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Electric References

By default, supercite just goes ahead and inserts the reference header indexed by sc-preferred-header-style. However, you may want to select different reference headers based on the type of reply or forwarding you are doing. You may also want to preview the reference header before deciding whether to insert it into the reply buffer or not. Supercite provides an optional electric reference mode which you can drop into to give you this functionality.

Electric reference mode is a quasi-major-mode which you enter whenever supercite inserts a reference header and the variable sc-electric-references-p is non-nil. Actually you are placed into a recursive edit inside the electric reference buffer, which is a read-only buffer.

When in electric reference mode, you can scan back and forth through the list of reference headers in sc-rewrite-header-list. You can also set a new preferred header style, jump to any header, or jump to the preferred header. The header will be shown in the electric reference buffer and the header index will appear in the echo area. You cannot, however, actually edit the headers while in electric reference mode; you will have to do that once the header has been inserted into the reply buffer.

The following commands are available while in electric reference mode (shown here with their default key bindings):

sc-eref-next (n)
Displays the next reference header in the other buffer. If the variable sc-electric-circular-p is non-nil, invoking sc-eref-next while viewing the last reference header in the list, will wrap around to the first header.
sc-eref-prev (p)
Displays the previous reference header in the other buffer. If the variable sc-electric-circular-p is non-nil, invoking sc-eref-prev will wrap around to the last header.
sc-eref-goto (g)
Display the reference header indexed by refnum where refnum is a valid index into sc-rewrite-header-list. refnum can be supplied as a numeric argument to this command, or you will be queried for it in the minibuffer.
sc-eref-jump (j)
Display the preferred reference header -- the one indexed by the current value of sc-preferred-header-style.
sc-eref-exit (q, LFD, and RET)
Exit from electric reference mode and insert the current header into the reply buffer. Also note that exiting the recursive edit (with command (exit-recursive-edit), typically bound to ESC C-c), executes sc-eref-exit.
sc-eref-abort (x)
Exit from electric reference mode without inserting the current header.
sc-eref-setn (s)
Set the preferred reference header (i.e., sc-preferred-header-style) to the currently displayed header.

Supercite will execute the hook sc-electric-mode-hook before entering electric reference mode.

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