Saito Group (Open)

ICSD Inorganic Crystal Structure Database

Licensed Database (We have the license and we can access from the LAN of the departement) of Inorganic Crystal Structure.


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How to use for MoSe2

  1. Accesss to ICSD
  2. Select Composition box and select Mo and Se in the periodic table.
  3. Back to the main window and put 3 in the box of "Number of Elements"
  4. Click "Run query" Buttom
  5. The list of database. Download cif file to the Desktop.
  6. You can also download detail information by check the box of database and "show detail".

Download VESTA and run VESTA.exe for 3D view of structure

  1. VESTA:
  2. Put the cif file to the window.
  3. Select "Utility" tab and select "Powder Diffraction Pattern"
  4. Push "Calculate" button in the popup "powder diffraction pattern" window

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