Tian Yuan's visit to Rice University†
Last update: 2022.1.26 by Tian†
Flight Information†
UA6, departing Narita 5:10 pm Mar 1st 2022, arriving IA.Houston 2:00 pm Mar 1st 2022†
UA7, departing IA.Houston 11:10 am Aug 30st 2022, arriving Narita 2:20 pm Aug 31st 2022†
Real Estate company in Japan†
Name プランドホーム Telephone number 022-211-9321, contact person†
Apartment in Rice†
Address, information†
- Applying, waiting for reply.
Iihama-sensei's project†
Apply for key of AIMR†
- Mail sent to AIMR-Safty, waiting for reply.
Download Paper on Ilhama-sensei's work and make report before 1.28†
Phone number of Iihama-sensei to stay in contact: 022-217-6003 for Mizukami lab.†
2022.1.24 Report on the zoom meeting†
2022.1.24 1:30pm Zoom meeting for discussion†
2021.1.31 2pm at North gate†
2022.1.31-2.12 Lab visit and experiment†
Date: 2022.3.1-2022.8.30†
Junichiro Kono' Lab at Rice University, Texas, USA†
This page is for Tian-san to visit Rice University from March 1st to Aug. 30th, 2022.
In order to check each step correctly, we will report here all information.
What Tian-san should do (from new to the past)†
Updated by Tian on Jan. 26th 20:03†
- Flight to Houston: UA6, departing Narita 5:10 pm Mar 1st 2022, arriving IA.Houston 2:00 pm Mar 1st 2022
- Flight back Tokyo: UA7, departing IA.Houston 11:10 am Aug 30st 2022, arriving Narita 2:20 pm Aug 31st 2022
- Test the portable WIFI.
- Register the eduroam.
- Health insurance https://oiss.rice.edu/scholarhealthinsurance and apartment in Texas.
- Email sent to OISS Rice university, Three possible outcomes: 1. Fudaikaigaku is viable 2. By purchasing more insurance plans from JEES, a combined insurance plan is viable 3. Find cheaper plans in US.
- Find the apartment in Texas and report.
- No room at Rice graduate school or Rice village apartment, Mail sent third real estate company, Waiting for reply.
- [DONE at 1/26]Enroll insurance for 7month (58,760JPY)(Tian will submit the information to the insurance company.)
- Kaigaku need joining the Kakenhi, Tian will pay the Kakenhi and submit the document on 24th Jan.
- Kakenhi was paid on 24th Jan. Document of Kaigaku submitted, the paycheck will arrive on 1.26. Pay at the post office after that.
- [DONE]Report the flight information to JTB and Takahasi-san (Done on 2022.1.21 By Saito-sensei)
- Flight was decided: 1st Mar. UA6 and 30th Aug UA7. Saito-sensei paid the ticket.
- Set bank transer for the payment of apartment (not yet)
- Bank auto transfer will be set on 27th Jan.
- Stop gas and water during the visit. but Do not stop electricity (not yet.)
- Covid certificate when Tian goes to Narita (informed by Takahasi)
- Using the document, get visa of USA (done on 2021.12.28 by Y. T. $200)
- Ask a document of visit to Rice University (done on 2021.11 by R. Saito, $300)
- Contact to Prof. Kono (done on 2021.11 by R. Saito) Done