need to apply a set function to a list, use the setify function to convert it to a set. Thus

(%i1) union ([1, 2], set (a, b));
Function union expects a set, instead found [1,2]
 -- an error.  Quitting.  To debug this try debugmode(true);
(%i2) union (setify ([1, 2]), set (a, b));
(%o2)                     {1, 2, a, b}

To extract all set elements of a set s that satisfy a predicate f, use subset(s,f). (A predicate is a boolean-valued function.) For example, to find the equations in a given set that do not depend on a variable z, use

(%i1) subset (set (x + y + z, x - y + 4, x + y - 5), lambda ([e], freeof (z, e)));
(%o1)               {- y + x + 4, y + x - 5}

The section Definitions for Sets has a complete list of the set functions in Maxima.

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39.1.2 Set Member Iteration

There two ways to to iterate over set members. One way is the use map; for example:

(%i1) map (f, set (a, b, c));
(%o1)                  {f(a), f(b), f(c)}

The other way is to use for x in s do

(%i1) s: set (a, b, c);
(%o1)                       {a, b, c}
(%i2) for si in s do print (concat (si, 1));
(%o2)                         done

The Maxima functions first and rest work correctly on sets. Applied to a set, first returns the first displayed element of a set; which element that is may be implementation-dependent. If s is a set, then rest(s) is equivalent to disjoin (first(s), s). Currently, there are other Maxima functions that work correctly on sets. In future versions of the set functions, first and rest may function differently or not at all.

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39.1.3 Bugs

The set functions use the Maxima function orderlessp to order set members and the (Lisp-level) function like to test for set member equality. Both of these functions have known bugs that may manifest if you attempt to use sets with members that are lists or matrices that contain expressions in CRE form. An example is

(%i1) set ([x], [rat (x)]);
Maxima encountered a Lisp error:

 CAR: #:X13129 is not a LIST

Automatically continuing.
To reenable the Lisp debugger set *debugger-hook* to nil.

This command causes Maxima to halt with an error (the error message depends on which version of Lisp your Maxima uses). Another example is

(%i1) setify ([[rat(a)], [rat(b)]]);
Maxima encountered a Lisp error:

 CAR: #:A13129 is not a LIST

Automatically continuing.
To reenable the Lisp debugger set *debugger-hook* to nil.

These bugs are caused by bugs in orderlessp and like; they are not caused by bugs in the set functions. To illustrate, try the commands

(%i1) orderlessp ([rat(a)], [rat(b)]);
Maxima encountered a Lisp error:

 CAR: #:B13130 is not a LIST

Automatically continuing.
To reenable the Lisp debugger set *debugger-hook* to nil.
(%i2) is ([rat(a)] = [rat(a)]);
(%o2)                         false

Until these bugs are fixed, do not construct sets with members that are lists or matrices containing expressions in CRE form; a set with a member in CRE form, however, shouldn't be a problem:

(%i1) set (x, rat (x));
(%o1)                          {x}

Maxima's orderlessp has another bug that can cause problems with set functions, namely that the ordering predicate orderlessp is not transitive. The simplest known example that shows this is

(%i1) q: x^2$
(%i2) r: (x + 1)^2$
(%i3) s: x*(x + 2)$
(%i4) orderlessp (q, r);
(%o4)                         true
(%i5) orderlessp (r, s);
(%o5)                         true
(%i6) orderlessp (q, s);
(%o6)                         false

This bug can cause trouble will all set functions as well as with Maxima functions in general. It's likely, but not certain, that if all set members are either in CRE form or have been simplified using ratsimp, this bug will not manifest.

Maxima's orderless and ordergreat mechanisms are incompatible with the set functions. If you need to use either orderless or ordergreat, issue these commands before constructing any sets and do not use the unorder command.

Maxima's sign function has a bug that may cause the Kronecker delta function to misbehave; for example:

(%i1) kron_delta (1/sqrt(2), sqrt(2)/2);
(%o1)                           0

The correct value is 1; the bug is related to the sign bug

(%i1) sign (1/sqrt(2) - sqrt(2)/2);
(%o1)                          pos

If you find something that you think might be a set function bug, please report it to the Maxima bug database. See bug_report.

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39.1.4 Authors

Stavros Macrakis of Cambridge, Massachusetts and Barton Willis of the University of Nebraska at Kearney (UNK) wrote the Maxima set functions and their documentation.

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39.2 Definitions for Sets

Function: adjoin (x, a)

Adjoin x to the set a and return a set. Thus adjoin(x, a) and union(set(x),a) are equivalent; however, using adjoin may be somewhat faster than using union. If a isn't a set, signal an error.

(%i1) adjoin (c, set (a, b));
(%o1)                       {a, b, c}
(%i2) adjoin (a, set (a, b));
(%o2)                        {a, b}

See also disjoin.

Function: belln (n)

For nonnegative integers n, return the n-th Bell number. If s is a set with n members, belln(n) is the number of partitions of s. For example:

(%i1) makelist (belln (i), i, 0, 6);
(%o1)               [1, 1, 2, 5, 15, 52, 203]
(%i2) is (cardinality (set_partitions (set ())) = belln (0));
(%o2)                         true
(%i3) is (cardinality (set_partitions (set (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6))) = belln (6));
(%o3)                         true

When n isn't a nonnegative integer, belln(n) doesn't simplify.

(%i1) [belln (x), belln (sqrt(3)), belln (-9)];
(%o1)        [belln(x), belln(sqrt(3)), belln(- 9)]

The function belln threads over equalities, lists, matrices, and sets.

Function: cardinality (a)

Return the number of distinct elements of the set a.

(%i1) cardinality (set ());
(%o1)                           0
(%i2) cardinality (set (a, a, b, c));
(%o2)                           3
(%i3) cardinality (set (a, a, b, c)), simp: false;
(%o3)                           3

In line (%o3), we see that cardinality works correctly even when simplification has been turned off.

Function: cartesian_product (b_1, ... , b_n)

Return a set of lists of the form [x_1, ..., x_n], where x_1 in b_1, ..., x_n in b_n. Signal an error when any b_k isn't a set.

(%i1) cartesian_product (set (0, 1));
(%o1)                      {[0], [1]}
(%i2) cartesian_product (set (0, 1), set (0, 1));
(%o2)           {[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0], [1, 1]}
(%i3) cartesian_product (set (x), set (y), set (z));
(%o3)                      {[x, y, z]}
(%i4) cartesian_product (set (x), set (-1, 0, 1));
(%o4)              {[x, - 1], [x, 0], [x, 1]}

Function: disjoin (x, a)

Remove x from the set a and return a set. If x isn't a member of a, return a. Each of the following do the same thing: disjoin(x, a), delete(x, a), and setdifference(a,set(x)); however, disjoin is generally the fastest way to remove a member from a set. Signal an error if a isn't a set.

Function: disjointp (a, b)

Return true if the sets a and b are disjoint. Signal an error if either a or b isn't a set.

Function: divisors (n)

When n is a nonzero integer, return the set of its divisors. The set of divisors includes the members 1 and n. The divisors of a negative integer are the divisors of its absolute value.

We can verify that 28 is a perfect number.

(%i1) s: divisors(28);
(%o1)                 {1, 2, 4, 7, 14, 28}
(%i2) lreduce ("+", args(s)) - 28;
(%o2)                          28

The function divisors works by simplification; you shouldn't need to manually re-evaluate after a substitution. For example:

(%i1) divisors (a);
(%o1)                      divisors(a)
(%i2) subst (8, a, %);
(%o2)                     {1, 2, 4, 8}

The function divisors threads over equalities, lists, matrices, and sets. Here is an example of threading over a list and an equality.

(%i1) divisors ([a, b, c=d]);
(%o1) [divisors(a), divisors(b), divisors(c) = divisors(d)]

Function: elementp (x, a)

Return true if and only if x is a member of the set a. Signal an error if a isn't a set.

Function: emptyp (a)

Return true if and only if a is the empty set or the empty list.

(%i1) map (emptyp, [set (), []]);
(%o1)                     [true, true]
(%i2) map (emptyp, [a + b, set (set ()), %pi]);
(%o2)                 [false, false, false]

Function: equiv_classes (s, f)

Return a set of the equivalence classes of s with respect to the equivalence relation f. The function f should be a boolean-valued function defined on the cartesian product of s with s. Further, the function f should be an equivalence relation; equiv_classes, however, doesn't check that it is.

(%i1) equiv_classes (set (a, b, c), lambda ([x, y], is (x=y)));
(%o1)                    {{a}, {b}, {c}}

Actually, equiv_classes (s, f) automatically applies the Maxima function is after applying the function f; accordingly, we can restate the previous example more briefly.

(%i1) equiv_classes (set (a, b, c), "=");
(%o1)                    {{a}, {b}, {c}}

Here is another example.

(%i1) equiv_classes (set (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), lambda ([x, y], remainder (x - y, 3) = 0));
(%o1)              {{1, 4, 7}, {2, 5}, {3, 6}}

Function: every (f, a)
Function: every (f, L_1, ..., L_n)

The first argument f should be a predicate (a function that evaluates to true, false, or unknown).

Given one set as the second argument, every (f, a) returns true if f(a_i) returns true for all a_i in a. Since sets are unordered, every is free to evaluate f(a_i) in any order. every may or may not evaluate f for all a_i in a. Because the order of evaluation isn't specified, the predicate f should not have side-effects or signal errors for any input.

Given one or more lists as arguments, every (f, L_1, ..., L_n) returns true if f(x_1, ..., x_n) returns true for all x_1, ..., x_n in L_1, ..., L_n, respectively. every may or may not evaluate f for every combination x_1, ..., x_n. Since lists are ordered, every evaluates in the order of increasing index.

To use every on multiple set arguments, they should first be converted to an ordered sequence so that their relative alignment becomes well-defined.

If the global flag maperror is true (the default), all lists L_1, ..., L_n must have equal lengths - otherwise, every signals an error. When maperror is false, the list arguments are effectively truncated each to the length of the shortest list.

The Maxima function is automatically applied after evaluating the predicate f.

(%i1) every ("=", [a, b], [a, b]);
(%o1)                         true
(%i2) every ("#", [a, b], [a, b]);
(%o2)                         false

Function: extremal_subset (s, f, max)
Function: extremal_subset (s, f, min)

When the third argument is max, return the subset of the set or list s for which the real-valued function f takes on its greatest value; when the third argument is min, return the subset for which f takes on its least value.

(%i1) extremal_subset (set (-2, -1, 0, 1, 2), abs, max);
(%o1)                       {- 2, 2}
(%i2) extremal_subset (set (sqrt(2), 1.57, %pi/2), sin, min);
(%o2)                       {sqrt(2)}

Function: flatten (e)

Flatten essentially evaluates an expression as if its main operator had been declared n-ary; there is, however, one difference - flatten doesn't recurse into other function arguments. For example:

(%i1) expr: flatten (f (g (f (f (x)))));
(%o1)                     f(g(f(f(x))))
(%i2) declare (f, nary);
(%o2)                         done
(%i3) ev (expr);
(%o3)                      f(g(f(x)))

Applied to a set, flatten gathers all members of set elements that are sets; for example:

(%i1) flatten (set (a, set (b), set (set (c))));
(%o1)                       {a, b, c}
(%i2) flatten (set (a, set ([a], set (a))));
(%o2)                       {a, [a]}

Flatten works correctly when the main operator is a subscripted function

(%i1) flatten (f[5] (f[5] (x)));
(%o1)                         f (x)

To flatten an expression, the main operator must be defined for zero or more arguments; if this isn't the case, Maxima will halt with an error. Expressions with special representations, for example CRE expressions, can't be flattened; in this case, flatten returns its argument unchanged.

Function: full_listify (a)

If a is a set, convert a to a list and apply full_listify to each list element.

To convert just the top-level operator of a set to a list, see listify.

Function: fullsetify (a)

If a is a list, convert a to a set and apply fullsetify to each set member.

(%i1) fullsetify ([a, [a]]);
(%o1)                       {a, {a}}
(%i2) fullsetify ([a, f([b])]);
(%o2)                      {a, f([b])}

In line (%o2), the argument of f isn't converted to a set because the main operator of f([b]) isn't a list.

To convert just the top-level operator of a list to a set, see setify.

Function: identity (x)

The identity function evaluates to its argument for all inputs. To determine if every member of a set is true, you can use

(%i1) every (identity, [true, true]);
(%o1)                         true

Function: integer_partitions (n)
Function: integer_partitions (n, len)

If the optional second argument len isn't specified, return the set of all partitions of the integer n. When len is specified, return all partitions that have length len or less; in this case, zeros are appended to each partition with fewer than len terms to make each partition have exactly len terms. In either case, each partition is a list sorted from greatest to least.

We say a list [a_1, ..., a_m] is a partition of a nonnegative integer n provided (1) each a_i is a nonzero integer and (2) a_1 + ... + a_m = n. Thus 0 has no partitions.

(%i1) integer_partitions (3);
(%o1)               {[1, 1, 1], [2, 1], [3]}
(%i2) s: integer_partitions (25)$
(%i3) cardinality (s);
(%o3)                         1958
(%i4) map (lambda ([x], apply ("+", x)), s);
(%o4)                         {25}
(%i5) integer_partitions (5, 3);
(%o5) {[2, 2, 1], [3, 1, 1], [3, 2, 0], [4, 1, 0], [5, 0, 0]}
(%i6) integer_partitions (5, 2);
(%o6)               {[3, 2], [4, 1], [5, 0]}

To find all partitions that satisfy a condition, use the function subset; here is an example that finds all partitions of 10 that consist of prime numbers.

(%i1) s: integer_partitions (10)$
(%i2) xprimep(x) := integerp(x) and (x > 1) and primep(x)$
(%i3) subset (s, lambda ([x], every (xprimep, x)));
(%o3) {[2, 2, 2, 2, 2], [3, 3, 2, 2], [5, 3, 2], [5, 5], [7, 3]}

(Notice that primep(1) is true in Maxima. This disagrees with most definitions of prime.)

Function: intersect (a_1, ..., a_n)

Return a set containing the elements that are common to the sets a_1 through a_n. The function intersect must receive one or more arguments. Signal an error if any of a_1 through a_n isn't a set. See also intersection.

Function: intersection (a_1, ..., a_n)

Return a set containing the elements that are common to the sets a_1 through a_n. The function intersection must receive one or more arguments. Signal an error if any of a_1 through a_n isn't a set. See also intersect.

Function: kron_delta (x, y)

The Kronecker delta function; kron_delta (x, y) simplifies to 1 when is(x = y) is true and it simplifies to zero when sign (|x - y|) is pos. When sign (|x - y|) is zero and x - y isn't a floating point number (neither a double nor a bfloat), return 0. Otherwise, return a noun form.

The function, kron_delta is declared to be symmetric; thus, for example, kron_delta(x, y) - kron_delta(y, x) simplifies to zero.

Here are a few examples.

(%i1) [kron_delta (a, a), kron_delta (a + 1, a)];
(%o1)                        [1, 0]
(%i2) kron_delta (a, b);
(%o2)                   kron_delta(a, b)

Assuming that a > b makes sign (|a - b|) evaluate to pos; thus

(%i1) assume (a > b)$
(%i2) kron_delta (a, b);
(%o2)                           0

If we instead assume that x >= y, then sign (|x - y|) evaluates to pz; in this case, kron_delta (x, y) doesn't simplify

(%i1) assume(x >= y)$
(%i2) kron_delta (x, y);
(%o2)                   kron_delta(x, y)

Finally, since 1/10 - 0.1 evaluates to a floating point number, we have

(%i1) kron_delta (1/10, 0.1);
(%o1)                  kron_delta(--, 0.1)

If you want kron_delta (1/10, 0.1) to evaluate to 1, apply float.

(%i1) float (kron_delta (1/10, 0.1));
(%o1)                           1

Function: listify (a)

If a is a set, return a list containing the members of a; when a isn't a set, return a. To convert a set and all of its members to lists, see full_listify.

Function: lreduce (f, s)
Function: lreduce (f, s, init)

The function lreduce (left reduce) extends a 2-arity function to an n-arity function by composition; an example should make this clear. When the optional argument init isn't defined, we have

(%i1) lreduce (f, [1, 2, 3]);
(%o1)                     f(f(1, 2), 3)
(%i2) lreduce (f, [1, 2, 3, 4]);
(%o2)                  f(f(f(1, 2), 3), 4)

Notice that the function f is first applied to the leftmost list elements (thus the name lreduce). When init is defined, the second argument to the inner most function evaluation is init; for example:

(%i1) lreduce (f, [1, 2, 3], 4);
(%o1)                  f(f(f(4, 1), 2), 3)

The function lreduce makes it easy to find the product or sum of the elements of a list.

(%i1) lreduce ("+", args (set (a, b)));
(%o1)                         b + a
(%i2) lreduce ("*", args (set (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)));
(%o2)                          120

See also See rreduce, See xreduce, and See tree_reduce.

Function: makeset (e, v, s)

This function is similar to makelist, but makeset allows multiple substitutions. The first argument e is an expression; the second argument v is a list of variables; and s is a list or set of values for the variables v. Each member of s must have the same length as v. We have makeset (e, v, s) is the set {z | z = substitute(v -> s_i) and s_i in s}.

(%i1) makeset (i/j, [i, j], [[a, b], [c, d]]);
                              a  c
(%o1)                        {-, -}
                              b  d
(%i2) ind: set (0, 1, 2, 3)$
(%i3) makeset (i^2 + j^2 + k^2, [i, j, k], cartesian_product (ind, ind, ind));
(%o3) {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 
                                                      19, 22, 27}

Function: moebius (n)

The Moebius function; when n is product of k distinct primes, moebius(n) evaluates to (-1)^k; it evaluates to 1 when n = 1; and it evaluates to 0 for all other positive integers. The Moebius function threads over equalities, lists, matrices, and sets.

Function: multinomial_coeff (a_1, ..., a_n)
Function: multinomial_coeff ()

Return the multinomial coefficient. When each a_k is a nonnegative integer, the multinomial coefficient gives the number of ways of placing a_1 + ... + a_n distinct objects into n boxes with a_k elements in the k'th box. In general, multinomial (a_1, ..., a_n) evaluates to (a_1 + ... + a_n)!/(a_1! ... a_n!). Given no arguments, multinomial() evaluates to 1. A user may use minfactorial to simplify the value returned by multinomial_coeff; for example:

(%i1) multinomial_coeff (1, 2, x);
                            (x + 3)!
(%o1)                       --------
                              2 x!
(%i2) minfactorial (%);
                     (x + 1) (x + 2) (x + 3)
(%o2)                -----------------------
(%i3) multinomial_coeff (-6, 2);
                             (- 4)!
(%o3)                       --------
                            2 (- 6)!
(%i4) minfactorial (%);
(%o4)                          10

Function: num_distinct_partitions (n)
Function: num_distinct_partitions (n, a)

When n is a nonnegative integer, return the number of distinct integer partitions of n.

If the optional parameter a has the value list, return a list of the number of distinct partitions of 1,2,3, ... , n. If n isn't a nonnegative integer, return a noun form.

Definition: If n = k_1 + ... + k_m, where k_1 through k_m are distinct positive integers, we call k_1 + ... + k_m a distinct partition of n.

Function: num_partitions (n)
Function: num_partitions (n, a)

When n is a nonnegative integer, return the number of partitions of n. If the optional parameter a has the value list, return a list of the number of partitions of 1,2,3, ... , n. If n isn't a nonnegative integer, return a noun form.

(%i1) num_partitions (5) = cardinality (integer_partitions (5));
(%o1)                         7 = 7
(%i2) num_partitions (8, list);
(%o2)            [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 15, 22]
(%i3) num_partitions (n);
(%o3)                   num_partitions(n)

For a nonnegative integer n, num_partitions (n) is equal to cardinality (integer_partitions (n)); however, calling num_partitions is much faster.

Function: partition_set (a, f)

Return a list of two sets; the first set is the subset of a for which the predicate f evaluates to false and the second is the subset of a for which f evaluates to true. If a isn't a set, signal an error. See also subset.

(%i1) partition_set (set (2, 7, 1, 8, 2, 8), evenp);
(%o1)                   [{1, 7}, {2, 8}]
(%i2) partition_set (set (x, rat(y), rat(y) + z, 1), lambda ([x], ratp(x)));
(%o2)/R/              [{1, x}, {y, y + z}]

Function: permutations (a)

Return a set of all distinct permutations of the members of the list or set a. (Each permutation is a list, not a set.) When a is a list, duplicate members of a are not deleted before finding the permutations. Thus

(%i1) permutations ([a, a]);
(%o1)                       {[a, a]}
(%i2) permutations ([a, a, b]);
(%o2)           {[a, a, b], [a, b, a], [b, a, a]}

If a isn't a list or set, signal an error.

Function: powerset (a)
Function: powerset (a, n)

When the optional second argument n isn't defined, return the set of all subsets of the set a. powerset(a) has 2^cardinality(a) members. Given a second argument, powerset(a,n) returns the set of all subsets of a that have cardinality n. Signal an error if a isn't a set; additionally signal an error if n isn't a positive integer.

Function: rreduce (f, s)
Function: rreduce (f, s, init)

The function rreduce (right reduce) extends a 2-arity function to an n-arity function by composition; an example should make this clear. When the optional argument init isn't defined, we have

(%i1) rreduce (f, [1, 2, 3]);
(%o1)                     f(1, f(2, 3))
(%i2) rreduce (f, [1, 2, 3, 4]);
(%o2)                  f(1, f(2, f(3, 4)))

Notice that the function f is first applied to the rightmost list elements (thus the name rreduce). When init is defined, the second argument to the inner most function evaluation is init; for example:

(%i1) rreduce (f, [1, 2, 3], 4);
(%o1)                  f(1, f(2, f(3, 4)))

The function rreduce makes it easy to find the product or sum of the elements of a list.

(%i1) rreduce ("+", args (set (a, b)));
(%o1)                         b + a
(%i2) rreduce ("*", args (set (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)));
(%o2)                          120

See also See lreduce, See tree_reduce, and See xreduce.

Function: setdifference (a, b)

Return a set containing the elements in the set a that are not in the set b. Signal an error if a or b is not a set.

Function: setequalp (a, b)

Returns true if sets a and b have the same number of elements and is (x = y) is true for x in the elements of a and y in the elements of b, considered in the order determined by listify. Otherwise, setequalp returns false.

setequalp complains when a or b is not a set.

Function: setify (a)

Construct a set from the elements of the list a. Duplicate elements of the list a are deleted and the elements are sorted according to the predicate orderlessp. Signal an error if a isn't a list.

Function: setp (a)

Return true if and only if a is a Maxima set. The function setp checks that the operator of its argument is set; it doesn't check that its argument is a simplified set. Thus

(%i1) setp (set (a, a)), simp: false;
(%o1)                         true

The function setp could be coded in Maxima as setp(a) := is (inpart (a, 0) = set).

Function: set_partitions (a)
Function: set_partitions (a, n)

When the optional argument n is defined, return a set of all decompositions of a into n nonempty disjoint subsets. When n isn't defined, return the set of all partitions.

We say a set P is a partition of a set S provided

  1. each member of P is a nonempty set,
  2. distinct members of P are disjoint,
  3. the union of the members of P equals S.

The empty set is a partition of itself (the conditions 1 and 2 being vacuously true); thus

(%i1) set_partitions (set ());
(%o1)                         {{}}

The cardinality of the set of partitions of a set can be found using stirling2; thus

(%i1) s: set (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)$
(%i2) p: set_partitions (s, 3)$ 
(%o3)                        90 = 90
(%i4) cardinality(p) = stirling2 (6, 3);

Each member of p should have 3 members; let's check.

(%i1) s: set (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)$
(%i2) p: set_partitions (s, 3)$ 
(%o3)                          {3}
(%i4) map (cardinality, p);

Finally, for each member of p, the union of its members should equal s; again let's check.

(%i1) s: set (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)$
(%i2) p: set_partitions (s, 3)$ 
(%o3)                 {{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}}
(%i4) map (lambda ([x], apply (union, listify (x))), p);

Function: some (f, a)
Function: some (f, L_1, ..., L_n)

The first argument f should be a predicate (a function that evaluates to true, false, or unknown).

Given one set as the second argument, some (f, a) returns true if f(a_i) returns true for at least one a_i in a. Since sets are unordered, some is free to evaluate f(a_i) in any order. some may or may not evaluate f for all a_i in a. Because the order of evaluation isn't specified, the predicate f should not have side-effects or signal errors for any input. To use some on multiple set arguments, they should first be converted to an ordered sequence so that their relative alignment becomes well-defined.

Given one or more lists as arguments, some (f, L_1, ..., L_n) returns true if f(x_1, ..., x_n) returns true for at least one x_1, ..., x_n in L_1, ..., L_n, respectively. some may or may not evaluate f for every combination x_1, ..., x_n. Since lists are ordered, some evaluates in the order of increasing index.

If the global flag maperror is true (the default), all lists L_1, ..., L_n must have equal lengths - otherwise, some signals an error. When maperror is false, the list arguments are effectively truncated each to the length of the shortest list.

The Maxima function is is automatically applied after evaluating the predicate f.

(%i1) some ("<", [a, b, 5], [1, 2, 8]);
(%o1)                         true
(%i2) some ("=", [2, 3], [2, 7]);
(%o2)                         true

Function: stirling1 (n, m)

The Stirling number of the first kind. When n and m are nonnegative integers, the magnitude of stirling1 (n, m) is the number of permutations of a set with n members that have m cycles. For details, see Graham, Knuth and Patashnik Concrete Mathematics. We use a recursion relation to define stirling1 (n, m) for m less than 0; we do not extend it for n less than 0 or for non-integer arguments.

The function stirling1 works by simplification; it knows the basic special values (see Donald Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming, third edition, Volume 1, Section 1.2.6, Equations 48, 49, and 50). For Maxima to apply these rules, the arguments must be declared to be integer and the first argument must nonnegative. For example:

(%i1) declare (n, integer)$
(%i2) assume (n >= 0)$
(%i3) stirling1 (n, n);
(%o3)                           1

stirling1 does not simplify for non-integer arguments.

(%i1) stirling1 (sqrt(2), sqrt(2));
(%o1)              stirling1(sqrt(2), sqrt(2))

Maxima knows a few other special values; for example:

(%i1) declare (n, integer)$
(%i2) assume (n >= 0)$
(%i3) stirling1 (n + 1, n);
                            n (n + 1)
(%o3)                       ---------
(%i4) stirling1 (n + 1, 1);
(%o4)                          n!

Function: stirling2 (n, m)

The Stirling number of the second kind. When n and m are nonnegative integers, stirling2 (n, m) is the number of ways a set with cardinality n can be partitioned into m disjoint subsets. We use a recursion relation to define stirling2 (n, m) for m less than 0; we do not extend it for n less than 0 or for non-integer arguments.

The function stirling2 works by simplification; it knows the basic special values (see Donald Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming, third edition, Volume 1, Section 1.2.6, Equations 48, 49, and 50). For Maxima to apply these rules, the arguments must be declared to be integer and the first argument must nonnegative. For example:

(%i1) declare (n, integer)$
(%i2) assume (n >= 0)$
(%i3) stirling2 (n, n);
(%o3)                           1

stirling2 does not simplify for non-integer arguments.

(%i1) stirling2 (%pi, %pi);
(%o1)                  stirling2(%pi, %pi)

Maxima knows a few other special values.

(%i1) declare (n, integer)$
(%i2) assume (n >= 0)$
(%i3) stirling2 (n + 9, n + 8);
                         (n + 8) (n + 9)
(%o3)                    ---------------
(%i4) stirling2 (n + 1, 2);
(%o4)                        2  - 1

Function: subset (a, f)

Return the subset of the set a that satisfies the predicate f. For example:

(%i1) subset (set (1, 2, x, x + y, z, x + y + z), atom);
(%o1)                     {1, 2, x, z}
(%i2) subset (set (1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 14), evenp);
(%o2)                      {2, 8, 14}

The second argument to subset must be a predicate (a boolean-valued function of one argument) if the first argument to subset isn't a set, signal an error. See also partition_set.

Function: subsetp (a, b)

Return true if and only if the set a is a subset of b. Signal an error if a or b is not a set.

Function: symmdifference (a_1, ..., a_n)

Return the set of members that occur in exactly one set a_k. Signal an error if any argument a_k isn't a set. Given two arguments, symmdifference (a, b) is the same as union (setdifference (a, b), setdifference (b, a)).

Function: tree_reduce (f, s)
Function: tree_reduce (f, s, init)

The function tree_reduce extends a associative binary operator f : S x S -> S from two arguments to any number of arguments using a minimum depth tree. An example should make this clear.

(%i1) tree_reduce (f, [a, b, c, d]);
(%o1)                  f(f(a, b), f(c, d))

Given an odd number of arguments, tree_reduce favors the left side of the tree; for example:

(%i1) tree_reduce (f, [a, b, c, d, e]);
(%o1)               f(f(f(a, b), f(c, d)), e)

For addition of floating point numbers, using tree_reduce may give a sum that has a smaller rounding error than using either rreduce or lreduce.

Function: union (a_1, ..., a_n)

Return the union of the sets a_1 through a_n. When union receives no arguments, it returns the empty set. Signal an error when one or more arguments to union is not a set.

Function: xreduce (f, s)
Function: xreduce (f, s, init)

This function is similar to both lreduce and rreduce except that xreduce is free to use either left or right associativity; in particular when f is an associative function and Maxima has a built-in evaluator for it, xreduce may use the n-ary function; these n-ary functions include addition +, multiplication *, and, or, max, min, and append. For these operators, we generally expect using xreduce to be faster than using either rreduce or lreduce. When f isn't n-ary, xreduce uses left-associativity.

Floating point addition is not associative; nevertheless, xreduce uses Maxima's n-ary addition when the set or list s contains floating point numbers.

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