The most cited papers : R. Saito

Last modified: September 23 2023 09:37:49.

First of all, I sincerely appreciate your citation of our papers.
It is our great pleasure that your work might be partially motivated by our papers.

Most of the following papers were not always accepted quickly.
They were not always expected to be a good paper for the authors.
However, they are almost the first papers to open the new direction of the field.

Since we are frequently asked the citation or references of the papers on carbon nanotubes,
we put this in the web. Thank you again.

We hope that you will find the relevant papers from the reference page.

R. Saito@WebOfSci total citation = 42,073 (h-index = 90)

R. Saito@Google Scholar total citation = 71,993 (h-index = 104)

h-index = 91, total citation = 43,834, Average CI/article = 103.58,
Books = 44, Papers = 382, invited talks = 244 (2024.6.16 updated)

(over 100 only) 

    Journal    CI  FA Contents          Reference

Book Citation (citation index for books is taken by Google Scholar)

    ICP book 11,604 RS Physical Properties of Carbon Nanotube (1998)
                       Imperial College Press* 
  Raman book  1,087 AJ Raman spectroscopy of graphene relates systems (2011) 
                       John Wiley & Sons

Paper Citation (Web of Science, pdf files: login: nanotube password: graphene)

 1. PRR paper 3519 MD Raman             Phys. Rep. 409, 47 (2005)
 2.PCCP paper 3332 MP Disorder Raman    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 9, 1276 (2007)
 3. APL paper 2385 RS SWNT electronic   Appl. Phys. Lett. 60, 2204 (1992)
 4.  NL paper 2365 MD Perspective       Nano Lett. 10, 751 (2010)
 5. PRL paper 1328 AJ Raman exp.        Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 1118 (2001)
 6. C   paper 1256 MD Raman spectra     Carbon 40 2043 (2002)
 7. PR  paper 1142 RS SWNT electronic   Phys. Rev. B 46, 1804 (1992)
 8. C   paper 1002 MD Physics of CNT    Carbon 33 883 (1995)
 9. NJP paper  877 AJ Raman             New J. Phys 5 139 (2003)
10. AVP paper  678 RS Raman review      Adv. in Phys. 60, 413 (2011)
11. PR  paper  614 RS trigonal warping  Phys. Rev. B 61, 2981 (2000) 
12. JPS paper  596 TA Berry's phase     J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 67, 2857 (1998)
13. PR  paper  560 RS Raman (T. Takeya) Phys. Rev. B 57, 4145 (1998)
14. PRL paper  512 RS double resonance  Phys. Rev. Lett 88, 027401 (2002)
15.PTRC paper  512 MD Defect charac.    Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. 368, 5355 (2010). 
16. PR  paper  497 SB BWF line          Phys. Rev. B 63, 155414 (2001)
17.ARCM paper  482 MD Graphene Raman    Ann. Rev. Co. Mat. Phys. 1, 89 (2010)
18. PR  paper  458 AJ 62 isolated SWNT  Phys. Rev. B 65, 155412 (2002)
19. PR  paper  411 MD SWNT structure    Phys. Rev. B 45, 6234 (1992)
20. CPL paper  387 RS DWNT (R. Matsuo)  Chem. Phys. Lett. 348, 187 (2001)
21. PRL paper  330 AR Polarized MWNTs   Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 1820 (2000)
22.JACS paper  298 YM M-S separation    J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 127, 10287 (2005)
23. PR  paper  294 RS SWNT junction     Phys. Rev. B 53, 2044 (1996)
24.  NE paper  292 LY Understanding LiS Nano Energy, 25, 203 (2016)
25. JAP paper  280 RS DWNT              J. Appl. Phys. 73, 494 (1993) 
26. PRL paper  278 LI 0.4nm SWNT        Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 127401 (2001)
27. NL  paper  272 LX Black Phosphorus  Nano Lett. 16, 2260 (2016)
28.JACS paper  264 ZL Large-area MoTe2   J. Am. Chem. Soc. 137, 11892 (2015)
29.   C paper  252 PJ G' graphene       Carbon 47, 1303 (2009)
30.  PR paper  248 AG inhomo optical    Phys. Rev. B 67, 165402 (2003)  
31. ACR paper  226 MD single NT Raman   Acc. Chem. Res. 1070 (2002)
32. NJP paper  220 RS double resonance  New J. Phys. 5, 157 (2003)
33.  PR paper  218 AJ Raman (n,m)       Phys. Rev. B 71, 075401 (2005) 
34. NL  paper  215 YQ n (p) MWNT Raman  Nano Lett. 12, 2465, (2005)
35. PRL paper  211 AJ Polarized SWNTs   Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 2617 (2000)
36. ACN paper  211 YK B-doped Graphene  ACS Nano, 6, 6293 (2012)
37.  PR paper  200 JJ Exciton calc.     Phys. Rev. B 75 035407 (2007)
38. CPL paper  197 KS D band Raman      Chem. Phys. Lett. 427, 117 (2006)
39.   C paper  192 HN zeolite carbon    Carbon 47, 1220 (2009)
40.  PR paper  191 AG TB graphene       Phys. Rev. B 78 205425 (2008)
41.ARPC paper  189 MD Exciton photophys Ann. Rev. Phys. Chem. 58 719 (2007)
42. MSE paper  188 MD nanowire & NTs    Matel. Sci. Eng. 23, 129 (2003)
43.  PR paper  179 AJ Linewidth Raman   Phys. Rev. B 66, 115411 (2002)
44. PRL paper  172 LC Raman GL ribbon   Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 047403 (2004)  
45. APL paper  167 TK 1.54 Er Si        Appl. Phys. Lett. 65, 983 (1994)
46. APL paper  165 GS ETB calculation   Appl. Phys. Lett 23, 5703 (2004)  
47. ACSNpaper  155 SH GaTe              ACS Nano, 10, 8964 (2016)
48. PR  paper  152 AJ Quantify Raman    Phys. Rev. B. 72, 075207 (2005)
49. ACSNpaper  146 CC ABA-ABC graphene  ACS Nano 5, 8760 (2011)
50. JPCMpaper  145 RS Raman of TMD      J. Phys. Cond. Matt. 28, 353002 (2016)
51.  NT paper  145 AS Raman chem/phys   Nanotechnology 14, 1130 (2003)
52. PR  paper  142 LC St and ASt Raman  Phys. Rev. B. 66, (2002)
53.   C paper  141 YO PL intensity      Carbon 44, 873 (2006)
54. EES paper  136 LY ZnO-CdS hetero    Energy Environ. Sci. 4, 3976 (2011)
55. NL  paper  135 CH Layer Breathing   Nano Lett. 12, 5539 (2012)
56.  PR paper  128 AJ JDOS of SWNTs     Phys. Rev. B 63, 245416 (2001)
57. PR  paper  128 AJ Antenna effect    Phys. Rev. B. 65, (2002)
58. PR  paper  127 JJ elec-phonon NT    Phys. Rev. B. 72, 235408 (2005)
59. APL paper  125 SK edge state        Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 113110 (2006)
60. PRL paper  123 AJ cross polarized   Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 107403 (2003)
61.  PR paper  123 SR AB spectra of NT  Phys. Rev. B 62, 16092 (2000) 
62. JPSJpaper  121 SK Gauge field       J. Phys. Soc. Jpn, 75 074713 (2006)
63. ACSNpaper  120 DA GIC Direct real   ACS Nano 7 2773 (2013)
64. CPL paper  119 GC DNA wrapped SWNT  Chem. Phys. Lett. 397, 296 (2004) 
65. ACSNpaper  118 CC 2nd order Raman   ACS Nano 5, 1600 (2011)
66. PR  paper  115 VB M band of CNT     Phys. Rev. B 66, 155418 (2002)
67. PRL paper  115 GC Phonon assisted   Phys. Rev. Lett 94,127402 (2005)
68. PR  paper  113 MP d dep D band      Phys. Rev. B 64, 041401 (2001)
69. PT  paper  109 AJ determination NT  Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A362 2311 (2004)
70. PRL paper  108 UK Infrared NT       Phys. Rev. Lett. 95 157402 (2005)
71. PR  paper  108 RS Ch dep G Raman    Phys. Rev. B 64, 085312 (2001)
72. SSC paper  108 MD C60 related tube  Sold State Comm. 84, 201 (1992)
73. CPL paper  106 XZ RBM of MWNT       Chem. Phys. Lett. 361, 169 (2002)
74. PR  paper  102 RS topological defect Chem. Phys. Lett. 195, 537 (1992)
75. PR  paper  101 AS Stokes antiStokes  Phys. Rev. B 69, 115428 (2004)

76. JPSJpaper   98 WI Spin-orbit SWNT    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn, 78, 074707 (2009)
77.   C paper   98 TS 2450cm-1 Raman     Carbon 43, 1049 (2005)
78. JNN paper   98 GS cutting line       N. Nanosci. Nanotech, 3, 431 (2003) 
79.   C paper   96 JJ Optical mat. ele.  Carbon 42, 3168 (2004)
80  PTP paper   96 KS Gauge Field        Prog. Theo. Phys. Suppl. 176, 253 (2008)

FA : first authors initials, affiliation. Frequency.
     RS (R. Saito, Tohoku U.)  12 
     MD (Prof. Mildred S. Dresselhaus, MIT) 11
     AJ (Prof. A. Jorio, UFMG) 10
     JJ (Dr. Jie Jiang, Tohoku U. -> USA) 3
     SK (Dr. Ken'ichi Sasaki, Tohoku U. -> NTT) 3
     AS (Prof. A. G. Souza-Filho, UFC) 2
     AG (Dr. A. Gruneis, Tohoku U. -> U. Koln) 2
     MP (Prof. M. Pimenta, UFMG) 2
     GC (Dr. Grace Chou, MIT -> NISH) 2
     LC (Prof. L. G. Cancado, UFMG) 2
     LY (Prof. Lichang Yin, IMS, China) 2
     GS (Dr. Ge. G. Samsonidze, MIT -> UCB) 2
     CC (Prof. Cong Chunxiao, Fudan, China) 2
     TK (Prof. T. Kimura, UEC) 1
     KS (Prof. K. Sato, Tohoku U. -> Sendai C.) 1
     LI (Dr Z. M. Li, HKUST) 1
     MY (Prof. Y. Maeda, Tsukuba) 1
     AR (Prof. A. M. Rao, Clemson) 1
     SB (Dr. Sandra. D. M. Brown, MIT) 1
     TA (Prof. T. Ando, TIT) 1
     SR (Prof. S. Roche, Spain) 1
     YO (Mr. Y. Oyama, Tohoku U.) 1
     YQ (Prof. Q. H. Yang, Tohoku U.) 1
     PJ (Dr. Park Jin Sung, Tohoku U.) 1
     HN (Dr. H. Nishihara Tohoku U.) 1
     VB (Dr. V. W. Brar, MIT) 1
     YK (Prof. Yoong Ahm Kim, Shinshu U.) 1
     WX (Dr. Wang Xuewen, IMR, China) 1
     ZL (Dr. Zhou Lin, MIT) 1
     LX (Dr. Ling Xi, MIT) 1
     CH (Dr. Lui, Chun Hung, Columbia, USA) 1
     UK (Prof. U. J. Kim, Penn State Univ, USA) 1
     XZ (Prof. X. Zhao, Shanghai Univ, China) 1
     SH (Prof. Shengxi Huang, Penn State U, USA) 1
     WI (Prof. Wataru Izumida, Tohoku University, Japan) 1
     DA (Dr. Dimiev Ayrat M, Rice University, USA) 1
     TS (Dr. Takashi Shimada, U. Tokyo, Japan) 1

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R. Saito : rsaito @