VIP provides multiple undo. The number of undo's and the size is limited by the machine. The VIP command u does and undo. Undo can be repeated by .. Another u will undo the undo, and further . will repeat it. u does the first undo, and changes the direction.
Since the undo size is limited, VIP can create backup files and auto-save files. It will normally do this automatically. It is possible to have numbered backups etc. For details, see section `Backup and Auto-Save' in The GNU Emacs Manual.
The results of the 9 previous changes are available in the 9 numeric registers as in VI. The extra goody is the ability to view these registers, in addition to being able to access them through p. The VIP command ] register will display the contents of any register, numeric or alphabetical. The related command [ textmarker will show the text around the textmarker. `register and textmarker' can be any letters from a through z.