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VIP uses 2 main keymaps: vip-mode-map for Vi mode commands, and vip-insert-mode-map for Insert mode commands. By default, vip-insert-mode-map makes non VI keys insert themselves. VIP also suppresses Emacs control keys in vip-mode-map.

To unsuppress emacs bindings in Vi and Insert modes, put the line


in your `.vip' file. To unsuppress bindings in just Insert mode, put

(setq-default vip-insert-mode-vi-map nil)

in your `.vip' file. This unsuppresses Emacs bindings for all buffers. To do that selectively, you will have to

(setq vip-insert-mode-vi-map nil)

in just those buffers. This is usually accomplished in customization hooks for major modes. See section `Mode Hooks' in The GNU Emacs Manual, and See section `Hooks' in GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual, for details.

You can also alter the vip-insert-mode-map to change the bindings. Note that changing to a VI compatible insert mode also requires undefining some bindings. This is done in the function vip-insert-mode-bindings. To make a substantial change, you have to redefine this function. The vip-insert-mode-map was defined primararily so that :map! could be implemented.

That was about VIP bindings. For normal Emacs bindings, read the following. See section `Customization' in The GNU Emacs Manual, and the Emacs quick reference card for more info. To bind a function to a key, say C-s for incremental search

(define-key vip-mode-map "\C-s" 'isearch-forward)

To set a key globally,

(global-set-key "\C-s" 'isearch-forward)

Note that local mode maps override the global keymap.

Each Emacs command key calls some lisp function. If you have enabled the Help, (see section Rudimentary Changes) C-h k will show you the function.

:map and :map! defined Vi/Ex macros, and cannot be used to define bindings for Emacs functions. See section VI Macros, for details.

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