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How to Create Files and Add Nodes

By convention,the keybindings for the Para mode creation commands consist of the Para mode prefix followed by a letter.

Para Mode has two fundamental creation commands: one for creating a Para mode file, and the other for creating nodes within the file.

C-c C-p f para-make-file create a Para mode file

C-c C-p a para-add-node create a node

Use `para-make-file' to create a Para mode file. If you are not visiting a buffer in Para mode mode type:

M-x para-make-file

If you are visiting a buffer in Para mode mode type:

C-c C-p f

Emacs will prompt you for the filename and for the hardcopy title. To make the Info file name, `.info' is appended to the filename. You may wish to edit this by hand. If the file already exists, an error is signaled.

Of course, you may edit any Texinfo source file using Para mode. Just type `M-x para-mode' while visiting a buffer in Texinfo mode.

When you are visiting a file in Para Mode, you may create menus and nodes within it using the `C-c C-p a' (para-add-node) command.

As an exercise, you may create a new Para mode file called `foo' by typing `C-c C-p f' (para-make-file) and then `foo' when prompted.

To create a node, type:

C-c C-p a

If the new node is at the same or lower hierarchical level as the preceding node, the `C-c C-p a' (para-add-node) command creates new node and section headers and inserts them at point.

But if the new node is at a higher hierarchical level, the command inserts the new node and section headers just before next node at the same level of the new node.

Usually, you type `C-c C-p a' without a prefix argument. In this case, the new node is the same type as the preceding node and the new headers are inserted at point. You are prompted for the node name and title.

However, if you type a prefix argument before typing `C-c C-p a', Emacs will prompt you for the type (that is, for the hierarchical level) of the node. This command looks like this:

C-u C-c C-p a

In this case, the default type is one level lower than the preceding node (unless the previous node is already at the lowest level).

In addition, the `C-c C-p a' (para-add-node) command updates pointers in the relevant previous and next node lines and updates the appropriate menu (but not the master menu, unless the added node is a chapter).

After you have created a node, you may type within it.

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